>Reading Sup Forums
>People keep calling me a nigger
Why can't you guys just let me relax and read about politics with my dog?
>Reading Sup Forums
>People keep calling me a nigger
Why can't you guys just let me relax and read about politics with my dog?
Other urls found in this thread:
I never saw a black woman with highlights in her hair like that
If your black that's fine. No niggers tho.
>inb4 300 replies of
cool dog, nignog
Why are you sleeping on your dog?
hey rabbi. whatchya doin'?
Your kind isn't welcome here, nigger.
Blacked.com the dog live stream. Put your dick in it...do it, faggot.
I get called eternal anglo, bong, bongistan, cuckistan etc. Its only words, everyone is a nigger in many respects.
Sand niggers
Potato niggers
Rice niggers
Ice niggers
Jungle niggers
We're all niggers, we are all from Africa, your skin is darker becuase your genes are from the equator and you need to be dark or you would burn.
Im ginger, think yourself lucky, at least your not embarrased to go on holiday and take your shirt off or wear shorts or get called Duracell or carrot.
We gotta keep it real.
You know how it is.
nice try buzzfeed enjoy the ban
mastiffs be gone
and take your niggers with you
It's better that you're here than on Worldstar.
You're the first black guy I've seen on poll! this is amazing! with a picture up I mean
Would you call me a nigger even if I'm in a suit?
Sup Forums is diverse
sweet puppa', my brotha'
no one hates you, even if some people have nationalistic racial policies, you are a human being who can do good and bad just as any other, chill most of this works by getting to affect you, you're going to get roasted and called a monkey etc...
>More civilized facial features than most black men
>Non-trashy haircut
>Redpilled dog
You're fine.
Hello newfriend
sorry 4 saying nigger
What the hell are you doing Shannon sharpe
Nationality over race.
Are you more proud of your country or race?
hey there mr. sharpe
What a huge ass smelly useless beast lol. Nice dog though. But nah you look bro tier to me. Hang around mate
this is actually extremely important for the left to understand
we all insult each others ethnicities and nationalities. The only difference is the people on the right can take it and dish it back.
>roo fucker
>potato nigger
>tree nigger
>poo in loo
>amerifat shart in mart
etc etc etc
but call a nigger a nigger and the whole world goes to shit.
>Hitler digits
>apologizing for saying nigger
Hello r*dd*t. Get the fuck out you stupid porch monkey dick sucking faggot. OP is a nigger and I'm not sorry for saying it
no one here really hates you the individual or collective, it's mainly Jewish and liberal provocateurs mainly the people here are just tribalism.
That's a big doggo.
So are you like a D-list celebrity or something?
this is the typical rabi, you need to learn patterns.
Why would you be proud of your country as a nation? Only thing you share with it is your passport. With race you share blood witch is more important.
why is with Sup Forums and sucking proverbial nigger dick so much in 2017
every time a nigger posts now it's "oh you're cool blacks aren't niggers race doesn't matter let me be your friend" etc
I swear to god it wasn't like this more than a year ago
what happened
>Thinking Sup Forums is going to care about someone too retarded to miss the political ideas of things like nationalism or smol government and anti-egalitarianism
I mean 16% or something of blacks overlap with the top 50% of whites on the IQ bell curve, but you must not be one of them. Kill yourself we don't want you.
There's only one real enemy
You may be a nigger, but you're my nigga.
Fpbp Based leaf
That's a big dog, OP
Clothes don't make a man. It's what's between your ears and in your heart.
You want to make the world in a better place? Believe in something real? Bust your ass working? You are a-ok.
i know that feel bro... they call me a leaf
There are anecdotes Jew
Shannon Sharpe if this is you say "shadilay" on the next Undisputed.
chill dawg we are all humans even if someone is German, French and wishes to be tribalistic to their people.. you need to break the Jewish conditioning.
Everyone stop the dick sucking!
This is typical r3dditor/antifa/crew faggotry. Cancering up 4gag with their moral faggotry. Kill yourself you literal subhuman
They're shills and/or r3dditors. FFS don't you learn man? We are literally under siege by Brock "I've taken 48 miles of nigger cock" Turner's losers at the moment.
Lol based aryan neggroviking
That dog has a very large head
This. No one needs to cuck for this retarded nigger / faggot. OP is a shill post.
There are more civic nationalists on Sup Forums because Trump is a civic nationalist and the concept of ethnic nationalism is impossible to implement in modern American society.
>b-but muh crusade! take back the white man's land!
Stop LARPing and face reality. We should work toward white-acting niggers, because right wing death squads will never exist and ethnic nationalists only recieve laughter and pity from people who actually make a difference on the political stage.
>Let's dog get comfy in bed instead of chaining it up outside year round
You're all white by me
typical jew.
Can't hate a dog lover, especially someone who has a molosser breed.
What breed is that? It has the colouring of a Presa but a big round head like a bull mastiff
Is redditfag spam filtered or are you just stupid?
Cool blog, no stop acting like a fucking attention whore nigger.
This nigga thinks that all the terms are literal, sincere, and binding.
That's a hell of an attitude for a newfag to take.
Not the ugliest black bitch ive ever seen
Smoke crack and worship Captain Crunch and you're cool in my book desu.
Because almost every Canadian post is awful ignorant shit coming from Leftists who ask newfag tier questions.
oh wow great lookin wonderful buddy there
would love to cuddle and romp with him
wonderful friend indeed is a huge dog
youre a lucky guy
Because we don't care about your feefees. Normies get out.
That picture is from years ago but if there are any actual black anons who still post here after Trumps inaugaration GTFO Sup Forums is white and so will America be soon.
reddit is (or at least was) filter contextually and I don't feel like dealing with changing my shit if it gets filtered.
People, even as retarded as the users here, have begun to realize racism has no place in the world in 2017
Being respectful and not being an enemy to blacks and this individual does not equate to civic nationalism, you can do the aforementioned and still be an ethnic nationalist, stop gorging Jewish semen from their books and media.
>Desu, must suck knowing you're a enlightened minority within your own ethnic/racial group
>branded a nigger anyways
There's a difference between blacks and niggers, there's just far more niggers than blacks.
that dog is fucking huge holy shit
Hah the chimp thinks hes people
Keep reading sir, the fact you can separates you from them.
Racism as racial hatredism of course has no place, but nationalism as in ethnic statism and such and racial preservation has its place and should be respected.
None of you fags even watch ESPN, bunch of numale faggots
If you're an ethnic nationalist, you want all blacks, mexicans, and asians deported.
How are you going to accomplish that? Not even meming. Tell me how you could possibly do that in a realistic way.
>Sup Forums is white
top kek, someone hasn't been watching HWNDU
THIS. What le drumpf tards don't realize is that its current year and like we should all suck each others dicks and not hate and stuff
Nah, while an individual black may not exhibit the phenotypical patterns we associate with being a nigger, they are still locked in his DNA and thus he must be treated as one until he is sterilized or relocated away from our gene pool.
>niggeranon here
saged and hidden
You're free to go, leaf.
Possibly not being an enemy of them and help them create their own ethnic states as human beings should help each other.
Being an ethnic nationalist doesn't mean I have to hate particular black people.
ESPN, owned by disney, ran by a jew
go fucking kill yourself you kike loving cocksucker
that's a big ol' dog
Can you put me in the screen cap for reddit
Just put a gold star on all these irrational and retarded posts that make us immidiately declare war on each other, I'm tired of the Jewish wars and conflicts that shouldn't exist.
being called a nigger on pol has nothing to do with your race faggot, stop posting your identity and youll be fine
>all the faggots falling for this weak bait
That's Shannon Sharpe, he used to play pro football. There's no way in hell that he would post on Sup Forums