This photo is coming up everywhere on my kikebook newsfeed, Sup Forums. Besides calling it an obvious strawman...

This photo is coming up everywhere on my kikebook newsfeed, Sup Forums. Besides calling it an obvious strawman, how should I respond to it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>thinks im pro-life towards minorites

I want her 6ft under with the rest of her ilk

>implying I'm pro-life

That's not a refugee
This is a refugee

I'm not pro-life though? Is being pro-choice now synonymous with being pro-immigration?

Only if those war torn countries had abortion clinics she never would have had to endure war.

post the video of the syrian boy being set up in an ambulance for photos

Intrigued - do you have a link, user?

Would love to dump that thing in mordor

Did they seriously dye that kid's hair? Also, not starving. Clothes appear in good shape. Fuck off, there are kids in America that look worse than that.

i say let them breed and let them die slow painful deaths why do you care for them

post a picture of a baby before it's out of the uterus at 9 months

"if you are comfortable killing babies, take your pro-choice sticker off your suv"

ive seen mutliple videos of syrians playing for the camera. one of them was funny as fuck, was just some guy smiling leaning against a wall but he sees the camera and then starts pretending to be in agony. Another they bury a kid in rubble and rescue it

>take off sticker
>replace it with DEUS VULT

Killing an infidel also brings Christians closer to God.


"Cherry picking at its finest since most refugees are economical ""moderate"" muslim men in their 20's"

Instead of making me take it in you take it in

Good one.

Did a reverse image search and apparently the kid was an Afghan refugee who found refuge in Pakistan.

I didnt save that one but i have this

Cut the cord before they pull the cord!

>implying all conservatives are pro-life

Tell them she's actually an assyrian Christian minority and muslims are hunting them.

That should shut them up.

We're protecting her from evil white males

Fix West Virginia first.

Great, it's terrible shite that's all over facebook and now you brought it here. You deliberately brought terrible shite to this board. Good work you fucking mong, now fuck off.

though i agree with you
you do not know what strawman means

nice photoshop.


is it normal to get erections with your bros?

I'm not pro life in fact woman should get more abortions, lot's more.

Australia you are the best. Love the banter bud. :D

I'm not comfortable with it at all, thats why I support politicians who will stop showering the region with weapons. Donald Trump's done more to bring peace to the region in two weeks than Barry did in 6 years.

Why is everything the white mans burden?


Fuck off with your b8, europeans are not obligated to take her in. Why are they not gauding the saudis into guilt like this?

oh they are no longer asking us to take them in they are now putting all the pressure on america

We are tired of doing everything for everybody else.. take care of your shit for once.

photoshop an immigrant """teenager""" from Sweden and leave the text as it is.


Ask where was their outrage when Obama was funding the people that tore that country apart

>get a job you bum!

The powers that be create the "refugee crisis" then blame us for the "refugee crisis" crisis.

We should just import the entire third world that way they can all have better lives.

That is a white child made up to look dirty

We are pro life though. We're letting them live, just not in our country.

>putting all the pressure on america
since when? if you have a sauce on this, I'll be goddamned

1)photochop dirty munchkin
2)Try to play on the hearts of the heartless


Just spam pic replies of the bataclan massacre, the truck attacks in nice and Berlin, mass rapes of cologne, and ISIS webms

Brother works at the Whitehouse. Said there's been a lot of road blocks getting funding for these children due to the Democrat roadblocks in congress, but Trump is working on an EO to confiscate ASPCA and Planned Parenthood donations and use those funds to support these refugees in need

They were just handing her off to one another silly goy.

Trump will set up safe zones where real refugees can live in relative safety and comfort (not counting the territories that Assad rules, they're already safe). There will be literally no excuse to take in hundreds of thousands of young men. Those who shun the safe zones and want to get to the west are obviously not actual refugees, so that will make vetting pretty fucking easy.

Appeal to empathy is so 2015.

>If you support abortions (killing babies), you have no right to pretend you care about about refugees lives and gun violence victims

Pro-life isn't about being pro-life, it's about men being angry women have the choice to control their lives with their vaginas

It's pro-"I don't want my gf to leave me, putting a baby in it should be an anchor, this is not fucking fair reeee"

Who cares their reasons for wanting to come here.. people should be able to go wherever they want you stupid racist.

almost no refugees are white. my personal objection is that about 85-90% are working age males. they should be fighting to rebuild their country not running away to destroy ours like cowards. if it were actually children i'd be fine with it. but seeing as how this thread is b8 anyway....

How many have you housed in your apartment ?
How many trips to syria did you take to help ?
How many refugee centers have you visited in support ?
Oh you've tweet angrily at some kids and spoke gentle words on the news ? Truly a hero, your moralizing hits me straight in the soul.

Why is the Wendy's girl a Syrian refugee now?


>tells ppl I'm pro life
>am secretly okay with leftist killing off their kind.


I hope none of you ever have children you sick fucks

> let millions of "refugees" in unvetted
> chaos happens
> they consolidate into sharia enclaves
> literally might as well have left this kid back there because nobody is going to do shit
> the world is now a worse place

It's not a straw man. Christian children are being crucified by ISIS, so if someone is pro-life it should automatically mean that he also wants to save those children.



Just remind them that bringing them here is the worse thing to do. If you make sure there are safe zones in the area, you can save over 121000 people for the amount of money you can bring 10000 into the country with. They are also able to build a future there, whereas over here in the west he will probably struggle to get over the differences and be worse off. Creating safe zones outs cheaper,more effective and better for both the refugees as well as the west. Just listen to stefan molyneux' last podcast about this topic.