What's up with liberals and violence towards literal white supremacist genocidal Nazis lately?
Why do they think it's ok to punch people who says Hitler did nothing wrong, gas all jews and niggers must hang on trees?
Other urls found in this thread:
>muslim country
Harrison ford is a Jew
Steven speilbeg is a Jew
Stan lee is a Jew
You are a Jew
>and Japan ends the thread
Whats up with the Malaysian drawfag making anti Trump threads all day and night? What can u possibly care about internal American politics? I sure as fuck don't kn ow or care about your current local politics yet here you are thread number 948 today?
>political violence is ok now
If you insist.
When I was a child, say around 10 years old maybe. I once asked my parents why it was okay for people to be Nazi's in America. To my 10 year-old mind it seemed silly that we'd allow people who wanted to do away with our freedoms to voice their hateful beliefs.
My parents explained that free speech was important, even if sometimes the very people using it would get rid of it if they could. I understood then that freedom of speech was an all or nothing deal. Either we protected all speech or else we could gradually find reasons to ban more and more. I understand this even better today looking at places like Canada, UK, or the rest of the Europe.
I can only guess that liberals never grew out of the child-like, very simplistic mentality I had when I was 10.
I hate what communists speak and I know that if they had real power they would restrict the freedoms of others. However they have the right to voice their BS. A culture of freedom of political expression means we can always challenge them, so I do not worry much.
I once thought that I was find in violations of privacy because I had nothing to hide. Until I got older and realized that other people might think differently and certain opinions I had might get me into trouble if they had their way. For example, if I was German and I criticized German immigration policy or felt refugees should be turned back I could get into legal trouble.
Someday, if things aren't turned around, then posting on Sup Forums about how white people should able and willing to advocate for their own collective interests could get me into trouble. In America. I look at the culture of college campuses and I'm afraid.
Whether anyone is a Nazi or not, they should be not be assaulted and violently shut down. The slippery slope is real. It is no fallacy. After all, for about a decade now liberals have been calling me racist for wanting our immigration policy enforced, so it is not much of a stretch for them to call me a Nazi too.
Antifa is codeword for Jewish racial supremacy.
how about
>images about when people punched Nazis after the nazis used aggression
It's not that they advocate punching nazis, it's that they call fucking everyone that disagrees with them a nazi.
How is apple pie American? I'm pretty sure people were making apple pies before the Americas were ever discovered.
How is punching nazis American? They fought with guns in ww2 and we're never occupied. At most they would punch a nazi during torture/interrogation, though that sounds pretty American. Just because captain america did something it doesn't mean it's American to do.
Kinda weird how you accuse someone who make nazi comics all day to be a hardline lib.
I thought nobody can resist the ""redpill"".
Looks like its just an edgy phase afterall aint it you dumb cuck?
Looks like the Jew programming worked.
They never said trump supporters
Just those who fly the nazi flag and worships green frogs for the deaths of non whites
>1941-45: Punch Nazis
>1945-89: Punch Commies
Yeah, I'll go with the other tradition, thanks.
commies are dead though.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!
They're alive and well. Antifa, Socialists, Marxists. Lefties of all kinds are Commies.
You dont want to go there faggot...just dont.
Solution obvious - accuse random liberals on twitter/tumblr/facebook of being Nazis/Trump supporters, other random liberals punch them.
what's sad is that liberals are such children that they really think hollywood and other jewish media represent America, or get to decide what is or isn't "American"
They're not even doing it ironically. I don't get it, and it's kind of scary. I feel like CNN could start broadcasting "kill all white males. It's the American thing to do", and these retards would blindly comply. I'm only half kidding when I say that.
i wish
>all lefties are commies meme
>paki education
Indianana jones is just a Jewish power fantasy. I mean Indiana literally "beats" the nazis with w Jewey ark of the covenant.
Kindly remind shitlibs that endorsing violence against any whom anifucks label "nazis" lead to the following:
These cretins are their heroes.
Im just going to leave this here.....yyyeeaaahhhhh
Nippon Needs to Re-militarize and face-rape China because you Samurai are BASED AS FUCK!
P.S. Im sorry my granpaw nuked you desu.
we punch harder
The funny thing is that most people who fought in WW2 probably had views similar to spencer.
Remember before 1965 non-white immigration was extremely restricted.
Malaysia was one of the countries that lost jobs when TPP got canceled.
OP is a paid shill.
It's beautiful
Oh look yet another CTR thread.
You people are going all out today.
You know the funniest shit I learned about "Antifa(gs)" in the last 2-3 weeks?
>60% Female
>Of that 60%....70% of them were lesbian, the others, just looking for a place to belong, really young, or just fucking retarded.
>Of the 40% remaining males 60% were gay
>Of the 40% remaining from that most were also really young, beta as fuck, scrawny, looking for a place to belong, or just looking for trouble flat out.
It is a predominate LGBT thing statistically from what I saw in DC. Not a threat at all 1 on 1.B\ Bunch of clowns. The second that people fight back they run like cowards. They are literally a fucking autistic zombie group.
I bet if 50-100 people wearing kek masks ran full blast at 1,000 of them.....they would scatter like fucking roaches. Look at what happened with the bikers on inauguration.
And real talk, when "MEN" stand against faggots, women, and kids what do you think the results will be?
make one with Deus Vult
As Christian as alleluia!
It's pretty much happening.
India NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!