If you want kids why don't you become a stay-at-home father?
If you want kids why don't you become a stay-at-home father?
Believe me m8 I would if I could
Sadly after the first year woman would get burnt out and demand to switch.
so disgusting
easily a tenant of a failing society
Because they won't be your kids.
This is exactly what happens
Because I haven't figured out how to get pregnant yet.
>for either partner
If it wasn't so dinduhunarable, I fucking would.
Women become unattracted to their house husbands and end up cheating. Guess who gets the kids and the career then?
How? Men taking care of their kids is natural.
oy vey!!!
Too bad the courts don't give a shit about what is natural when she finally gets the seven year itch and leaves.
they must provide for their kids
if the women provides she gets pissed
that her husband is a fag
>stay at home dad
This literally only works when you find a wife who is submissive as fuck and dedicated to family.
Anything less and the "liberated" working waifu becomes a cheating whore, while the dad who stays at home becomes a cuck.
that doesn't make any sense. Women cheat anyways. They would be likely to cheat if they were stay at home moms too.
The only reason a parent ever stays home is to care for a child. after that child is grown up a bit, both parents can go back to work.
>inb4 100 replies
More maternity leave has been statistically proven to raise birth rates in the west. If we take away maternity leave, we have to abandon the entire concept of feminism from the west. Fuck off you dumb ass burger!
the wife stays home
That's what I'm doing already, except I don't have any kids or a wife.
>Stay-at-home father
That's just asking for your wife to cheat on you
That'd be awesome. I don't really think that's an option desu. I'd have to provide more than that.
Couples were the woman is the breadwinner are more likely to end in divorce supposedly.
Seems true that women do lose attraction and respect more easily in this case.
I enjoy being dominant way too much to be a submissive beta cuck
I am going to be.
I brought home income for years, but due to market issues, my wife now makes a good bit more. In a few more years I'll be able to make more than her, so in the meantime, we're starting a family and I'm staying at home.
I also do all the yard work, repair cars, home repair, handle bills,cook, do dishes, feed cats, and do laundry.
She also will do laundry and clean.
>stay at home dad
>wife makes the money in the house
>get to stay home all day doing whatever, occasionally clean shit
>if marriage goes sour I get half
sounds good desu
SHUT DOWN THE DONALD. This is the kind of people you are letting fester, feast and metastisize. One day one of these attacks WILL I guarantee it, origin from someone in Reddit. However, I would not be surprised if this kid already was. He totally fits the dem. Reddit admins, blood will be on your hands. It's time, before it's too late, if it already wasn't in Quebec last night. Kill the_donald. It is creating radical extremists. This is fair warning.
>providing wife is submissive
>providing wife is dominant
So which is it?
I would if I had a good enough piece of land to work.