Have you seen a Jew squirm this much?
Tucker Carlson vs. The Jew
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what an inbred mutant
He fingered America's refugee policies as to blame for the alleged Holocaust, but quickly backed off that claim when Tucker called him on it.
Tucker in the zone.
Fact is, however, Jews *do* blame America's refugee policies for Jewish deaths caused by Hitler -- although many of them squirm and try not to put the blame on their beloved FDR.
that jewish pig is sweating bullets
Jews also conveniently forget their *own* culpability in failing to extract Jews from Nazi Germany who could have been extracted, but who was it not politically expedient for Jews to extract.
In short, Jews are hypocrites -- quick to criticize the mote in a Goy's eye, while ignoring the beam in their own.
Mah 6 gorllian
@ 6:07, Tucker *almost* calls him an oven dodger.
Jews use the blame game as a negotiating tactic.
They aren't serious. But if people fall for it, it's because they want to fall for it, so no harm done.
I love this guy Tucker. He's ruining Jews because of a simple quality none of them have -- being genuine
Dude I honestly didn't think jews as subhumans before he just blamed the US for the 6 million... what the fuck I am a nazi now
I can't believe you fuckers fell for Tuck the Cuck. He's literally just an sjw of the right. Get him off the fucking air
Holy shit Tucker is the GOAT.
>They aren't serious. But if people fall for it, it's because they want to fall for it, so no harm done.
Utter nonsense, if not complete rubbish.
By which I mean, Jews wield power by guilt-tripping the shit out of people, in a very serious way, such that they will explode in indignation if you question their sincerity.
You think there's no harm done? I can tell you, this is one of the many reasons that gentiles hate Jews. And I'll tell you another thing: the magic taboo of the Holocaust - that tamps down the kind of open contempt that Americans express for, eg, Muslims - is fast wearing off. The times they are a-changin'. The Jews need to check their shit or they're going to find the "United States" being added to the bottom of pic attached.
Good night.
Simple, brutal truth there Ruskie
Hardly. He doesn't make up thin shit to be offended by, he cross-examines the dubious motives who try to guilt-trip us into giving up our tax dollars on projects that have no sound basis in public policy.
The essential question Tucker posed was: What's the public policy behind your organization? And the guy REFUSED TO ANSWER THE QUESTION, except in vagaries that could not withstand scrutiny.
Outstanding cross-examination by Tucker of a very slippery witness.
I give tucker a 95% on this one, sometimes his arguments are a little rhetorical or he takes something his guest says with the wrong meaning but this was a clear cut BTFO
The Holocaust rebuttal was A+++ work there bud
I love Tucker I really do.
Yup! He clearly stated that it was because of immigration laws...
Why didn't Hitler finished the job
How based is fucking Tucker.. jesus
Tucker just laughs in these cunts faces.
He gave the Guest a lot of time to make his point. The holocaust rebuttal forced him on the back foot for the rest of the segment.
>Less than a minute
>Mu-Muh Holocaust
Oh for fucks sake.
Rest of the interview didn't go much better.
Tuck did good, but I really wish Israel would come up more often. Need to highlight the hypocrisy of ethnostate for Israel, but open borders for the West.
>stabbing the people in the back who saved you from extermination
How can jews honestly be surprised over why they get shoa'd from every culture they encounter? No shame at all.
This poor man had his Shabbos ruined due to our intolerant immigration policies
Jews say bring em all in nobody bats an eye. Trump says build a wall everyone looses there minds. Yep shit is as clear as day I see it everywhere now.
Holocaust invoked within 30 seconds of talking. wow.
>Mah 6 gorllian
Why are jews pro-immigration to the US but against refugees when it comes to Israel?
This is the golden question.
Jews want to destroy the in-group preferences of white Europeans so we can't group together and overthrow the jewish overlords. It was exactly the same thing that happened in Nazi Germany.
Hitler was 100% right about everything.
>we are not responsible for the refugee crisis
>bringing immigrants here and to Europe since forever
such jew lies lol
Oy vey Goyim you didn't help us enough therefore flood your country with people who are equally as greatful otherwise you want the holocaust
He didn't answer a single question.
this is how most of the jews came here, by lying that they are being prosecuted. bringing in more goyim refugees destructs the attention of the goyim hosts on the JQ.
I'm a Jew and even I think that comparing this shit to the Holocaust is absolutely retarded.
These people are coming from countries where there are civil wars, not one-sided genocide, and the people who are fleeing "oppression" this week were massacring their opponents last week. It's their war that they started and there's no reason for us to bail them out because their side is losing.