In this thread, list the good things white people have done for you.
PS: 'Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!'
In this thread, list the good things white people have done for you.
PS: 'Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!'
Other urls found in this thread:
provided me with medication, security, modern technology, democracy, liberty. pretty much everything good in the world, courtesy of whites.
>PS: 'Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!'
shut up jew
just go on /s/
all beautiful women are white. no one finds non-white women attractive for anything but sex.
>medication, security, modern technology, democracy, liberty
I don't know about democracy, but fuck yeah for everything else.
Yes, sir.
everything good
Post moar familiam
no u
not slaughtering all the undesirable shitskins despite having every resource and reason to do so
There are some attractive non-white women. We can appreciate whites without denigrating other races.
They taught this country about Jesus so this country wasn't just another soulless chink country
fuck off gook
We're benevolent gods who allow black people to say they're oppressed. If we were to ever turn into an ethnostate we'd be legitimately unstoppable but our well-intentioned morality stops us.
I thank white people for inventing computers and programming which has allowed us all to shitpost together and trigger the (((K I K E N V E R M I N))).
Go back to Somalia.
Jesus christ give her to me.
>our well-intentioned morality stops us.
Funny because whites used to be fucking brutal, take the Vikings for example. It's unbelievable how passive your average white is today.
woke up next to this thing now :^)
White people created teh interwebs
thousands of years of evolution produced the most beautiful, intelligent, creative, benevolent creature, white people. All races worship gods that live in the heavens, but we're the only ones to actually achieve it. Whatever we dream will come true. So if we dream of a world pure of jewish corruption and their shitskin hoards, one day it will come true.
I thank white people for inventing the JPEG format.
Hail Trump, Hail Victory
theres still whites there?
stupid fuck. white people didnt invent slavery, we ended it. theres more slaves in africa today than there were combined in all of america. not to mention the irish were the most enslaved race in america
bump we move closer every day
ethnic cleansing
The souless chink, the inbred dune coon, the lazy beaner, the subhuman nigger can never hope to produce art as beautiful as whites.
Guns. My life is guns.
Your devil trips are so appropriate.
t. weeaboo trash
You don't have to put down others to appreciate your own kind.
Bleaching by the White man make her somewhat attractive.
But, stop posting non-Whites burger.
Exactly. Look at Germany, they're allowing the Third Reich to dominate their moral system.
Look at what whites allow today. It's disgraceful. But if they were serious, for a single month. For a 30 day period. Everyone would fall in line.
True, but it just makes it all the more sweet.
Only high T can handle this.
>mfw tapped a nice polish chick in turkey when she was here due to orgasmus program or someshit.
wish she stayed a bit more actually.
Lesser races only exist to remind whites how great we truly are.
> white people
>PS: 'Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!'
Get the fuck outta here!
Guns are cool. Thanks white man.
>nigger proud that the only way white women will fuck an ape is by being paid
Most white girls hate niggers. Meanwhile all black girls pray for white men. Thats the reality, jamal.
i want to rape her so badly
Flag checks out
moisturize me beardo
they are paying nignog to fuck white chick as well actually.
> 8833
I need lotion
> destroying your own race
lol jews pay white women to fuck niggers actually, get it right roach
Anything for my fellow white men and women of this great country.
Thank you for the interwebs. It's a bit too good. So much time wasted, but I learned so much too.
Good times, white man.
>white appreciation
>posts actual whores
Some of my biggest benefactors have been white people. My mother is white. Most of my girlfriends have been white. Most of my sexual partners white. My best friend was a white man. A white man helps me even now.
But if this is a whores thread in disguise, then okay.
>1 post by this id
Reminder Trump is defeating the jew, he did not mention jews or 6 gorillion number on holohoax memorial day
thats not how pr0n works. they pay both man and woman to fuck each other.
Do turkish women exist? You're all equally brown and hairy.
Sup Forums doesn't consider Mediterraneans white, so whites can't be the master race. You needed to be civilized by them twice during Roman times and then in the Renaissance to start accomplishing anything. Sorry snowniggers.
>modern technology
Wait are you trolling?
Lol wut? Do you even understand what art is?
wheat skinned*
they are qt.
Your dick produces shit women...Get over it
eh, its still better than flat faced anglo-spawns.
What the hell is this?
Eating a half sliced baguette, THE LONG WAY, with what appears to be nothing but some sort of cheese and tomato cold.
Architecture can be art, shitskin.
Is this some user's gf?
buttmad contributionless shitskin detected