Why do you still believe in God Pol?
No one has been able to refute this mind boggling argument
Why do you still believe in God Pol?
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He sent visions at the times when going to Church might mean a public lynching
Not an argument
It depends. There are tons of counter arguments to this triad dilemma, but Mackie later solidified it as being a game changer once definitions were changed. The typical ones are
>Evil is a lack of
Evil itself is not a quantifiable concept. Evil is a lack therefore of something. As long as all things are not equal, the perception of something as evil will remain. E.g., An evil man is a man who fails to have sufficient compassion. If all men were of high compassion, he who had the least would become evil. Or in natural terms, cold doesn't exist. Cold is simply a lack of heat.
>Evil is a trick of perception
As in above, evil is a human concept and actually doesn't exist in the world. Cancer isn't evil, but humans view it as evil because cancer is as cancer does. A human piercing things as a sheep would view a lion as evil, but a lion is simply doing as a lion does.
>Free will allows evil to exist
Without free will terms like good or evil become meaningless because of a deprivation of choice. So, for good to exist in the sense of those making good choices evil must also exist as an opposite and thus the least good choice is evil.
>God isn't actually omnipotent as omnipotence is a paradox
If God is simply that which nothing greater than can be perceived, would it still not be God? Omnipotence is simply impossible, but to be extremely powerful is definitely possible.
There are more, but yeah. If this is what keeps you from god, you're really not reading into it much.
> human piercing things as a sheep would view a lion as evil, but a lion is simply doing as a lion does.
Can you please recommend some good books then?
What faith?
My parents are atheists as well
God grants us free will, and when your physical body dies, it is pretty fucking far from over
Abrahamic religions are garbage
I dunno, that's a bit of a pickle.
If you really want to go through all the arguments that you see plastered on facebook feeds I'd recommend
But the problem is that there is just a shit ton of breadth.
Yes I believe. God is x where x is unsolved and it is our task to solve x.
Not him, but the following books have helped me understand and shape my own faith
>Logic by Wilfrid Hodges
>Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
YThe Life Of Gargantua And Pantagruel by Francois Rabelais/Alcofribas Nasier
>Abrahamic religions are garbage
Is that why Mexicans love Catholicism so much?
My childhood with christian fundie parents precluded any sympathy I may have had for religions.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
>Hurr you can't refute my argument about an entity I can't possibly comprehend
Kill yourself you pretentious fedora tipping virgin
>implying Epicurus believed in "God"
How can good exist without evil? They are defined by their distinction. How can one live without choice?
Do you believe that because a book told you that?
>No one has been able to refute this mind boggling argument
Except for it's not mind boggling and Aquinas did it in the 13th century, and you can do it by just thinking about it for a few minutes.
But atheist love this quote as a divine inspiration for their religion.
>Abrahamic religions are garbage
>Hindu religions that are just bullshit made up stories with no historical evidence used to justify a cast system are real
god is all of those things and infinitely more. that isn't an argument against god.
>Evil itself is not a quantifiable concept
Is it more evil to kill 10 people that haven't hurt anyone, or 1 person who hasn't hurt anyone?
>evil is a human concept and actually doesn't exist in the world
But humans exist in the world, so if it's a concept humans have come up with, doesn't it exist?
>the least good choice is evil
But I thought it didn't exist...
I really tried to understand your argument but I can't get over the fact that your premises are contradictory.
Epicurians are the gluttons, right?
Good is a point.
Absent a reference to deviate from, why call anything evil?
Good can exist absent evil.
Evil can not exist absent the reference point of goodness.
>defending god with moral nihilism
wew lad