I can't be the only one who has noticed the surge of Russian flags here since the election right?
Almost as if there is a collusion going on
I can't be the only one who has noticed the surge of Russian flags here since the election right?
Almost as if there is a collusion going on
Other urls found in this thread:
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
reminder that this is just copy pasta from david brock's thing
Yes, you are.
Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements
in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside
Palestinian land in an obvious land grab.
This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.
Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.
If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
There was many my fellow countrymen long before the election.
Russians always posted here, and a lot of them too
>t. 2014 fag
i'm a conservative and i support israel.
if you don't support israel you can go fuck yourself
If anything i've noticed less
All genuine Sup Forumsacks are taking a break from the online shilling and instead enjoying that reality has become Sup Forums.
The reality is that the KGB successfully subverted this community, along with a few others, and now that we're openly pro-russia and pro-putin, they enjoy posting here too.
It's almost as if shills use vpns. Nah that couldn't be it..
It's pretty cool that Trump fired the attorney general and replaced her. Traitorous globalist bitch.
I guess it's just the best place to get opinions from leafs/murifats on current situation, I don't post a lot but reading /pol pretty fun and there is best memes available on the webs.
Fuck you. Russians are bro-tier now that they aren't filthy Commies anymore.
Thanks Italy, were cashing in a favor with the best friends club and having studies house "refugees" so we're coming for you two
Or the EU will admit they're just gibsmedat" economic migrants"""" in which case you're fucked
I am a russian and I am not a commie.
>supporting semitic kebabs
Try that again in English. We put refugees into camps instead of giving them cash so though technically our doors are open as per the EU 's demands, they refuse to come here.
It's called direct provision.
I hope you can tell that we are being raided 24/7 over the last few days.
>i'm a conservative and i support israel.
I'm a filthy phone poster, autocorrect. And don't act like your number is 0, its just they want to get through you to the real money.
Sup Forums has always been raided 24/7 they've just replaced all the lgbt and interracial shilling with anti-trump shilling.
Nuke Israel. Jews are of the devil.
>Get through us
They arnt coming from the Atlantic and our unemployment benefit is more generous than the UK's. They just arnt allowed to have it.
Aha haha. They get put in camps and are only giving food and total and absolute safety. These refugees have no interest in that for some reason.
>Government funded top secret propaganda campaign
>Can't buy proxies
I dunno, if russian gubberment can afford hacking the system, they can also afford VPN service or something
Where do the jews go if Israel is kill? You don't want more refugees, do you?
Inb4 in the oven
The gas chamber.
Your sleeping schedule got fucked up most likely.
Jewish Autonomous Oblast.
Atleast it makes them easy to filter.
Months of all news saying Russians are shilling for trump and tying it into pol.
Surprised Russians get curious and start hanging out.
When that slut posted the wanted ads for 'Sup Forums experts' on reddit one user made a pretty sensible post about how they're probably developing tay-like anti-trump bots.
I'd be looking into bots too if I were them, paying all these niggers can't be cheap
sure thing, mate
>go to Sup Forums in 2016
>Ctrl+F "russia"
>stable 40-60
>5-10 CTR treads about muh Russian hacker or whatever else
>go to Sup Forums now
>Ctrl+F "russia"
>5-15 results, hardly over 20 sometimes
go figure
Do you have any idea how valuable the head of cyber forensics at Kaspersky was? Every time an IC op was burned and Kaspersky investigated it there could be a leak back to the IC about how it happened to prevent the burn in the future. Kaspersky investigated the Stuxnet sample collected at the Iranian nuclear power plant.
The NSA raw intel being released to every IC agency in the US means they will be able to comb everything to find every suspected Russian contact, handler and asset communicating in a way that the NSA could monitor. Should be interesting for Russian flags.