Give me one good reason why pedophilia should be illegal

Give me one good reason why pedophilia should be illegal

>As of yet unrefuted study concludes that it is not inherently harmful for children to have sex with adults

Redpill yourself right now and give this a read:

Despite the MASSIVE controversy surrounding the publishing of this article (Rind et al Controversy) and multiple (unsuccesful) studies performed to try and find data that conflicts with Rind's findings, this research still holds true.
>study done In July 1998 titled "A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples"
>psychologists analysed the association between child sexual abuse and maladjustment in college samples
>reported that childhood sexual abuse is only slightly associated with psychological harm, and that harm may not be due to the sexual experience, but to negative family factors in the children's backgrounds.
>They also reported that "consenting" boys show no evidence of harm and often have positive reactions to sex with adults.
>girls slightly higher degree of harm
>ancient greeks viewed it as beneficial for boys to have an older male role model and lover
>Sambia tribe practices "boy insemination" where boys of the village perform fellatio on the young men. The belief is that a mans semen is required by the human body in order to develop into a strong adult male. Anthropologists that have studied these tribes have found no negative mental or other repercussions upon the many generations of men who have gone through this. They go on to marry and have families after themselves providing the semen for the younger generation.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lack of informed consent.

Pedophilia is not illegal wtf
Thought crimes don't exist [yet]

That was damn fast

There isn't one.

Antis will come in with their baseless "cannot consent" brainwashed rhetoric with no proof of it.

Case in point:

In my opinion it kind of is since viewing CP is illegal. Not being able to view something is a thought crime in my mind and a violation of the first amendment.

I just happened to be looking up and saw the signal when it flashed.


If you need someone to give you a good reason it's because you are a pedophile and don't have the mental ability to understand inherently why its wrong. If this isn't a troll, then you're a monster.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.