Sweden Yes!

Swedish feminist is surprised that people around the world think that Sweden is unsafe and has got a rape problem. Remember to downvote her.


> So many misunderstandings and distorted notions abound right now for Sweden around the world. We Swedes who meet these prejudices must pull together to defend our homeland.

>(cigarette)Butts are crowded with empty wine box on a table at a hostel terrace on the west coast of Australia. Around the table sit one from Switzerland, one from the Netherlands, some from Germany and so I. Backpackers gathered in a common interest, to travel. As for hours discussing the differences between our political systems and which of us tend to be most open. Sometimes views differ, and sometimes we agree with each other.

It is half past four in the night when one of the men around the table asking me right out. I'm not afraid when I walk on the street in Sweden? No, I will not be afraid, I answer. Rather, I was frightened by his question. I ask why he does it, even though I already know the answer. I have heard it many times before during my trip.

Other urls found in this thread:


>It is about the refugees. Is it really as bad as the newspapers write? Of course, Sweden is the country with the largest number of rapes per capita? And I have always seen Sweden as a utopia in the dream of a welfare state, but of course it change now?

>The frightening questions and assumptions about my home country after another. They come from every direction, the one farther from the truth than the other. Time and time again I have to defend my country.

>Det är med en obeskrivlig stolthet i min raka rygg som jag kan försäkra dem om att jag visst känner mig trygg i mitt land och att det är manskulturen som genererar våldtäkter, och inte den kurdiska eller syriska. Men det kommer också en molande oro längst ner i magen när jag inser att allt är relativt. I kontexten jag befinner mig i just nu är jag stolt över mitt hemland, men väl hemma ställer jag mig kritisk till det som händer i Sverige. Med tillfälliga uppehållstillstånd och allt mer stängda gränser.

>The same man who asked if I fear mean that the Swedish policy within ten years will be based on Islamic values. He has traveled the world and seen a lot, he assures me. He knows how it works. Confidently I add him on Facebook and promise to come back in ten years to show the opposite.

>It is with a tremendous fear for the future I am currently traveling around the world and talk to people about Sweden. So many misunderstandings and distorted notions abound right now for the cold country up north.
Can not we all Americans right now are in distant countries promise each other to never stop defending our homeland? The upright sitting in the living room and stand up for what really is as simple as human rights? If we pull together, we can kill those thoughts about Sweden as a nightmare country and instead get everyone to understand that we are in fact a positive example.

Sorry for fucking up the format, I'm phoneposting from work.

>tfw Sweden is so cucked that Germans are passing judgment irl
Th-thanks for the chemo, guys.

No, don't give that website any views. Do not click it!

Wouldn't dn be one of the less cucked of the msm here in Sweden? Still cucked compared to the rest of the world obviously but we do live in sweden.

It's one of the largest news sites in our country, do you seriously think that our clicks would even be seen in the statistics?

"does voting for a political party even matter"

Get your shit together brothers

They can't, even their Defence Minister agrees.

Well, it hardly does, and this is a huge level below that. You're just being silly, we aren't winning anything if we don't confront our enemies in every shape and form.

Just look at what the boomers did to Sweden by being passive.

Sweden needs to be quarantined from the rest of civilization. It's an even bigger failed experiment than Canada.

How did they go from vikings to cucks?

Swedish neutrality was a mistake

Legitimate hate for Svedes here :3
Crusades are starting, are you ready Sven?

He's a socialist sjw, of cause he agrees.

And we have the world's most incompetent government. Everyone too stupid to work in the private sector works in the government.


>It's an even bigger failed experiment than Canada
Not really.



>former Swede here. This is fucking hilarious watching Sweden crash and burn
You can't leave a race.

Haha, it's exactly what they're saying. Women everywhere, at least here in the south, are anxious about going out alone at night. But she's probably from a high class neighborhood in Stockholm.

Anyone whos born in sweden is swedish as is anyone who identify as one.

Women generally have no empathy.

´They can't put themselves in someone else's shoes and see it from their point of view. If someone else gets raped but she thinks she isn't in any danger herself they don't care.
Only if they are personally affected or there is a risk they might, they start to suddenly get invested.

And no, bawling your eyes out because you saw a sad movie or a picture of a dead refugee child isn't empathy.
It's emotional instability.

>det är manskulturen som genererar våldtäkter, och inte den kurdiska eller syriska
Vem är det som påstår detta dock? Våldtäkter på asylboenden är nästan uteslutande Afghaner. Kurderna och Syrierna är några av de minst problematiska grupperna. Nästan alla våra problem hade lösts om vi sett till att Afghanska flyktingpojkar inte åkte snålskjuts på Syrienkrisen.

Bara för dig sötnos

I have upvoted her post.

What do I do now?

Kill yourself

This. It's always the fucking high-class city people lecturing us peasants on our privilege.

> b-buhuh I live a garish, decadent life full of privileges I did not earn and don't deserve, better blame my entire race for this so I don't have to feel bad or improve myself.

These people vote. These people are why your country is the way it is. These people are why your women can't go out at night.

And then, because they are protect in their high-class city neighbourhoods, they assume that there are no problems and that it is just the white privilege talking when people complain about the refugees.

It was nice knowing you, Sweden.

>Det är med en obeskrivlig stolthet i min raka rygg som jag kan försäkra dem om att jag visst känner mig trygg i mitt land och att det är manskulturen som genererar våldtäkter, och inte den kurdiska eller syriska. Men det kommer också en molande oro längst ner i magen när jag inser att allt är relativt.

It's all relative, bro! There's no wrong or right! Truth doesn't exist, and that's a true statement! We're all equal!

no, dn is the worst of the big established papers

Necklace yourself.

Atleast 60% chose, dose not agree.

I think it's more that they're trying to be mainstream.
Being a liberal/SJW/hardcore feminist = free likes and confirmation on social media. They give no shits about the refugees and immigrants, and as you can see in the article she literally doesn't believe it's a problem because she isn't affected by it on the 20th floor at the DN skyscraper in the middle och Cuckholm.


It's fucking amazing. Feminist won't doubt to say that they live in a rape culture, but when someone point to refugees they deny it or find excuses for them.

The cognitive dissonance it's absolutely oustanding.