Sup Forums how many girls have you impregnated and how many girls do you plan to impregnate in your lifetime
Sup Forums how many girls have you impregnated and how many girls do you plan to impregnate in your lifetime
I have custody of all my kids cause I'm awesome.
cool story bro
Not that I know of
I shouldn't be so attracted to this
Eight women total.
Six kids. I don't know I may go for a few more.
And they're all paid for.
If you nutted in a girl at a party and never saw here again does that count?
I have one FUCKIN WHITE MALE son, plan on having 2-3 more with the same woman.
I think I'm done now.
1, and 1. The exception being a divorce or an unexpected death of the family member.
Good job
This, I usually find pregnant women repulsive
none, planning to impregnate my waifu when anime becomes real
I'm a masculine, blue eyed blonde haired faggot and while I dislike women, I have traveled the world and left sperm in many banks. I continue to do this.
My goal is that in 800 years people will look at the population and say:
>Holy fuck, whoever this guy is, he spread his genes farther than anyone else before, even more than Genghis Khan
i have 7 kids with 1 woman
Sluta nu
none, 15+, take care of 5 of the kids
Fucking mutts making more mutts. Please kill yourself.
I thought pregnant chicks were gross, then I hooked up with one for a couple months and holy shit it was awesome
>lactation is fun
>her nipples and tits are swollen and more sensitive (in this case she loved the extra sensitivity)
>my dick assumed direct control after seeing her naked and instantly went diamonds, there is a reason many ancient fertility goddesses look pregnant or capable of childbearing
I can't imagine how much better it would be with a woman you love who is carrying your child
inb4 cuck memeing we stopped seeing each other shortly before the babby was born
I knocked up an 11 year old girl when I was 13. Thank god for abortion!
one a few times, three sounds good
relax, it would only be a problem if we were making more Leafs
please grow up and face reality, memes aside.
there won't be any fucking anime when the brown horde replaces whites in sweden.
Fucking West Virginians GTFO
One, One.
actually my wife and me are both white have been together since freshmen year of high school
>inb4 cuck memeing we stopped seeing each other shortly before the babby was born
Doesnt matter user, we all know what aroused you, just like you do. You were born to be cucked.
My future wife, if I ever get married.
Zero, One.
You're still a mutt. Let me guess, you're proud of your Anglo and/or German and/or Irish and/or Scottish and/or French and/or Italian ancestry and you consider yourself to be European.
Lol, mutts should just hang themselves.
nice try leaf but i wont fall for your shit b8
Leaf what will you do when pic related happens
Two with my wife trying for a third, I know there all actually just bogdabot babies but it's fun to pretend
0 i have a hereditary bone disease that i couldn't live with myself knowing i passed on to my child, so unless they find a way to make absolutely sure it wont get passed on, ... perhaps adoption?
1 wife 4 white sons. great time to be alive!
0 and 0
d&c leaf worse then kikes
canada is getting more cucked by the day, your west coast is a chinese territory and refugees pour in by the day.
1, 2. Haven't worked out the logistics of decamping yet, will wait for spawn to grow up and move on first.
The fem im with now bought a dog yet refuses to walk it or pick up its crap in the garden when im at work. Its over.
Youre in canada. You have not legs to stand on in this regard. Also there is nothing wrong with out breeding as long as you arent doing it with bad populations.
No food stamp required to get this bait, come take it you literal chimp.
Probably join forces with whoever is doing the raking.
60%, or are we at 45% already? Kek.
Earn enough money
get a bunch of people that also have it
test them to find the gene
you should be able to edit your childrens dna in ten years or so. But they have to know about the defect first and thst can take awhile.
My genes are evil
>You're in Canada
You realize it's memes and all, right? You realize the US is far more cucked than any western country, if that shithole can still be considered western? Your country is ran by Jews for the Jews. But hey, my PM is stupid and got elected because of his pretty face.
>tfw pregnancy fetish
I need to make this happen.
all of them
>tfw have a fetish for white men impregnating non-white women
>tfw want to have children with a non-white woman, even though I know any child produced would probably be a shunned mutt
Probably zero for both