Just when it was all going so well.
Terrorist who killed 6 in Quebec was member of the alt-right
Other urls found in this thread:
what happened to the other shooters?
How do I become a member? Right now I just post here.
Will you #shitpostwithme ?
>giving vice clicks
Archive that shit or I ain't reading it ricenigger.
Had nothing to do with alt-right.
>terrorist who killed 49 in orlando nightclub member of the Democratic party since first vote
His wife was really arrested. She was in on it.
My membership in the alt-right is only valid until jan 31st, can someone post the membership form please?
27 still in university
No friends
Bullied in high school
Ugly virgin who complains about 'feminism'
Pro Trump
Mass shooter
Yup, pretty typical serf from Sup Forums
The Muslim who ran off was found to be a witness who fled the scene.
I forgot to sign up for 2017 so I gotta wait until next year before an opening fml
too bad this guy didn't get more. Kill ratio is fucking weak
Actually it's more like a religion. You have to be born into it or ask an alt right rabi 3 times. Then he performs the rituals.
Actually the attacker was a Jewish man who grew up in Japan.
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Here's how this works.
Muslim kills whites = terrorist scum.
White kills muslim = hero terror fighter, deus vult.
It's the muslims who invade Quebec, not the other way.
Having a religion of peace member be a shooter was bad for the narrative, thus he is now a witness
He was also an athiest, bet no one is mentioning that
Real world
>far-left - left - centrist - right - far right
The world according to leftists
>far-left - alt-right - alt-right - alt-right - alt-right
Buy this book, sign up forms back page.
> not having an Alt-Right Platinum Membership card