Anybody else disappointed by the quality of the Shareblue shilling?
Even CTR was better and they were shit
Anybody else disappointed by the quality of the Shareblue shilling?
Even CTR was better and they were shit
Not gonna lie, former CTR voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching shareblue crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
Not gonna lie, nuclear codes here. This is fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let the former Trump voter get his hands on me.
What is a good meme name for them? Shareblue is too many letters to type
Can we just keep calling them CTR to undermine their attempt at a rebrand?
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes...
CTR wanted to subvert/demoralize
These faggots just want to destroy out of spite because they lost catastrophically. While its humbling to know they think we're worth $40m, I'd much prefer David Brock to just fuck off and die
They also go under the name CREW.
Jew Crew might fit.
>DAE regret voting trump? I sure do
>me too user, hes not doin what i wanted him to
meanwhile he's literally just fulfilling campaign promises
The KGB knew how to infiltrate. It's like these dopes have never been to pol before
That kid with the red skully on the Shia stream is a straight up pussy lol holy shit. How does this dude stay quiet around the Shia crowd but when they leave, he opens his mouth. FOH -- Go home.
Remember those threads about how in ancient Rome or something their was graffiti oddly reminiscent to Sup Forums posting?
It's just so funny that any "establishment" views the ancient artform of shitposting as a threat. What a world we live in...
too easy
It's like they're being shitty on purpose.
Maybe its to squeeze more money outta clinton n senpai
Damn, Red Pill Mulatto's last day.
These Facebook stats seem genuine and not bots
Almost lost my drink on that one. Honorary Australian for you
They can't even fit it. It's painfully obvious.
Is this sharejew or CTR?
Bretty gud
Not gonna lie, former CTR voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching shareblue crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
It's early days for them, they have no fucking idea what they are doing, they need time.
Imagine what pol is like to people who've never even used Sup Forums before.
unlucky fucks.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Not gonna lie, Bill Clinton here. Hillary is sucking the life out of my soul. Pls send help
lol. I wonder how many of them are going to get redpilled and be like....oooo shit, pizzagate is real and that is who is paying me to shut up these people who are saying nigger
Shoutout to the mods for deleting those threads though I've hidden a shitload but I'm down to 4 left
they haven't even reached outside of their own territories
but, remain vigilant
They're spending money to make us look like we are one of them. Just let them do it.
I have no idea really.
I dunno, even CTR is too good for them. It'd be insulting to CTR to call them CTR.
Same pic you used in the last thread ShillJew
Your mantras are so bland and boring it doesn't even merit a smirk
If its amateur level shilling. Standard gore n loli would probably haunt most of their dreams
>Drew Geliebter
(((True Believer)))
also NHTs
and so it was decreed
Why are mods not deleting shill threads?What's their endgame?
I'm definitely liking Jew Crew
or JC's for short
man just think if this nig would work this hard at getting a job. Back to Zimbabwe for you. Make Lincoln proud
40 mill. Wouldn't be suprised if a mod spot was being rented, not to mention shills increase traffic. More traffic =More ads. If you're gonna get shilled regardless, may as well pocket some sheckles
If digits it's Jew Crew or JC for short.
I think CTR was actually paid, whereas these newbies are just amateur normies and leftycucks.
Not really going to plan is it?
There it is.
Confirmed, praise kek!
What if someone calls you a shill? Censorship is pretty dangerous path. Maybe we could just make a OP limit like only 1 thread every 10 minutes or something.
Kek approves, so be it!
Alright KEK.
If you say so...
This is what happens when you outsource your shilling to china
Serious question about drumpf, do the recent executive orders regarding the detention of entire populations really not go down negatively?
CTR was less obvious, shareblue can't into subtlety and are just regurgitating CTR posts. Does it cost money to write new slide topics?
You hear that Brock ? Shareblue is even more useless the CTR
I looked st their job openings but couldn't find anything deeply shill related. Theirs and bride/crew. I have a really good resume please let me work as a shill. I love close to D.C. Brock can lock me up in his vault and jerk off to me shilling while I eat sushi
I'm saying obvious shill threads like "DRUMPF BTFO BLAH BLAH BLAH".don't ban the posters, but the dickheads who make the threads.
Hire american shills or gtfo
Bridge* sorry on mobile XD
>CTR / SB tries to shill on here
>everyone else just plays along because too obvious
>only newfags get triggered
>mfw all is right again
Jew Crew lost before even beginning. Shill quality .5/10
i got it, bullshit
Let them do it.
They just got 40Millions.
I rather they waster their money here on Sup Forums rather then spending it on something that might actually work.
They only bother with making the OP most of the time because YOU FUCKING RETARDS GIVE THEM 300 REPLIES!
Shoo Shoo, Schlomo Shillblue.
Here's what the autists at /cfg/ dug up about CREW
From the /cfg/ doc.
>Who Funds CREW?
>The Foundation to Promote Open Society (controlled by liberal billionaire financier {{{George Soros}}} and his family): $740,000 since 2010
>The Open Society Institute (another foundation controlled by {{{Soros}}}): $150,000 in 2010
>The Bohemian Foundation (controlled by Colorado Democratic donor Pat Stryker and her political operatives): $850,000 since 2010
>Gill Foundation (private foundation of Colorado Democratic mega-donor Tim Gill): $608,615 since 2010
>Dyson Foundation (family foundation of the late Charles Dyson, an FDR Administration official, leveraged-buyout titan, and longtime board member of liberal group Common Cause): $500,000 since 2011
>Steven M. Silberstein Foundation (run by Stephen Silberstein, a Democracy Alliance financier and member of the board of advisers for U.C. Berkeley’s public policy school who made his money in the software industry): $500,000 since 2010
>Marisla Foundation (environmentalist foundation run by J. Paul Getty oil fortune heiress Anne Getty Earheart): $425,000
>Leland Fikes Foundation (controlled by Lee Fikes, Texas oilman and major donor to Democrats and abortion-rights causes): $200,000
>Daniel and Janet Mordecai Foundation (foundation controlled by major Colorado Democratic Party donor Janet Mordecai): $100,000
Most likely a shell company-
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
455 Massachusetts Avenue NW • Sixth Floor • Washington, DC 20001
Slow news day.
Only won like 3 times.
holy fuck that was fast
the jew crew is going down
Obviously telling people they are shills doesn't work.It's either retards handing them replies, or them baiting other posters.
>only newfags get triggered
90% of Sup Forums users are redditfags now.
>muh based black man
>racemixing is great
>muh civic nationalism
>responding to obvious slide threads
>half of the boards threads are obvious ctr shit
>no mod deletes them
>good threads get 0 replies and 404
It is decided
Only works in real topics. Slide topics will get bumped regardless. Best thing you can do is continue to bump the real threads
>it's another george soros episode
Nigga you made me laugh
Meh I don't miss half the board being holohoax and illuminati threads
>weaponized autism
Welcome back senpai
They actually use that terrible Oliver meme. This is the so fucking bad goddamn.
I don't take credit for their work.
I just want their contributions to be remembered, despite my distaste for their their tripfaggotry.
You can filter most easily
Make it so
We are in a long term boss battle here. This is just their first form, the other forms will be tougher and more advanced.
LOL WHAT A JOKE, They just tell the people that give them $$$ whatever they want to heat for more $$$. Where else can these people get a job in Washington now? Theyll whore themselves and tell the hand that feeds whatever it takes.
What do you think Digital Manager does?
That's worth a (You).
These people have discords, irc's, and tax info for the all of their members. They probably wised up on the tax stuff and have started hiding the operatives names, so if we can prove that they're not properly documenting their super-pac stuff then we might be able to get them in trouble with the IRS.
I would ask if these people are delusional, but I already know the answer.
Are they a superpac or LLC?