Hey maybe I am just slow Sup Forums but i don't get all the hate for asians. Why do you guys think they are so inferior.
I am going to settle down soon with my half caste asian girl and raise a great family of nationalists.
Why all the hate i really don't get it, red pill me.
Why are asians inferior, I don't get it?
>former Asians
They're not inferior, they're just different then us.
Same cannot be said for nogs, sandniggers and Poos though.
When we destroy all untermensch races, we will populate the earth and lead man into the stars.
They're a lie
Asians are the second most trustworthy race next to whites. Fuck I would trust an Asian woman over a shit ton of white women these days. Fucking liberal coal burning whores.
Did you just assume his ethnicity????
This. The north sentinelese are finished
I got the joke
What are bushmen?
Our 7/11 stores!
The dark red in southern africa
They feel the need to compensate for their small dicks by ricing shitty Honda Civics.
>asian mulato's have a tendency to murder their parents.
This is true for nearly all women.
they're not inferior, they're cute. cute!
There is no distinction between grey and white brain matter in that chart which renders it completely useless and unscientific. I wouldn't use that to prove any sort of Asian nationalist agenda as it only goes to show they know very little about the actually workings of the human brain.
Because some people here are mindless redneck-racists "If it ain't white it ain't right"-types. Others are patrician logical racists like myself, and only look down on the races that have proved time and time again that they are not worthwhile, by actions and by IQ-tests (arabs, blacks, basically all muslims by virtue of following an objectively evil religion).
They're not inferior. They've got high IQs, perseverance, and a strong proclivity to work hard.
It's just that most of the Asians can't think outside of the box. Culture isn't conducive to critical thinking, only conformity is allowed. At one point it becomes sad.
Only weird and undesirable white men go for Asian women. That's why it's so common for the beta and FAT guys on Sup Forums to like Asian women. You couldn't land a white woman with your paltry wages and old vehicles.
Face is everything when it comes to women. They know this, that's why cosmetics is a multibillion dollar industry.
Asian faces are unattractive. They have beady eyes and flat noses. No one finds their faces attractive, not even fellow Asians.
You're a fucking loser and a dipshit if you have to resort to those Down-Syndrome-looking creatures.
I just thought it was interesting cause it lines up perfectly with iq. I'm white, not a chink shill
yes it can
this is quite cool. both are cute. "ugly" side has as much makeup as other side.
>1 gorillion Asians
>supposed superior IQ
>obsessed with results or seppuku for shamefur dishpray
>still the west created television, phones, cars, atomic bombs, internet, shitposting, etc.
Asians are a joke. They rely entirely on western science and technology.
>Asians can't think outside of the box
Their porn is pretty out there though.
Most Asians are ugly, soulless, subhuman retards. That's just how it is. They are, on average, inferior.
Asians team up with blacks to fight whites any day of the week.
They've invented PLENTY of things historically. They have just fallen behind in modern times.
You were a former Swede not long ago.
Oh shit! Forgot to mention that. Apart from porn and how to cook different animals (or every animals), their culture doesn't reward them to think outside of the box.
They aren't, in fact, they are superior.
They're obviously better. White supremacists can't stand the fact that we're #2.
>tfw korean waifu
their not inferior, they have best-tier feet in sheer nylon pantyhose to worship!
one side is intentionally made to look really bad
This is historical fact, not retarded nigger mumbles.
>Talks about IQ.
>Daga, Brazil da.
>Lists mostly American inventions.
>Daga, Brazil da.
>Talks about science.
>Daga, Brazil da.
>Talks about technology.
>Daga, Brazil da.
>Talks about jokes and being reliant.
>Daga, Brazil da.