The CTR are trying to distract you from this

A war with Iran is being Introduced into the house by a DEMOCRAT.{"search":["iran"]}&r=7

Other urls found in this thread:{"search":["iran"]}&r=7

No ctr bot spam yet, Must be ignoring this for a reason. Bump

Bump, first I've heard of this

sign me up

What is a veto


Fuck Dyncorp and fuck pedophiles

>to president

bye bye bill

Let them get a nuke first so they can drop it on Israel, then we can go to war.

Go figure a Dem would want a warm again.
>The Party of Peace!

They're not bots.

Just call them autists and post pro-Trump memes no matter what. This kills the kike's will to shill.

Just had a grand old time with one of them in the hwndu thread.

>(a) In General.—The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as the President determines necessary and appropriate in order to achieve the goal of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Basically means he is allowed to use military force if the nuclear deal is unsuccessful. No declaration of war just yet.

for what purpose?
i thought dems were pro iran over israel?



Pls send wacky gifts to these guys for their hilarious shenanigans they provide.

Not gonna lie, former nuclear code here. This is fucking hilarious.

dude it's nothing. they can't get it approved without trump. if anything this thread is CTR trying to get us to be outraged and then make people think this is trumps bill to declare war but it's illogical.

IMF closing in

>YouTube artist jontron also associated with birds
Could he perhaps be a prophet?

God bless you fuck Brock unless he gives me a job I have a really good resume


Fucking warmongering Democrats

>I wonder who's behind this bill.

The guy who introduced the bill represents Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's former district. You can guess what kind of people live in Miami suburbs.

Bump. CTR will not slide this

I suspect he might be on a certain hidden donors list

but birds eat frogs

Pure coincidence.

Pipeline was Iran-Iraq-Syria. Doesn't Iran stand with Syria (Assad)?

and then Russia

this will be Vetoed

For some reason this is fueling my dream of seeing Israel getting nuked. This feels fucking great. Can't wait for boots on the ground in Iran. Man, the United States never let me down.

What do we have here?

>Bill submitted by Democrat on Jan 3rd; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs

>The bill authorizes the president to use military force against Iran if they pursue nukes.

I can see mossad pulling a WMD.
Fuck this shit.

Why is Thoth a birb

Israel assassinated all of Iranian nuclear scientists.

Of course it's being proposed by a filthy Democrat.

This is what they wanted if Clinton became president.{"search":["iran"]}&r=7

>dude it's nothing. they can't get it approved without trump. if anything this thread is CTR trying to get us to be outraged and then make people think this is trumps bill to declare war but it's illogical.

Trump did held pro-israel anti-iran positions during the campaign and there's no evidence he changed his views since then.


who cares why would we care about this?

Trump is a man of peace he's not going to go to war, he's not a democrat.