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We finally agree. I want completely closed borders too.
No Christians come to the United States anymore, because our country is full of blacks and immigrants. They are better off their own countries. America only attracts sub-humans now.
You have no power lol. Maybe win the election next time
Where is bullshit coming from that the attack was fundamentally influenced by radical evangelicalism?
O.5c has been deposited into your CARE(bear) account.
The vast majority of Christians are Blacks moran.
Banning all leafs is something we can all agree on
It wouldn't sound ridiculous if there was a foreign Christian terrorist organization whose goal is to eventually take over the world and force people into their religion.
You're right. Shut the border down to ALL immigration period. Pure nativism is the only answer.
>The vast majority of Christians are Blacks moran.
In that case, please do ban Christians as well.
I support a ban on Canadians
Didn't Obama already reject a shitload of mideast christians?
if you want a country where muslims fuck you over daily, move to germany.
all the christians already are there
Was he christian though?
Meme all you want. We won, try anything silly and I swear I will kill you all.
If I were you I'd tell those ANTIFA faggots to shill out.
so is the cia monitoring our threads 24/7 now
God liberals need to fuck off
>one Christian shoots up a place
>hurr durr its comparable to the millions Islam has killed in the last 10 years
>hurr sure it's not like islam has created more radical branch offs than any religion in existence or anything haha
Yeah like, Christians persecute and kill muslims on a daily basis in islam-controlled countries?
Thoses guys, really
We banned countries tho. BAN CANADA
Reality check, christian refugees were turned down en masse by Obama and EU already, they purposley avoided them to only accept muslims, this isn't even news. Why do you think Trump has mentioned the christians in the middle east as the group in most danger? Because they are, and they are actively being denied refugee status, it's a christian genocide, thank the jews once again.
>he was full m'lady fedora tipper
What did they mean by this?
>ban Christians
Wow that's pretty racist considering a lot of Christians immigrants are people of color. Should've said what they really meant which is "ban white people"
I mean sure, if Christians start becoming a problem, institute a ban, I don't give a shit which religion terrorists are.
we're in power now. we can just ignore the hippie butthurt.
>one Christian shoots up a place
Dylann Roof, Spanish Inquisition, the countless wars in the Middle East, Westboro Baptist Church, and finally THE 4 FUCKING CRUSADES THAT THE CHRISTIANS DID.
Jesus Christ, I used to be a Christian but then I saw all the horrendous stuff that we Christians have done.
Education yourself.
10 bucks says they had this meme ready before the attacks
>Was he christian though?
Were his actions remotely keeping in character with the example set by Christ, the Disciples, and early Christians? No they weren't so no he wasn't.
On the other hand violent Muslims are behaving in ways completely justifiable by simple reference to the character and actions of Muhammad himself as well as the early Ummah.
Shitposting King strikes back
>last 10 years
You are a stupid faggot cunt. KYS
The fucker wasn't t a christian.
Nazis cant be Christians.
What is the frequency of that compared to mudslime killing sprees?
>I can put dots on a map.
Fuck, Sup Forums truly are retards.
Back to Sup Forums and /s4s/
Quebecois are commie atheists
>Spanish Inquisition
You mean the guys who introduced the basics of legal process we still use to this day? With defendants and such?
>Westboro Baptist Church
Total of 40 people, basically suing machine.
First of all it was more than 4, because there are also northern crusades which your retard handler Brock didn't tell you about.
Secondly Ottomans alone started far more than 4 invasions of Christian territories, enslaving the populations and committing numerous atrocities.
>Westboro baptist Church kills people
I wonder if Australians have the record for (yous) per capita. It's either them or Canada.
Ban ottomans
Even without the northern crusades there were like 15.
your shitposting has really gone downhill australia
Remember to that shit posting Australians are actually crying for help. But in this case, he's a massive cunt and is not saveable.
Hide and report folks.
Otoman empire was a feudal state, it's wars were for clay not for the conversion of the population to islam.
Lets look at how many muslim attacks compared to so-called "White racists" attacks and see how they stack up.
How do you explain slavery then?
Sure wasn't black guys that captained the ships over the Pacific and started all those fucking cotton farms.
Yet it was black people who sold the slaves.
So other blacks came on the boats just to sell them off in the U.S and white man didn't capture them himself?
Have you seen Django?
You nerd virgins aren't worth a damn, are you?
Lol u spaz op
>Education yourself
You cheeki begger
I feel this gets talked about way too little whenever the Islam discussion flares up.
Idgaf that most muslims behave more or less peaceful, their holiest person (and example of a perfect human being) was a war criminal and pedophile, while Jesus was literally a tree hugging hippy.
Mohammed would have Jesus turned into a sex slave for his own amusment.
Isn't QQ Bec in leaf town? Literally who cares.
>Education yourself.
>have you seen django
Yes, I remember the many protestations calling for the death of the USA, every week in any church, backed by the governement
yep. that and george soros probably gave the virgin a hooker in exchange to false flag.
correction, boy
That map is not done by anyone on Sup Forums. It is from a research piece that was made into a video slideshow, and that is a screenshot from it.
You're right though. Many human beings identifying themselves as Christians have done some atrocious things in the name of their deity/deities.
As have many humans identifying as Muslim.
And I'm sure that there is time left on the earth for some humans identifying as Atheists to do some horrifically awful things.
Humans eh... Addicted to being right whilst expressing their sense of suffering by causing others to suffer.
I applaud your willingness to talk and debate, buy your shit posting skills are, quite frankly, shit.
Do your flag proud.
Great counter-argument, m8. Truly inspiring stuff
>Secondly Ottomans alone started far more than 4 invasions of Christian territories, enslaving the populations and committing numerous atrocities.
And the crusades were called in the first place because Alexis Komnenos pleaded for aid after the Muslim Seljuk Turks started their marauding into Eastern Roman territory.
>entering the United States
It should be entering Canada tho.
Finally someone replied to me with a serious response.
And I'm sure that there is time left on the earth for some humans identifying as Atheists to do some horrifically awful things.
Atheists are statistically half as likely to go prison than christians in the U.S. Making me think that they are more peaceful than Christians, I assume it's from a higher intelligence.
Thus Atheism is correct and Christianity is silly
too bad we have a president in power for the next 8 years and they don't right?
death to all muslims.
Such an obvious false flag. Look at the timing, it was done purely so they could make cheeky memetic statements like these.
Maybe when Christians start mass-murdering in the name of their faith monthly, it'll be comparable
>finally someone agreed with me
You mean.
Also >what is communism.
dude stop posting your posts are making me cringe.
your autism is seeping through the screen.
quebecers aren't christian anymore
How is it that people still think the inquisition was this horrible institution that went around murdering people for no reason? That was literally fake news by the protestants that's still believed to this day for some reason.
I'm fine with that, actually. Let's just shut down immigration all together for a few years.
>total complete ban
>only selection of countries are banned in the muslim ban
>Therefore should only ban Canadians.
Surely it's a win/win?
They've literally been waiting for something like this for like 2 years.
even though in the past 2 years 99% of the what, 400+ terrorist attacks have all been muslim commited, as soon as they get ONE WHITE DUDE THAT'S DONE IT that's all they talk about.
It got so bad for them they stopped naming the shooters because you could tell from name alone (usually) if the shooter was a muslim.
God, I wish I could trade places with people like you just to see how awful living with Muslims are and how much better christians are in comparison.
The difference is that he didn't waltz into the Middle East to shoot up a Mosque.
Why was there a fucking Mosque in Quebec in the first place if it's Christian land?
Please can we stop bumping stupid threads that have no worthwhile posting on them.
OP gives no fucks, why do you?
Sage your fucking post and stop posting images.
past 10 years not past 1000 years dumb ass.
rlly gets my noggin joggin
first day on Sup Forums?
there were 9 crusades and 3 of them were in the Balticum
I don't see people complaining about the Crusades over here
Just Canadian Christian's.
I reckon it's because I take over your nation every time I play as an Asian nation in Victoria 2
Marxist atheists killed over 100 million, and they are still prised in college.
To be fair. The Muslims started that by taking Jerusalem.
I thought you were Canada for a sec
The only reason atheists are less likely to go to prison is because most atheists are white.
quebec was muslims?
>Typical Dutch indoctrination: Christian religious oppresion is Catholic Never Protestant.
>Never mind the millions of dead people over the course of 600 years
>In April 637, Caliph Umar traveled to Jerusalem in person to receive the submission of the city. The Patriarch thus surrendered to him. The Muslim conquest of the city solidified the Arab control over Palestine, control which would not again be threatened until the First Crusade in the late 11th century.
Sounds good, ban people from entering the US from any country where a mosque massacre has happened
T. Atheist
Muslim majority countries already forbid Christian immigration.
go become a citizen of Saudi Arabia. I'll wait.
No. I've been here long enough to see the post IQ going into the negative.
Wtf is the point of this thread? Normally there's is a pro vs con theme in most popular threads. At least a get.
Nothing. This thread is shite, and should be seasoned with sage. Fugg, even your comment is vapid. Do they pay you by the post for such witty banter, young lad?
Who said the Canadian was a Christian? Fucking atheists pull this shit every time.
>Dylann Roof,
>Spanish Inquisition
Didn't exist like you imagine
>the countless wars in the Middle East,
>Westboro Baptist Church
not Christian
Defensive wars
Anything else, commie?
All your Mexican rapists and drug dealers are Christian though.
>inb4 not 'real' Christian
No true Scotsman fallacy, google it.