Guess who is retarded

Americans please tell me how it feels to be stuck in a country that can't even use the right system of measurement. Why is it so hard for you retards to adopt the metric system ? Is this lack of intelligence how Trump was elected ?

This is now a tank thread.

I don't know much about tanks, but I can tell you that is a shit tank

Burmese fucking shits

ya probably it's designed by a fucking sw*de

Why does burma take up half of southern thailand ?


Its pretty interesting for purely defensive purposes.
It can bury itself so low that its extremely hard to spot until, the cannon is pretty good and it can escape really fast after the first ambush shot. Unusual as fuck.

Nah, you're just jealous.

t-26 is my tanku

So it is some sort of nord tank then ? I'm more surprised you guys even have a military.

According to Norberto Bobbio, which contributes important distinction for the United Nations to eliminate all the same distinction of left and right is difficult to remove the dream clear, united and married growth and sound quality or because of the lack of state identity. [29]
Some traditions, especially Democrats, the law seeks to connect the left and right; According to Geoffrey K. Roberts and Patricia Hogwood "philosophy ants, including CDs, many comments in the liberal, pride and moral principles of socialism as UN amplifier Comedy Christian." [30]
or the first part of the law of financial resources right at the very front of fascism Yoruba third Gaullism loyal Peronist Argentina and work in government, including Mexico

Political analyst and political divisions between the political Select-called, uses the concept of the political center of Middle Earth in the Middle East political rights. Or the dawn of a new group (Guinea Aristotle, Hobbes, for example),
and during the French Revolution, and members of the National Assembly to support the government of the people here, and a secular society, and for supporters of the monarchy sat Azul in the Church.

Political, policy, research, prevention and explores the use of force. [22] The political scientist Harold Lasswell defined politics "who gets what, when and how." The study [23] related areas, including political philosophy

Council policy in world affairs slept nature policy through public authorities: the case of job management conflicts E world. See Climb 20th century world radar, mix masters gathered at the fall of the Third Reich, pillow turned the fall of communism. He slept the development of the atomic bomb in the United States

we do what we want, when we want and we run this shit

How many freedom units in a kilometre?

Its a swedish tank they made during the cold war.
Others went for the big scary MBTs and Swedes went for the low profile ambush tank.

We use Leopards in Finland tho, not that we need them. We will never be able to use them in real combat since they will be simply get blown up by airforces.
We need anti tank missiles and drones. Fuck the rest.

My physics professor explained that its expensive to change everything overnight. America isnt some poor, small european shithole, its a vast empire, which means more converting has to be done. The conversion is slow and gradual, give it a few more decades.

Of course we do, the most powerful nation on Earth per capita.


All it takes is an IQ over 12 and about 10 minutes.

Bullshit. Maybe when you were vikings.

That pink area is actually countries that know more than one system of measurement, because they understand that things measured in relativity are better understood than a single inferior system.


Last I checked, Antarctica isn't a country. So your map is flawed, much like your logic.

Burma probably has a higher % of english speakers than the USA now. So that might apply to them.

Hah! Nice one, just because politicians let in immigrants don't change the laws of nature mate.

I didn't know Burma and Liberia were so based

1. The U.S. uses its own form of the Imperial system called Customary, so it is not wholly comparable to Liberia and Burma.

2. Both Metric and Customary are thought to students since the 80s.

3. Metric is officially used in research agencies to avoid confusion between studies shared between U.S. researches and foreign representatives.

4. Metric has no practical use outside of research and estimations. Most users of metric are usually off their estimations by 2-3 centimeter as the smaller scale and erroneously much more off in bigger estimates by several meters. Most people are too dumb to guess decimals. Customary/Fahrenheit users in the U.S. and some places in Canada, Mexico and the U.K. have been closer to their estimations when guessing the dimensions of many objects.

Why? Nobody fucking knows. Humans are just dumb and probably prefer larger scales over things that demand absolute precision like Metric.

measurements are a social construct and we're trolling the fuck out of the world with the one we constructed

If laws of nature were real you wouldn't have so many akhmed's in your country living on your tax money.

>People in America are better at estimating in our caveman measurements, metric system is too precise so we don't use it.

>If laws of nature were real
Stop right there christcück