Will we see WW3 in our lifetimes?


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I hope not. I don't want my countrymen to die if it can be avoided.

I hope so. I have a thirst that can only be quenched with Aryan blood.

I hope so

Boy I hope so. But what does Kek think?

Don't worry. Ull be in an incinerator soon.

Probably yeah

Do you even have a decent army? Didn't you defunded the fuck out your military?

You better hope I don't find you lad.


I know definitely there'll be a civil war in America soon

Dunno. Hopefully it is racial and we nuke Mecca day one.

I sure hope so

London will face another blitz but the krauts will be doing us a flavour


Despite the defunding our army remains fairly competant. our equipment is good usually (that is if they actually fucking have it) and we have the SAS, which every other nation tries to copy

Of course. I'm tired of fapping to WW2 vídeos, need some new material.

Brazil wont get involved anyway so I'm safe.

The rest of you fuckers can kill each other for my entertainment.

It already started

a spicy one?

You will surrender first.

Funding is being cut, but we are still spend over 2%

WW3 is already ongoing. It's an information war.

ww3 will be Iran/Turkey/Russia vs Nato

We are already in a cultural war. If its lost we will have a WW3.

That is so wrong it hurts. It will be US/Russia/UK vs China/Germany/Turkey

This get confirms:

>China will collapse
>Instead of a few million arab and african refugees we will have to deal with literally a billion chinks.
>Trump already foresaw this and is preparing to cut ties with china.
>Russia will have to take in a lot of the chinks, even though they can't even feed themselves. They will have to ask for help.
>Trump will answer, and thus ally with Russia.
>Europe will deny to help Russia and will suffer the consequences (USA withdrawing support for NATO will make it harder)

Bonus get:
>It will be leaked that the elites tried to prepare Europe for the massive onslaught of Russian / Chinese refugees, by staging an Arab/African refugee crisis, successfully making a bunch of European countries rightwing in the process .(to help them keep themselves safe).

Not in yours... Im behind you kiddo.

I want it.

>fighting in any wars after ww2
>fighting against US/UK
you do know USA has like 30 army bases in germany, and that the germans themselves don't even have a proper army? stupid non-country

Cant wait for the US/UK/Russia alliance.

This is what it's looking like.
People don't see it coming, but I'm excited for it.

I hope so

Probably, everyone is fucking angry, really angry.

Hopefully. I want to see if we can pull another neutral meme and get even richer once the "big boys" finish killing themselves.

yes. it's inevitable. the social climate is ripe with onslaught and the political stability of the world is deteriorating. it is inevitable.


US and Russia will be strained allies as they were in WWII. We both hate the chinks.

We will literally be unstoppable. Japan and South Korea will be obligatory allies obviously. Pretty certain straya will be in it as well.

Sink the chinks.

I hope so

Can't wait to hop in back into BM-21

We would become refugee headquarters and be jihaded within weeks.

I hope so. I hope Russia is on our side if it does occur.

France will surrender.

Yes but no. It'll just be USA + Russia working together to nuke the fuck out of the middle east. It won't last long and there won't be any real significant casualties (muslims don't count).

I feel the same.

I hpe so,FPS's lately have been shit and they need some ney ideas for storyline.

How would China collapse?

If there would be a war in the coming 4 years it would be something like China v USA or Paki vs India. with a slight chance of Turkey trying to expand borders leading to something ugly. This is excluding the proxy war required to defeat ISIS.

>It's an information war.

an info......war?

This actually seems pretty plausible.

I hope not but it's possible

The main question is who would Russia side with assuming NATO vs China/Iran/(Pakistan?) etc. It wouldn't take long for a NATO army to push to Moscow quickly.

Plz Russia no invasion and rapeing this time and plz US no bombing our civilians this time.....

I love how the war machine is waking up and getting ready to go back to work.
And the plebians continue to throw pebbles and scream at it.
The next 8 years are going to be glorious to watch.

I would be very surprised if we didn't see WWIII within the next 20 years.
The geopolitical landscape is changing radically, right in front of our eyes.
The question is not if we will see WWIII in our lifetime, but who will be the forces allied with America, and not. That question will largely dictate how our new world is shaped.

Yes, holy fuck yes

I have never seen us this close before. germany, china, the US

We are literally on the brink.

fuck off, we have been moving away from the possibility of world war 3 since trump took office. Russias going to be peaceful, china won't attack the mainland US, and germany cant do anything because its cucking itself out of existance.

Probably samefag but who knows..

>none of this will happen because I said so on my belief system



>away from WWIII since the god emperor took office
No user... You're wrong.
China, North Korea, Iran...
Even if Every other majot power on earth is behind America, these powers will never be.
Trump's strength and resolve invites not only challenge, but begs for WWIII.
As various nations test Trump, and America, we will inch closer to WWIII.

0.03 shekels have been deposited into your account

spend it on bleach

I hope so, the world needs purification and I want to fucking die already.

lmao what pussy is scared of Kimmy jr

you have been reported to hmss muhamid

We get taxed a lot here

I think bleach is $6 Gorillian

How did you get that from what I said, user-kun?
I was arguing that we will in fact see WWIII, not that I have any fear of North Korea.
Seriously... Polish your comprehension skills up before you put your rage filled trembling finger tips on the keyboard.

lol please the fact you have to bring up that no nation of yellow monkeys shows the panic in you pansy ass candy bitch

That sentence doesn't make any sense, user.
Calm down, and type out a coherent response.


lol dude stop being afraid of gooks already lmao do you really think Kimmy is gonna nuke your bitch boy ass cuz you posted him on a japanese immigrant board

If you are alive for more ten year, yes!

Again... I simply stated a fact.
The likelihood of China, North Korea, or Iran not provoking a war with America is slim.
What part of that suggests I'm afraid of "Kimmy"?
Your argument makes no sense at all user.
I could care less if we are at war with chink nations, or if we nuke them.
Fact stands. There are a number of nations that will never be friendly, or even neutral, to America.
Among them are certainly North Korea, and China.

Fact stands that you're still a whiny little baby who's getting SO mad that you have to type out a paragraph trying to mask your intense fear LOL

>deflect logical arguments
>insert inflammatory remarks
Right, that's obviously what's going on here.
Stop embarrassing yourself, user.

Wrong-o chump you'd be the one embarrassing yourself because all you're doing is getting assblasted because some schmooky gooky who took a looky isn't gonna bomb your ass yet you're somehow scared of him like dude lol grow a fucking spine I hope you seriously don't call yourself American if you're this much of a coward over people who average at like 4 feet in height

>insert more inflamatory remarks

>avoiding my response cause wah wah I'm a fake American itty bitty bitch who's afraid to get my eyes slanted

>continue posting inflammatory remarks

lol so now you're scared of inflammatory well if that's the case how about get some aleve then for your sore inflamed ass it's a great anti-inflammatory that'll work wonders when the gooks shoot cum into the cuts in your ass

>low energy inflammatory assault losing steam

Trump didn't stop ww3 from happening, he merely delayed it. At least with him in charge it might be one we can survive

lol uh oh sounds like we're gonna need the Tylenol™ extra strength for this little oriental fairy hope you're ready this shit has like twice the dosage of regular strength aspirin fuckface




seems like we're gonna need to bust out the Aleve to max the shit out of your charlie slit eyed loving ass see all you have to take is just TWO OF THESE and your inflammatory pains will be gone within 30 minutes how's that for fast results huh you fucking mudnigger

Whew lad


and with this now you can see why you're gonna fucking feel like no yellow monkeys ever raped your sorry little boy ass see Aleve™ works and acts faster than several so called leading brands yet here you are NOT taking this fucking magic gem but no you're too scared to take it why did Kimmy do something to it huh fuckshit?

>low energy


I've got plenty of energy actually thanks for asking I just drank a hearty helping of Monster because it's an AMERICAN energy drink not that fucking gooky soda you so willingly drink because you're trying to convert to their culture before they sacrifice your ass to whatever fuckin stupid satanic god they worship

>low energg


wrong I was just drinking some Monster extra energy to boost my immune system and help me fight numerous amounts of beasts in my body because unlike you I'm not a coward nor a bitch nor a tiny little nigger who sits on a stool

Only a flash

>tough behind a keyboard
>not a coward
Topest of keks


lol nice response time nerd what's the matter had to cry in that time


>US, France (LePen), Britain, and Russia vs (RefusingToStepDown) Merkel, China (will be like Italy in WWII), Turkey, and Iran
>Retake Constantinople for the Papal State in the end
>Iran nuked when they ultimately threaten preemptive strike against Israel

Already in it since 9/11 welcome to globalisation vs you.

not ww3 but mexican-american war

>lowest of energy
Busy snaking your mom's drain
Did you miss me user?
It's k, daddy's back.


I don't get it my mother doesn't have sink problems and secondly you don't have a license you need a license to do plumbing in the state of new york


literally WW2 all over again

The merchants are rubbing their hands, so I guess the answer is yes.

>Will we see WW3 in our lifetimes?

Yes, Merkel will get a Nazi-Surge and go for Poland.
Russia will come to Poland's defense.
Merkel will then attack Russia.
USA will then come to Russia's aid.
The entire world will think USA is a big Bully and the while Poland is discreetly trying to pretend it doesn't exist; WW3 is fought with USA/Russia on one side and the rest of the world on the other.

Probably not.
The next significant ware will be a civil war.
You might see a nuclear exchange if India/Pakistan flares up, they have been in a stand-off for years. That is probably your best hope, oh and of course our friends in Best Korea.

Everwhere else will be cold war 2.0 or local skirmish, or a light ethnic cleansing.

Expect Rwanda to kick off again and the Balkans, but those conflicts will be limited.

Next thing to set your alarm clock for is the anniversary of the 6-day war. If there is no significant movement from Israel (and there wont be with a pro-Israeli in the whitehouse) then there will be an armed intifada.

What a time to be alive!


remember, first you use Polan to weaken Germoney, than Russia to finish'em

quit smoking moose-shit Sven