Does that Leaf shooting reek of false flag to anyone else?

Does that Leaf shooting reek of false flag to anyone else?

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No. Rural and suburban retards chimp out all the time. It's what they do.

His eyes look wonky, like you would see on a sloppy digital composite face. The news has always been full of faked events.

>muslims shoot people
>Sup Forums: "fucking muslim scum!"
>white man shoots people
>Sup Forums: "n-no, f-false flag, white is the colour of p-peace"

Is that Ted Cruz in drag?

If I'm remembering this right, it's a woman who did a porno because she does look like Ted Cruz.

>eyewitnesses note multiple shooters
>shouts allahu ackbar while firing
>muslim accomplice

>lone white supremacist shooter nothing to see here fuck whitey

someone find this porno please

>witnesses report two gunman
>nope, sorry lone gunman
This trope is way too common, and is a big red flag for me. It seems like too big of a detail to be mistaken about.

I also read an article that mentioned that neither the President nor the Vice President were present when the attack took place. I would like to know if that was unusual or not. I don't know if people who work at the mosque in an administrative capacity would necessarily be there for services, but if that was a service that they typically attend and they both called in sick that day it would raise my eyebrow.

no, that is jake from 2 & 1/2 man, he embraced his true form.

Fucking hell Sup Forums

1. Muslims getting shot at are going to shout Allahu Ackbar. Just like you would here "Oh My God" in a church.

2. Eyewitness testimony is the LEAST valuable evidence in a court of law. It simply isn't reliable. Being shot at certainly isn't going to enhance your ability to accurately read a situation.

3. He fucking confessed. To the police.

4. The other Muslim that was a suspect was only a suspect because he ran away from police in a panic assuming they were more shooters.

fuck Sup Forums and fuck your inability to recognise facts.

Absolutely. Eyewitness and scanner reports mentioned two shooters with Kalashnikov-like rifles yelling "allahu akbar", with the non-Quebecois shooter being a shitskin iirc.

Given that and how long it took the police and media to release his name, I think it's fair to assume that the Frenchie was supplied with guns/ammo and converted to Islam by the other shooter.

The Quebec Mosque shooting.
There has been a explosion of gang rapes by Muslims in the area.
That particular Mosque promotes rape of girls that dress for clubbing and drink. Police have evidence that it was men that attend that mosque that are responsible for the rapes just not enough. The men attending the mosque bragged about raping the girls.
Our prime minister announced open door policy over the weekend to let more of the people of this religion into our country.
Some family members and friends of victims got together and decided to take the law into their own hands.
They went in and shot the rapists and then turned themselves into police.
the facts fit
- 3 well-armed shooters in close space yet small body count, almost as if they were picking targets (the rapists)
- turned selves in/surrendered afterwards instead of suiciding by explosives or cop

Sounds like they are holding back information and at a later date they will discover the other shooter does in fact exist and is a Muslim.

After people's attention has waned.

Why don't you just say white people instead of suburban and rural people? It's shorter.


Of course, they're looking for a reason to shut down free speech and Sup Forums while blaming everyone white.

>muslim commits attack

>frenchie allegedly commits attack

How about don't come here and we don't have to kill you?

Most people are retarded. You can use people and retards interchangeably.

Witnesses did not report two gun men.

it does seem they keep rapefugees out of the news. they dont want people to hear the rapers justify rape with tennants of islam.

He din do nuffin he a good boy

Write "two and a half men" next time, so people don't think you're retarded.


I question everything faggot. I wouldn't have a hard time believing that a lone gun man did it, if he didn't look like a turbo-manlet wuss. Even Elliot Rodgers is much more believable than him because The Rodge had crazy looking eyes and he had a shit ton of videos which definitely showed that he's fucked up in the head.

I never doubted the Batman gunman because he too had eyes that looked as if he killed someone before.

Everything I've seen about Allesandro whatever the hell his name is showed a wimpy looking nerd who would be a follower more than anything. The dude's a patsy, a fall guy.

I'd say that shit even if he weren't White, because I'm not even White. I don't give a shit aobut his race. I just think this story is fucking bullshit & doesn't add up.

Solid arguments.

I gotcha man

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