DOJ Firing

>Job of DOJ is to enforce the law
>Doesn't enforce the law
>Gets fired because doesn't do job
>Liberals screeching
I really have trouble taking them seriously as citizens alt this point.
Saw people complaining about less regulation for small businesses. In what fucked up world is that possible.

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

DOJ also need to follow the Constitution. I can't take drumpt seriously if they can't understand this simple fact.

Asuka here! Remember, when arguing with liberals on social media, always refer to Trump by his title, President Trump. Basic facts genuinely irritate them!


Why would a Obama political apointee be the acting AG in the first place?

Where has he ignored it?

Because Dems were trying to block Trump's appointee until the ban was lifted.

>"Don't listen to this shit, guys. This is unconstitutional and I will obstruct so long as I am in power."
>Literally fired a few hours later

Muslim ban, business deals with Russia, conflicts of interests, etc

u changed my mind

Praise kek!

is not 4 ctr

But she was a hero standing up against Trumpf, laws don't matter in this case


This photo sums up our times so well and it's amazing.

ctr doesn't exist conpirtard

Make sedition sedition again.

The job of the DOJ is enforcing law. The president is not the lawmaker in the country.

none of those things are unconstitutional


thas where you're wrong . Read a book retard

I thought there could only be one president at a time.

Actually no. The Attorney General's only role is to represent the President and the Country in legal cases outside and within the United States while enforcing the law of the land in those cases. The Attorney General is one of the few positions that is directed controlled fully by the President. Any president is granted complete authority to remove, replace and direct the Attorney General as that position is actually directed managed by the president. No authorization needed they are the decider solely alone.

As laid out by the amendment that created the position, the Attorney General only enforces the law, they do not decide the law. Deciding the law is a power strictly held by the Supreme Court. She played her strategy wrong and lost big time. If she hated his order she should have brought it to the Supreme Court for their decision. Not decide unilaterally to not enforce it, which is explicitly her job position to enforce it until told by the Supreme Court, Him or Congress that it is unenforceable. She jumped above her pay grade. He fired her. Maybe next time she will learn how to do things properly within the established framework instead of acting like a college kid with no sense.

This is what we're built for
>David Brock
>being built for anything but Jewish cock up his ass