How can you defend the Idea that climate change is not happening? is it because it does not fit nicely into your world view or your'e a info war conspiracy nut. Daily reminder that you won but we will both lose and the human race will become extinct.
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Garbage in garbage out.
The models they use are skewed to produce the readings that climate scientists need to get further grant money.
What about the fact that Exxon Mobil scientist where some of the first to discover and acknowledge said phenomenon?
Nice y axis lol!
This is the new religion in this demented cathedral of theirs
Anyone questioning or not coming to a conclusion is branded a heretic and in some places you even pay penance for your original sin (harmful human artificial polluter) in the form of a """""""""""""""carbon tax"""""""""""""""
no one says that it isn't happening. We just know it is nothing special/unprecedented and certainly isn't man made.
What is wrong with this graph?
I am assuming neither of you are in the science field.
>if you think science is a religion youve gone of the rails buddy.
Dow is tanking, is that good enough?
Less investment in companies, less manufacturing, less CO2, better climate?
Trump is winning?
we need money put into innovation.
I studied engineering physics and work in the power industry
I learned nuclear physics, semiconductors, quantum mechanics, general relativity, statistical mechanics, as well as a shitton of math and biology as technical electives
Science is a methodology not a religion
>implying climate """"science"""" as it's constituted now is science
You can't be that naive
Nobody claims climate change isn't happening. What not a single scientist or expert can prove is if humans have an effect.
Wow who fucking cares. Not like we can get China to reduce emissions anyways it's better just to not think about it.
I just noticed your retarded graph is in CENTURIES. You realize that's like a day in geological terms?
Watch this and tell me it's not become like a religion to a vast majority of mental rejects
This is what happens when you proclaim that there is no God. You replace him with something much worse or you live out in nihilism where nothing is right or wrong and everything is relative and your life is meaningless
I question your credentials. The trends seem to be pointing in the way of climate change caused at an artificially high rate.
Explain to me why it is not a science?
I found this youtube video that proves that people who believe in climate change are nuts.
>mfw someone who prays to a telepathic zombie jew talks about the nature of reality
Climate change denial is what got Trump elected.
During the start of the nuclear age and space exploration, Americans loved scientists.
But with the space age, came climate data, which verified the hypothesis from the 1890s that large CO2 emmisions will create a green house effect, causing the earths climate to change.
One thing that doesn't fly in America is costing a rich guy money and all the old tobacco lawyers were being put out of the job as everyone realized smoking was bad for you.
Also the largest protests in US history demanded the creation of the EPA.
Politicians, lawyers, chemical and oil tycoons didn't like this one bit, so they teamed up to spread "alternative facts" about climate science.
But all the natural sciences are interconnected, and because we mostly study the same planet that climate change is happening, climate science has a lot of implications in other fields. All of a sudden, nearly every scientist and reasonable person who actually analyzes data is a communist who doesn't have you best interest at heart. Being an "expert" doesn't exist any more because having expertise is akin to being anti-American, so we elect a TV host to be president
We don't have a large enough, or long enough data that represents the whole world to conclusively prove man-made climate change is pushing us "over the brink".
Al gore profited from his landmark film and all the (((scientists))) want more funding so they dance to the tune of the elites, who want people to be scared so they can easily motivate them to accept a so called "solution".
Fuckoff commie
Mate can you use an appropriate subject in your post.
There's no DOOM discussion taking place and this isn't ta
conspiracy theorists are as retarded as more than 2 gender people.
read this user
Worthless sack of shit, you know good and damn fucking well if every white nation and undeveloped nigger land on the planet combined their greenhouse effect it still wouldn't dent China.
If humans really are dramatically changing the course of the planets natural climate cycles we can't do SHIT about it short of waging an environmental war on China.
You know China has spent more money on alternative energy than anyone right?
Old argument is old
(((science))) is a tool used to control retards without having them asking any questions.
You didn't give one shred of proof in that whole speech. What is the data and have you read it and judged for yourself that climate change is happening? No? I didn't think so.
Less than ten years ago all of Europe combined was pumping out 5% less than America, China was pumping out twice as much.
Literal lakes of acid and you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and cry foul?
holy shit
Until decades later we inevitably find out that a whole lot of so-called "conspiracy theories" turn out to be true. The phrase "conspiracy theory" was coined by the CIA as a means for ridiculing anyone that questioned the official narrative of the JFK assassination.
Any time that someone uses that phrase, it's a signal that the subject in question deserves a lot more scrutiny.
There has been a huge shift towards green energy as the Chinese realize the effects of fossil fuels and how polluted their cities have become
China has started to get its act together, they are investing 60 billion on renewables over the next 4 years, and starting public education campaigns.
They are building multiple football pitches of panels every day.
A solar panel costs about $200 ea, 20 panels provides more than enough power to cool your house and run all your appliances. A $4000 dollar investment gets you 25 years of energy in an American home if your a manufacturer, its even cheaper in china because they use less energy per capita
Alex Jones go home. Sorry about your psychosis bro
This is now a DOOM thread
I hope you're right, becuase the impact China's pollution has had on the world dwarfs every other country combined and it's what pisses me of so much when this shittalk starts.
What's true is true. Ridiculing those who speak up isn't working anymore buddy. It's just showing everyone how desperate you are to shut it down.
Are you fucking dense?
Is your brain so shallow that it can't handle a little artistic spin on a simple narrative being delivered?
It's true too, earth will be fine, but our society is fucked. Maybe not in 15 years, maybe not 25. But withing this century I guarantee you, if we don't fix our emissions problems society is screwed.
Also there's nothing wrong with nihilism
Not believing global warming=/= not believing that the government can solve by taxing me out of existence
Global warming is the greatest allay to the white man; just imagine Siberia and N. Canada as farmland and not some frozen tundra
>India melted
>Muslims roasted
>11/10 Chinese have some type of illness
When did you realize that God loves us more?
>Ibn4 climatic refugees
I hope that we will get it right by then
Some other stuff the (((greens))) forget is that more energy used=higher standard of living
Posts Zionist conspiracy picture
the only conspiracy theorist i meet in real life are psychos with obvious imbalances.
I wonder what kind of sophisticated equipment they used to measure atmospheric composition 300,000 years ago.
Really gets the old globe a'warmin.
well you have only ever met your own family since they homeschooled you and never let you leave the house due to your extreme autism lol
homeschooling is only for religious nuts in this country.
NASA has multiple climate monitoring satellites, they even have some that can directly measure CO2 concentrations from space.
Tree ring growth provide a few hundred years of tempurature and rainfall data, ice cores have little air bubbles that let us directly measure the atmosphere thousands of years ago, archaeological data compliments all those things.
Then geology, paleontology, and chemical analyses allow us to look back millions and even billions of years
You do realize that there are numerous quantifiable reasons why it is bullshit.
>Current warming estimates are based upon a massive water vapor amplification effect which has been way off on all models. It is supposed to be something like 200x amplification which doesn't happen.
>If you look at temperature graphs that span back before the Egyptians, there is no notable spike during the Roman and Medieval warm periods. Although we do not have direct temperature data from these times, the descriptions of plantlife found from that time indicate a much warmer climate (ie they could grow grapes in northern England)
>The heat island effect artificially raises temperature reading because of the thermal mass of cities. Basically, as time progressed, more and more official temperature sampling stations moved into town and rural ones were closed down which artificially increased temperature readings.
>AN extremely terrible practice of throwing out data that doesn't match the norm. While in some cases this is good, especially with small sample sizes, it is not good for climate research. The reasoning is that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy because data that is colder is more likely to be thrown out as an extreme because it doesn't match the warming theory.
>They also did the same thing with tree ring data where they would throw out samples that didn't match recorded surface temps, basically throwing out the possibility of unknown mechanisms at work.
That being said, the co2 level is increasing but the effects of it are not apparent. Also this self fulfilling prophecy bullshits gets old real fast. They have been saying that we are going to have the worst hurricane year yet because of climate change, every single fucking year. One year, we will get a bad hurricane season and all you will fucking hear is "HURR DURR WE FUKIN TOLD U IT WAS CLIMATE CHANGE".
There are many more justifications for the "conspiracy" but I will not go into those yet.
>Posts Zionist conspiracy picture
Sure. It's funny given the context of our conversation. It's healthy to have some semblance of a sense of humor.
>are psychos with obvious imbalances
Dude, where the hell do you meet these people? I'm talking about people that aren't afraid to be called "conspiracy theorists" just because they question if the official narrative is exactly what it seems. It's called critical investigation, instead of just blue-pilling yourself.
Our schools use to teach critical thinking, but now they've dumbed everything down to just teaching for the next state test.
Always question everything, otherwise, you're just a sheep. It's OK to trust, but always verify if you have the resources to do so.
youre such a lonely nerd
>my dad works at nintendo
when is the new zelda coming out?
>difference of 80 parts per million
Hey look it's literally nothing
Listen numb nuts
No one denied that the climate of earth changes, in fact it literally never stops changing, ever. This planet has a molten core, with earthquakes, supervolcanoes, fluctuating ice caps, dust storms and hurricanes. It is very much alive.
Skeptics just deny that you have any form of positive proof that there is a causation between anthropogenic CO2 emission and "CATASTROPHIC, EARTH EXPLODING CLIMATE RAPE" and you ignoring what I say about this doesn't help
Faggots like you aren't even worth addressing, I'm just writing this so other polacks will have the short form of the argument readily consolidated
>muh industrial revolution graph
Correlation does not equal causation. Earth is 5 billion years old and you unironically think a 150 year graph has any form of evidence with no proven hypothesis.
>muh global warming, err, cooling, err, uh, any change in any direction!
Equatorial warming bubble never happened. Moving goal posts hasn't stopped in 30 yrs. It's politicized because this is a war on personal transportation, not anything in the interest of preservation of Earth
>muh projections!!
Projections are literally guesses
>muh group of climate scientists disagree!!
Those people literally depend on government grants to continue feeding their families and the notion that scientists are morally infallible is laughable
Yes we should save the rainforest and the coral reefs and pick up our trash. No we should not ban cars.
So fuck you and the horse you rode in on OP, you're beyond worthless trash. You are human garbage. If you really believe what you espoused the best thing you can do is drown yourself in the Pacific Ocean and use your body to feed the sharks.
climate change is happening.
the debate is:
how much is mankind's action effecting it?
what can be done?
the most notable thing is a solution that doesn't give your industry a frontal lobotomy for minimal gains.
this is the best statement against my alarmist views there have been all night.
Meanwhile, January was cold.
(I love triggering the "weather is not climate" people)
While it's true that they emit the most by country, they emit less than half by oer capita than the states does.
And don't forget, canada and the US outsource a lot of the manufacturing related emissions to factories in china
oh cool so i can stop worrying about glow-balls warming now? thx mr.
>Meanwhile, January was cold.
You are a chimp
If you're really concerned about anthropogenic climate change the best thing that you personally can do is kill yourself
So why are you still alive exactly? Drown yourself on live stream
How do scientists explain volcanic eruptions that spit out so much soot that the earth is near covered?
There is a god but whoever it is, sure as fuck it's not the Christian one.
Prove anthropogenic CO2 emission has anything to do with any form of environmental damage
Hint : you can't
I cannot answer your question because it (your question) is presumptive of my stance.
What if I believe Global Warming is real, but just don't care about it? What if I believe humans are causing it, but I don't care about it or that?
Solar activitt is going down and temperature is still going up, but you denialists wouldnt know that because your shitty graph cuts off at the year 2000.
If you ACTUALLY gave a shit about the science behind all this stuff you would use updated, well sourced information.
But instead you constantly regurgitate worn out debunked talking points
We will kill ourselves if we don't do something.
Its not just the heat, CO2 is acidic, and the oceans obsorb it. Life comes from the ocean, and soon more keystone species will go extinct. The last time this happened, a lot of planktons went extinct and were replaced by a noxious bacteria that could survive in the acidic water, 90% of earths life went extinct.
Regional weather =/= global average temp
People were saying the exact same retarded shit as you about 2006 in 1970
You have been fed bullshit
You aren't very smart or you would have realized this by now
that happened within 6000 years? my god
Retard the climate affects Europeans too.
Unless you wank it to the sound of drowning Dutch or something.
I bet this guy is religious and doesn't see the irony.
They taught mitosis in biology class 30 years ago FAKE SCIENCE
Explain the science to me in your own words.
Pro Tip: You can't.
Because anybody who is actually capable of understanding the science understands that there's always room for debate. That's what makes science science and not a religion.
You carry all the hallmarks of a brainwashed retard.
You are literally dumber than a flat earther.
You should probably kill yourself now.
Your right, everything is going great!
Coral reefs are doing fine, everyone is enjoying record harvests and plenty of water, and nobody is fighting
this one is for you
Why don't you explain to my why the people pushing this routinely lie and use charged language like "climate denier" if the facts are so clearly on their side? If you've got the facts, why rely on bandwagoning and appeal to authority i.e. "X% of scientists say so, so it must be true!"
Also, please explain why you think this is some kind of apocalyptic situation. Human's have 100% success rate at avoiding predictable, slow moving disasters. Why destroy our economies over this?
tfw you learn excessive CO2 causes earthquakes too
This is fucking bullshit. We know through ice core sampling that Antarctica was made during the plyacese (fuck spelling) and carbon levels are 440 ppm.
Fuck your misleading infohraph.
I once made a graph that demonstrated a near 100% correlation between presidential approval rating and number of sunspots.
Because It is Sup Forums and we can't take people with GEDs through chem 1 2, physics , biology and climatology classes on an image board.
This is actually caused by fracking.
Nope not religious, give me falsifiable proof of equatorial warming bubble. This is literally what you are forced to, pretending im a strawman of something you mock, while ironically you yourself are beholden to the religion of calling other people "climate infidels"
I never said we should go destroy coral reefs and rainforests. It really says it all that you have to fall back on accusing me of arguments I never put forth to make yourself believe you have anything of value to contribute
You are a member of the climate hysteria religion. You are not science driven in any context
Not only that, it causes pregnancies.
No, it was the Permian extinction.
That's the last time a large amount of CO2 was released at once, the Permian also was the last time the planet had ice caps.
Antarctica didn't freeze until the dinosaurs went extinct which dried out the planet and cooled the planet, creating the preindustrial climate we think of when we think of our planet as, ice ages, etc..
We don't have a comparable example of this kind of climate change in the past thousands of years, you have to go back 300 million.
I am so sorry. which university do you teach at?
Don't forget the ice caps, they're doing better than ever. Not only are they not melting, they're actually making more ice spontaneously!
Also, the sea levels are going down, and extinct animals are coming back to life.
climate change is happening, but we cant be certain that it because of co2 emissions from us or its just something that is happening regardless.
in either case if the human race goes extinct i win.
It's caused by increased seismic monitoring you retard.
The graph just includes past data before the current monitoring infrastructure was in place.
It demonstrates the scientific invalidity of carrying-over studies from one physical sampling standard to another.
I mostly come to Sup Forums to shit post. These science threads just assure me that mankind is turning its back on science and we are doomed.
Fun Fact: If that line went below 160, almost all plant life would die. Hilariously, we've extended the longevity of life on this planet by bringing sequestered carbon back into the atmosphere. We've probably unintentionally prolonged the survival of land-based life by a couple hundred million years.
This doesn't change the fact that we've done it at record speed which will have huge effects like rising sea levels and massive ecological change, but in the end, we've technically aided life more than we've harmed it if you take the long view.
It does happen. It changes planet for the good. Russia is probably one who benefits from it the most.
Now fuck off.
>ad hominem
Yeah, but no one here is an expert on the subject anyway. All we can do is try to make an informed decision based on limited information. Even most scientists know fuck all about climate science.
You didn't answer my second question because you can't, btw.
Source on the throwing data out and the sampling stations moving?
Global warming is good for people in Northern Climates.
Fuck everybody else. Why the fuck should I care? It means a longer growing season in the Northern Hemisphere.
You don't understand what I was saying, coral reefs are getting bleached because we've trashed our planet, we don't have to physically touch anything, we destroy it vicariously.
>We don't have a comparable example of this kind of climate change in the past thousands of years, you have to go back 300 million.
are you talking about the past 100 years when you say that?
That's just nonsense
That's a separate issue to global warming.
That's caused by Jews and their amoral approach to business.
Too bad that it's proven in a lab that co2 traps solar radiation, radiation which heats up the atmosphere.
AND they've also directly observed its effects.
AND we have over 800 00 years of observed causation of co2
The only skeptics' that continue to deny the reality of GLOBAL WARMING (yes I called it global warming because that's what it is, and it causes UNUSUAL WEATHER PATTERNS like europe having a brutal cold snap because arctic sea ice is melting and the cold water is going into the ocean stream that flows to europe, funny how that works) are the ones that are getting paid off indirectly from fossil fuel companies, or average joes who are more concerned about a fucking minor tax increase than the fate of society
please. show me your method to recording any form of temperature change before humans existed to document it.
Fucking leaf not knowing shit as always.
>The trends seem to be pointing in the way of climate change caused at an artificially high rate.
you're projecting onto the data
the data doesn't say anything about "artificial" change, whatever that means