Kinda sucks how Obama executing American citizens with drones strikes now gives Trump license to do it...

Kinda sucks how Obama executing American citizens with drones strikes now gives Trump license to do it. At least Obama didn't go after kids, though.

I know. I kind of feel like I should have spoken out more about that as a Democrat. It didn't bother me at the time but they should have foreseen something like this happening.

Nah, he just bombed hospitals

The difference being the American citizen killed as a result of Trump was collateral damage, rather than the actual target. Obama explicitly targeted an American citizen without any sort of trial, then 'accidentally' killed his 16 year old American citizen son in a separate drone strike.

While it sucks this girl got killed, and we should criticize Trump over it, it set no precedent - whereas Obama literally ignored due process TWICE and it was ignored.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

Obama's actions have resulted in the death of hundreds of kids, possibly thousands. And that's not counting their pedo schemes.


Really causes me to ponder

Good point. Still a baity faggoty thread where the OP posts a pic of some randoms kid. And we are the bad guys?

Sage this excrement.

>at least obama didn't go after kids

sure thing, king nigger

The only good terrorist is a dead one.
I don't care what age they are.

I voted for Trump with the intent to give him a license to kill, and thats exactly what I expect him to do.

Kill kill kill kill.
Kill all the muslims.

Curse this evil, demonic pagan death cult.
Spreading misery suffering rape and murder wherever it spreads.


thanks obama

Faggot detected. Team shill faggotry. I woiuld be so much better at shilling than you faggots. I had to come and see which fucking faggot bumped this shitty thread and here you are.

Die faggot.

trump has to appease his jewish overlords

>At least Obama didn't go after kids, though.

This is totally false. Plenty of children have died in kill/capture missions in Afghanistan during the Obama administration. they conducted dozens of these missions per month from 2009-2011.

These targets operate out of their homes so it is difficult to avoid putting their families in danger. Most of them are mid-level and local leadership, so you don't routinely hear about these raids in the media.

Obama drone-bombed weddings and community centers

yes, Obama directly target children.

Thinking I care about kids

>now gives Trump license to do it
Are you kidding? It's obviously MUCH worse if Trump does it!

Daily reminder that CTR is still among us and has regrouped and rebranded as SHAREBLUE. Their goal is to infiltrate every major forum and social media site to subvert rightwing political movements and sow discord.

When kids died under Obama's reign, it was all the military's fault for killing kids and other civilians

Now that Trump's president, it's like he personally went to the middle east and shot them himself

> t. ShareBlue