>afghan girl
>whiter than most Americans and Italians
What is happening?
>afghan girl
>whiter than most Americans and Italians
What is happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
Afghans are pretty white. So are many Iranians and Northern Pakistanis. The word "Aryan" literally comes from Persian.
Pashtuns are indo European, so they are distant cousins to the white man. Hence why they can have blue eyes, just with less prevalence
>back hair
>What is happening?
Islam, any nation who mock and hurt them will turn their child into black and more blacker, or gradually will.
So is fucking an Afghan with blue eyes considered race mixing?
>blue eyes
well chances are in your case she'll be fucking a latino so yes I reckon
Nice cherry picked image Ahmed.
I've spent years in Afghan, the common Afghan looks like this.
Some afghan women with blue or green eyes look really good. But I have never seen such a woman here.
>tfw no qt blue eyed Afghan gf
Got me good spaghetti nigger. The funny thing is I consider the Spics here whiter than you guys.
That's Ireland dumbass
What the fuck does this have to do with politics? You are literally observing someone's appearance and asking "what is happening?"
Absolute garbage.
>spaghetti nigger
Apparently you're not good with colours, Paco
ShareBlue and CTR/CREW are here. Fuck off shill.
>The funny thing is I consider the Spics here whiter than you guys
Gee... I wonder what fat, low iq, turd-colored, wall builder could be behind this post?
cherry picking mostly
ancient indo-europeans (read: SERBS) annexed the entire multiverse, of course this is why there are many white looking folk in unusual places
He clearly hasn't been following the glorious Hiberian Conspiracy unfolding in his own nation's seat of power.
Afghans are Indo European, not Semitic. Their Islamification has lead morons like you to believe anything wearing a burqa is a shitskin
Viva la Raza white boys. I'm going to brown your women. They flock to us because they know you pussies take Muslim and Nigger dick on the reg.
>your women
I'm gay faggot
> 1 post by this id
> white
Lol my ese Common Filth was right about you Irish. Absolutely degenerate. Spread your poz in hell holmes.
>he thinks Mexicans actually type like this
t. Numale let living in New England
Whiter than the average German child
*Hispanic Accent Intensifies* First they called me a a Paco, now they call me a new englander. Fuck you all niggers, Slav master race.