Liberals implode

Liberals implode

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Both are OK

The absolute fucking madman

I need an Assange Pepe.

For reasons.

Very nice!

Come on burger bros, pressure Trump into liberating Assange from all the shit Obama tried to judge him

Based Altai

What are you guys going to do about the Roach problem?

How the potassium business going, Borat?

I used to trust Wikileaks.

Now that Assange has sold us out and it's KremlinLeaks, not so much.

David Brock literally fucks children



who cares? We do what we feel like because we are powerful enough to do it, just like any other nation on earth ever.

That's why it's important.

No global leader, aside from China and Russia has made a stand for their own sovereignty in a long time. Trump needed to do this, not only to fulfill a campaign promise (the absolute madman!) but to show that the US is done with the (((Open Society))) meme.

>Hundreds of thousands

Stupid assholes are shorting us our kills, it's well into the milions

We killed nearly a million in Iraq alone, see the Lancet study

G.W. Bush was a liberal?

Assange opposed the US establishment, do you really expect him to not be biased against jewish supremacists?

indeed, and think about all the delicious rape, torture and murder that these vermin are experiencing trying to crawl their way into Europe and elsewhere.

there's a reason why only single young males are coming over. the rest were raped and killed on the way over. It's a beautiful thing to see.

I just want to point out that since Trump's travel ban of 7 majority muslim countries, there has not been a single terrorist attack in America.

>its real


>we should deliberately pretend to be autistic?

I guess this proves that the Saudi Arabians are bro-tier, since they weren't included on his list.

You can always trust a Saudi.

Now watch them get accused of being Putin shills just for pointing out the obvious double standard.


>war with iran?
Which republicans voted against these?

>Liberals implode

Is there any proof, user?

Not CTR or w/e they call themselves now but seriously, i wanna know the deets

>Liberals ignore

Other countries WILL be added.

This moratorium is for 90 days for those specific countries.


Makes no fucking sense desu

Did you watch Westworld?
Facts are to liberals what the stimuli from the outside world was to the hosts.

Conservatives (when they were led by utter cuckolds) were just as bad when I was growing up.

The only difference is that neoliberalism is more useful to the people who control and manipulate the global monetary system, and want to destroy western (and global) sovereignty.

And no, I don't watch cuck shill (((TV))).

You bros should abandon that social cancer.

wish granted.

Liberals have just about swapped places with conservatives as the angry retard faction that worships vested interests.

I swear that wikileaks is the only anti establishment organization that says the things that I want them to say.

OBAMA FUCKING MURDERED THOUSANDS. Trump just wants to halt travel for like 90 days.

Thanks user!


>The only difference is that neoliberalism is more useful to the people who control and manipulate the global monetary system, and want to destroy western (and global) sovereignty.
Which is why I will continue to identify as part of the "Right" and fight against the "Left" despite having disagreements with certain points on my side and agree with some of theirs. It's not to be a part of the group I identify with, it's to be against the ones standing up for false causes and trying to lead us into another dark age.


>Killing hundreds of thousand

citation needed wikileek, I don't see a lot of westerners on the ground

Neocons were just liberals that pretended to be conservatives.

Remember when Trumpfags loved wikileaks?

Assange is so based. Calls out Trump when he wants to. Calls out corruption on ALL FRONTS. Fuck, they are the only true journalists now.

Kek's wisdom is boundless


But that tweet is in support of trump you retard.


That was before Assange was killed and wikileaks staff cucked.

here's to You

Wait, you actually bought the propaganda that the leaks came from Russia? How stupid are you?

>"but CIA said it was a high likelihood"

Bitch, the CIA is an intelligence agency whose job it is to lie and deceive.