Leftist once again proof intellectually incapable

Lately I have seen a surge of leftist claiming their opponents to be "snowflakes" and they need "safe spaces". This of course used in a context that does not make sense at all.

Is this some kind of pathetic attempt to devalue these words and 'take them from the big bad meanies'?

Also, leftist memes are fucking abysmal-Thread

You're literally in a safe place right now trying to be a snowflake.

Yes, the Left is pathetic. They are full of fail.

Safe space is the left version of a circle jerk

Sup Forums is a safe space










But so are you!

Just proper writing style Brit, you should know. Never been on reddit tbqh.

no, nigger, Sup Forums is an unsafe space, we are being raided 24/7, we constantly insult each other, we desecrate everything

the holiest thing to us is supposed to be trump, but there are plenty of anti trump threads and posts, we dont like them, but we dont erase them either

also, youre a faggotniggerkikefurrycuck

I'm not the one coming to a safe place to complain about safe places.

because they saw how much of a laughing stock it made them they are trying to turn it around on us

I naver complained about them. I said they are being used by the people who created them to limit free speech and then use it in improper context as a deflection.
Which is something only a red Untermensch would do.

You complained because your safe space was called a safe space and that hurt your feelings. So you came to your safe space to get a hug.

Like said:

>no, nigger, Sup Forums is an unsafe space, we are being raided 24/7, we constantly insult each other, we desecrate everything
>the holiest thing to us is supposed to be trump, but there are plenty of anti trump threads and posts, we dont like them, but we dont erase them either
>also, youre a faggotniggerkikefurrycuck

Because leftists are contradictory retards, who don't think twice about using their own made up horseshit as a point to mock people opposed to them.
This is literally some white college professor giving them quick tip how to answer to the meanies at the internet. Ever noticed how they always seem to start using the same talking point seemingly at the same time?

How is this a safe space

Anyone can come here and post whatever they want

To think we let them run the show for he last 20 years

>Sup Forums
>a safe space
We thrive here because we're smarter than you and actually capable of thinking for ourselves.

I'm a liberal and this is my safe space. I like to post here and no one can stop me. I encourage all the liberals I know to visit and post. I even got a Muslim to start posting. Sup Forums is a board of peace

It's just projection. They can't admit to themselves they're the only ones who can't survive without groupthink and echo chambers.

This statement literally proves this is not a safe space.

Do you dense motherfuckers even know what a safe space is and who it invented?

I learned double spacing in school years ago, and I've never bothered to do something else

Looks cleaner anyway

I feel pretty safe here. There are usually a few level headed liberals who understand where I'm coming from in each thread. It's not like there's any danger of posting here.

I'm a liberal democrat who voted for Trump and gleefully watch all the nu-left faggots piss, bitch and moan.

People like me and Gen Z will take back the democratic party from the corporate whores and mentally ill.

The computer room is the safe space of most browsers here

All we do here is argue. It's like a training ground for arguing. Sup Forums is vastly different from where liberals hang out - where any and all dissenting opinions are either downvoted to invisibility, or deleted and the person banned - enabling them to further fester in their mental illness under the illusion that there isn't any other rational side. That you're even able to have discussions with liberals here is proof this isn't a "safe space."

>safe space
> snowflake
jewcrew detected

they're also calling people cucks now

the left is truly a mindless zombie