Free Birth Control

Why cant we just have free birth control??? It would be way cheaper than abortions.

Don't have sex

That's like telling people to stop eating. How's that doing for your obesity rates, burger??

No source

nothing is ever free, you're just making someone else pay for it.

I do agree that birth control should be a shitload cheaper though. Drive the prices down!

I Just found it on google cause i needed a picture lmao

>can't ignore basic animal urges like wanting to have sex
>believe they should be allowed to vote on things like the president

Birth control is already 100% covered by all insurance plans

>same guy who supports martin shkreli for jacking prices up

I just checked. It's fake.

And why should I be made to subsidize somebody elses degenerate behaviour because they lack self control?

You know what else would be cheaper? Cutting benefits instead of subsidizing shitty life decisions.

The average price of an iud without insurance is ~$150 - $200. The average price of an abortion is $300 from 6-10 weeks and raises after that. Worst case scenario you're saving $100 with an iud. OP's pic may not be accurate, but the simple price difference there is justifiable enough. Plus, it would keep women from complaining.

Whatever it doesnt matter but you can imagine that free birth control would save a lot more people from being born than abortion

If women get free birth control, men should get free condoms.


Also to everyone asking i know that birthcontrol wouldn't be "free" but i feel a birthcontrol tax would save people more money than an abortion tax

I am as conservative as you can get - but I support free birth control, of all types. The very last thing this world needs is more people. Those having the abortions are usually trash, black and white, and would have raised their kids to be trash as well, founding multi generational welfare collecting dynasties. Since R v W, there have been about 60 million abortions in the US - about 40% niggers. Most of the niggers and white trash would have already bred MULTIPLE GENERATIONS - so, by now, those 60 million would have increased to 150 million, most of them on welfare.

STDs up, too, I bet.

planned parenthood, or any free clinic, will give you condoms if you ask

I'm all for free birth control, provided abortions are no longer federally funded and preferably no longer legal.

OP's pic is a lie

You're a liar

Tbh I support mandatory birth control. I wish everyone was sterilized at birth when you got your vaccines then had the opportunity to reverse it at any point for free at any time after 21.

can I get a free house, free food and free internet so I can neet all day?

And Colorado has also been invaded by liberal commies from Cali, homeless here for weed and hordes upon hordes of Mexicans. We also get taxed up the ass
>t. Coloradan

oh my god this. Niggers and white trash would be kept in check.

Why would this have to be applied at the Federal level? Why do Americans have such a hardon for Big Fed? What's wrong with State level legislation?

Why not just let states handle it like they should

40% is too fucking low if they're handing birth control for fucking free

Not to mention, this is complete bullshit and you're just pulling these numbers out of your ass

Can I have a state-sponsored blowjob?

easy for you being a hand-holdless virgin
You realize men are part of sex too, right?

That contradicts him how?

>Shkreli raised prices of rarer drugs to cover the costs of production

>BC (which is incredibly common) would be dirt cheap using Shkrelis logic

Can you even economics?

Doesn't anywhere hand out free condpms?

*Massive contamination of water supplies
*Cancer rate has skyrocketed.
*Women's have gone crazy due to moodswings.

golly gee!

We need to repeal this shit fellow CO anons.

Repeal what? OP has no fucking idea what he's talking about

Nothing is free. Who would pay for it? Surely not the taxpayers.

Consider that a large portion of the people having unprotected sex are lazy/short-sighted/apathetic/stupid, so they won't use it, even if it's free.

>I am as conservative as you can get - but I support free birth control, of all types.
Why the shit wouldn't a conservative support birth control. The ones who don't are fucking braindead idiots and it has nothing to do with political affiliation.


Moved out of CO in 2009. Moving back in March. How fucked is the job market?

shut up and get angry faggot. no time to think things through, we need action

The only thing which should be free are condoms to avoid the spread of STDs. That I can sign.

The fuck it is.

the issue is poors are too stupid to bother with even free birth control and they'll end up filling the condoms with water for a balloon fight

I'm well aware. If only there were some way we could make it so that such people have 'birth control' at all times...

At least he doesn't breed degenerates like a rabbit on crack.

why cant whores, niggers, and Chad just use a fucking condom? It barely diminishes pleasure whatsoever and actually makes fucking nasty girls with a bad reputation stress and worry free, not that anybody should be giving these guttersnipes any attention though.

>Nothing is free. Who would pay for it? Surely not the taxpayers.
You get to pay for nigger litters now. Why not prevent them from even existing?

Birth control is cheaper than keeping unwanted trash in prisons for their whole lives. A free condom might keep your daughter being raped by some nigglet turd someday, because he would never be born.

>It barely diminishes pleasure whatsoever

I pity you, cutfag.

>How fucked is the job market?
are you serious? kek

>At least he doesn't breed degenerates like a rabbit on crack.
Then why the fuck won't you give these "degenerates" condoms and pills? Do you just need something to talk about on your right wing Chinese poetry forum?

>why cant whores, niggers, and Chad just use a fucking condom?
It would help if they were more widely available and free. That's the fucking point.

What's your fucking problem Sup Forums? Why can't your grasp a single concept from the beginning of your sentence to the end?

I'm okay with this


What kind is that "Birth Control" ?

Is it postinor-type pills? Hormone anticonception? Condoms?

What is "IUD" ?

Problem in California and other areas is that Mexicans are Catholic and can't use birth control. So they just pump out baby after baby on the governments dime.

>implying I'm the long run birth pills don't hAve a negative effect on the women and possible that child if they decide to have one later on

This, make them suffer their mistake in the first place and they and their friends and family won't keep making it.

The societal safety net is too much of a hammock.

It honestly depends where you go. If you're moving to Denver, Boulder the Springs or some other large city, you'll probably have a hard time finding a decent job, bit if you move into the mountains or even the plains, you should have bit more luck, although living in the mountain is expensive a fuck, but to make up for it, most jobs, (at least where I live,) start at $12 an hour, even at a KFC

still worth it

There's other forms of birth control, but you dipshits don't talk to women except your mothers.

Women married big government in the sixties. They just need a white man to pay for their wedding and donate sperm for their children and then she can go to big daddy government to sign him up for free range slavery. To pay for her to get back on the cock carousel. There is zero consequences for them to lather wrence and repeat this process until they have moved up the social economic ladder other than men being smart enough not to fall for it.

I have often wondered what it is like to be a liberal with a slutty life style and then demand other people pay for your slutty life style. All the while demanding more taxes and other free stuff without having kids to help pay for these things in the future.

If you want free birth control, donate to the cause, I might even throw a few dollars that way -- but don't pretend like you have some moral imperative that gives you the right to force an old Catholic lady at gunpoint to pay for some whores birth control. That's a fucking joke.

You want it, pony up princess.

Preventing them from having kids is cheeper because these liberal welfare babys will just end up costing more in the long run

We should give free birth control and abortions to anyone who wants them.

After instituting a nation wide strict voter ID constitutional amendment and a second constitutional amendment that being a net negative taxpayer over the period of a year means you cannot vote in federal elections.

I agree with the amendments part but abortions should be nonexistent except in the extreme cases like rape babys

I agree with the amendments part but abortions should be nonexistent except in the extreme cases like rape babys.

Mandatory nuva rings for every woman on State assistance. If you can't pay for yourself. You don't need to be having kids. It slves the Mexican problem and the majority of single mother's.

If there is a stable male variant I'd be for it

>inb4 condom

>it would keep women from complaining
Hahahahahaha, you don't know anything about women.

You can't get pregnant on your own fuckhead.

It's easier to manage birth control though one sex, the one that has the uterus and cheap/tested birth control available today.

why does everything have to be "equal", you pussy?

I would gladly give a few bucks for that cunt to get an abortion. Way better than the social costs she will impose. "Free" schooling alone for her rugrat will cost us over $150,000. The type of people who have abortions are the type of people we don't want reproducing.

why cant sluts pay for their own shit? including their bastard children.

>why does everything have to be "equal", you pussy?

so you're actually arguing in favour of inequality and you think that's totally fine. Interesting...

because the methods and the woman are both unreliable.

>thinks women are equal to men
So hans, do you prep the bull or just watch?

I know, lets get back at these sluts by paying for their bastard's education, health care, after school "intervention" program, and eventual long term prison stay. That'll show that slut.

If your give your neighborhood whore free condoms, they win, right user?

When you have your first period, you can have free birth control too, user.

They are reliable. You can fuck up your testicles with "male birth control" if you want user. You act like women don't fucking love birth control. Men who are in relationships love it too. Only single, bitter shit-for-brains men like you are against it.

I would rather have abortions (including post-birth) than birth control. Birth control has so far been shown to fuck up women psychologically, mess with hormone levels, and damage the environment.

You're talking about specific types of hormone-based birth control. Women have other means.

>You act like women don't fucking love birth control. Men who are in relationships love it too.
I love watching women marry beta chumps while on the pill, only to wind up completely unattracted to them once they stop. Of course the children being born buys the relationship a few years but sooner or later the cracks start to show.

>When you have your first period, you can have free birth control too, user.

How about a bank account instead? Seeing as that is where I will be paying child support from.

what about the frogs?

Nice false dichotomy

I don't want to pay for other people to fuck. I don't expect other people to pay for me to fuck either.

I don't care if you abort your babies, provided you pay for that too.

Bull shit we got a long fine prior to the sexual revolution movement.

>Of course the children being born buys the relationship a few years but sooner or later the cracks start to show.
Okeedoke, lets not let women have birth control because of your relationship problems. Sounds like a plan.

No one's stopping you from using birth control or family planning, user. you at like someone's stealing your sperm at gun point.

Awesome, people should just do the right thing! Guess we don't need insurance companies, people should just avoid accidents. And we don't need trauma care, people should just keep from getting hurt.

Law enforcement? People will just do the right thing!

....Or we could device practical strategies of dealing with the inevitable mistakes and wrongdoings....hurr fucking durr.

>millennials are at an all-time-low for sex
>intelligent/wealthier couples use birth control, contraceptives, etc. anyway since they can afford it
>literally the only people getting pregnant without actually wanting kids are cleetus, shanequa, and any trashy/stupid highschool girls who think they'll be with their loser boyfriend forever
>there exist people that think allowing these people to reproduce is a good idea

>literally the only people getting pregnant without actually wanting kids are cleetus, shanequa, and any trashy/stupid highschool girls who think they'll be with their loser boyfriend forever
>there exist people that think allowing these people to reproduce is a good idea
Then give them birth control you fucking idiot.

It's a pretty small investment which is well worth it if it keeps the niggers and the underclass from breeding like rabbits.

I'm saying that's a good idea though, we are in agreement

I just hate all the
>I don't want to pay for them having sex
fags because the government gives us the choice of either paying for stopping their reproduction or them flooding the government with their illiterate voting spawn that vote for gibs

if I could have it my way they'd just starve if you insisted on reproducing when you can't afford kids

because the dumb redneck trump voters don't use it

What about state paid voluntary sterilization? I'd pay taxes for that. Most of the world's problems would be helped by having fewer people.

>I'm saying that's a good idea though, we are in agreement
You'd be the first. The rest of this thread is /r9k/ pissed off that someone else somewhere is getting laid.

>What about state paid voluntary sterilization? I'd pay taxes for that. Most of the world's problems would be helped by having fewer people.
Whatever floats your boat.

>voluntary sterilization
>implying bobby-jo and la-a would pay for it when the government gives them money for shitting out future voters
>implying they even understand what it is or can even pronounce the word properly
>implying teenagers who get pregnant would use it

Fuck I'm too drunk to be posting