Say hello to the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States of America

Say hello to the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States of America.

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Literally fucking who?


He's an originalist

Looks a little Jewy what's his name?

why not a black guy or a women? or a Trans? Ofc its a white male

He's 49 years old, damn. Long tenure ahead.

Can't appeal the Niel!!!!

wow i cant even #scotussowhite

Looks like he's about to cry, bless him

40 years of right wing justice, MY NIGGA


What does this mean?

>Gorsuch bows to this woman






Gorsuch, yet another fucking kike.


Thats what I thought at first too

Or a Jew

will he legalize weed????

i dont know what the fuck these are called but they are really embarrassing, please dont popularize it


>this trite normie bullshit
>this non distinctive speaking voice

Fuck sake lads, his wiki doesn't say he is? Are you sure?

Gorsush is an English last name

His mother's last name is McGill. She was in the Reagan administration


so is this guy a fuckin kike or what. doesnt say anything about him being jewish on wikipedia, are we safe?



>In his book The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Gorsuch argued for "retaining the laws banning assisted suicide and euthanasia … based on the idea that all human beings are intrinsically valuable and the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong".[7]

Statist fucking kike.

He isn't. Don't reply to fucktards.

Nice misinformation, schlomo.


Another win for us!

White people - 9,843,789,097
Subhumans - 8

Fuck man, he disagrees with you on one issue which you probably don't even understand. I guess I'm no longer in favor of the appointment of a scaliatier justice. In fact, I'm now a #GinsbergGal

Of course this guy is, no matter who got elected they were in the kikes' pockets. They were either going to flood the US with refugees, or make a totalitarian dictatorship, they had two plans is what people don't realize.

oooh edgy

Shekelstein PLEASE kill yourself.

>His supporters note that he's an avid outdoorsman who fishes, hunts, and skiis

The biggest question remains: Is he a fudd?

I demand to see his 23 and me results

he's pro life is all that matters to me

>implying I'm a kike
You honestly sound like an inbred nigger.

Nice proof, stupid.

>he's pro life
You realise that means millions of non-whites having kids right...

Not an argument. If you believe people should give personal determination of their lives over to the government, you're a massive fucking cuck.

They've been popular since Dorner newfag

>mfw I just realised we're on the verge of the 4 year anniversary


Was hoping for based Pryor

Confirmed Al-Qaeda operative.

Seriously. Why doesn't every president just elect the youngest Supreme court justice possible? Is it some sort of honor thing?

How is NOT intervening in pregnancy statist, sounds pretty liberal to me to let life flourish freely

even during dorner it was pretty lame.

I mean really there was only one possible word you could use that sounded good with him.

After that's it's just been an endless string of shit

>assisted suicide and euthanasia
>having anything to do with abortion
jfc learn english hans

The government controlling your right to die is statist by definition.

Yep, libs injected the seed of multiculturalism and now the right makes sure it grows.

Boo. Look at his church website. The church he belongs to is pro-gun control and attended the Women's March.

And he said he is close friends with Justice Kennedy. Didn't Justice Kennedy betray the Repubs with Obamacare?

You can kill yourself right now you idiot, the government doesn't have to mandate it.
Who's going to prosecute you when you're dead?

Gorsuch? Tribe of Shylock?

But it specifically says ASSISTED. Are you sure he denies you the right to choose for yourself? I wanna make sure, because you seem to jump to conclusions pretty fast without much thought but instead burst out vague slogans. That's kind of unreasonable considering that man took the time to write a whole book about that one idea to conclude if it's right or wrong

>B-but the state should assist m-me. I'm a liberal literally calling for statism!

They weren't as smart as Trump, they never thought of that.

It's about principle. The government (a system that is ideally meant to help citizens) shouldn't be taking personal control over people's life and death. You can hide a tank in your garage too, but that doesn't mean the government won't lock you up if you find out.
>people shouldn't have the right to pre-decide what should happen to them if they become a vegetable

The state has nothing to do with assisted suicide. I don't want to be condescending, but you should really know the basics of the concept you're arguing with me about.

If Gorsuch gets in properly and then Kennedy retires or Ginsberg kicks the bucket liberals are going to get absolutely BTFO for at least the next thirty years.

Trey all the way

Ginsberg ain't going to last 4 years

it's legal to own a tank though

His wiki page claims he's Episcopalian

In a nation founded by White Protestants, he would be the only White Protestant on the court.

This is a bigger move on Trump's part than most people realize. The originalism of his legal interpretations is far less important in the long run than the originality of his ethnicity.

Well, you are and you also didn't manage to reflect on my question which just strengthens the point I tried to make.

If you don't want vegetables to be exploited by medical institutions, maybe you should tackle the root of this, which is their interest in profit. and not a question of "should euthanasia be allowed or not".

Make Cruz the replacement for Ginsberg in that scenario and the liberal tears will be a fucking tsunami of mixed rage and despair.

It's good night for dreams of a liberal court in many of their lifetimes.

* originalism of his ethnicity

Yeah but the guns can't work. Also I the point is that just because you can do something illegally, doesn't mean the law should exist.

>all human beings are intrinsically valuable and the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong
He seems pretty fucking clear cut on the issue.
>waah it's the corporations fault for exploiting situations created by the government and fulfilling their LEGAL OBLIGATION to make a profit


I like that you think the government is meant to help citizens. I think the government in a secular society should work as mediator between social and financial concerns. Todays governments certainly have lost their ability to draw that clear line and so have the citizens. Instead they allow the market to capitalize on more and more social aspects


Wasn't it supposed to be the KKK guy? I wanted the KKK guy.

>working as a mediator between social and financial concerns
What are social concerns but looking out for the good of society? The hard truth is that private industries create better quality of life that government controlled industries. There are so many quality of life comparisons between capitalist and communist societies this is stupid to argue.



Good to meet you

Can scotus get fired when a new president comes in office?

So what's Jeff Sessons going to be?

I can't believe i used to like this guy.
used to think he was cool until he started going after Shkreli.
fucking fraud