Enough meme shit, let's talk about real globalism. What are we going to do to stop agenda 21?

For those that don't know why this is so worrying, have a little read.

Daily reminder that it's underway RIGHT NOW. You can see the signs yourself. >Tons of immigrants being imported in.
>High density housing
>Becoming harder and harder to own your own house

This is not coincidental, this is intentional. The globalists want you living in a box, not a house.

Other urls found in this thread:

I've been following this since I first heard about it years ago. I can only hope that Trump's sweeping reforms can reverse this or steer the US away from it.

If you are an user who doesn't know about this, you HAVE to look it up. Keep this bumped.

Bump non-shill threads.

Here's another nice explanation.

It's so sickening even regular democrats are terrified.

The only people supporting this are pure globalists.

This is something EVERYONE needs to unite on, no matter your political affiliation (unless you're a globalist)

Cheers mate, it really needs to be discussed. I've seen 5 BBC cuck threads and i figured we needed some real politics.

Looks like Kek agrees.

Cities with rising density and growth like Austin, TX, Seattle, WA, and expensive cities like LA are building more "apodments" and getting more land zones for high density tiny living space - at a premium price. They're getting people excited and used to the idea, to then roll out in less dense cities.

Yep, they're also doing "sustainable developments" and here in my city (melbourne) they are turning the entire city into highrise apartments all over the place.

On the surface you may think it's just people looking to make a profit (this is partially true) but government regulations (thanks to agenda 21) are structured so they make a big profit by putting up high rises and are incentivised to do this.

bump, don't tell me cuck threads get 200 replies and a real fucking thread about a globalist agenda that's going on right now dies?

Apparently it happens.

I wonder why is it.


We are getting digits left and right. This thread is HIGH POWERED

Since we're on the subject, my city had an older Section 8 govt. housing neighborhood. A year or two ago they started demolishing some of the small buildings. Oh, good, I thought. Then they fenced off the area and started building higher density apartment blocks for the housing project. And our city has a total lack of jobs. This will not end well.

Yep. And this goes deeper than just housing. They're setting up the education system to make the youth more likely to accept this.

They're also trying to restrict movement of travel (anti-car).

Why do you think they're pushing self-driving cars so hard.

I know it sounds conspiracy, but just look yourself and see the signs. Its happening right now.

This is what happens when a bunch of humans have too much power, they'll try and hold onto it. Conspiracies like this are part of human nature, they've happened for centuries and will continue to happen....but we need brave people to stand up and stop them.



Kek fucking wills us to discuss this.

This is not coincidence.


Agenda 21 is a 350-page document divided into 40 chapters that have been grouped into 4 sections:

Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions: is directed toward combating poverty, especially in developing countries, changing consumption patterns, promoting health, achieving a more sustainable population, and sustainable settlement in decision making.
Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development: Includes atmospheric protection, combating deforestation, protecting fragile environments, conservation of biological diversity (biodiversity), control of pollution and the management of biotechnology, and radioactive wastes.
Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups: includes the roles of children and youth, women, NGOs, local authorities, business and industry, and workers; and strengthening the role of indigenous peoples, their communities, and farmers.
Section IV: Means of Implementation: implementation includes science, technology transfer, education, international institutions and financial mechanisms.

I don't seee what the problem is.

>born too early to explore the world
>born too late to explore the galaxies
>born just in time to start up your non self driving gasoline engiene car out of your driveway through the open road

It's a plan to funnel everyone into boxes so only rich people can own land.

They're also making it so ruralfags are forced into the cities and people can't live off the land and be free of government control.

What you listed is the excuses they're using to achieve this goal. It's a smokescreen.

You can fairly push an entire agenda if you are on the driver seat.

That's why we elect politicians for, to create an illusion of choice based on representativity, but at the end the politician it's responsible for it's own choices.

Okay let's get the ball rolling. I have a feeling not many Sup Forums users are aware of this.

Here's a map of the US Agenda 21 development projects. Note how most of the map is restricted in some form. Think about what that means in terms of population density and migration of people.

It's designed so people can't go innawoods.

They want everyone under their thumb.
And this is not just an american thing, it's GLOBAL.

They're doing it in my country too.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

"As required by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity."

>UN Convention

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


They are doing it here too. Under the guise of protecting the environment they plan on making it impossible for anyone who's not rich to live in the countryside or go innawoods.

They are playing the slow long game and as technology gets better they'll have more tools to enforce this.

Yep, it's a UN agenda. This is as globalist as you get.

They are doing this all over the world, look at canada. You will notice agenda 21's effects all over, how your cities are getting more and more crowded?

Stop Agenda 21?

We're beyond that user, we're dismantling the UN entirely.

Won't work at this point, their policies to push agenda 21 have already been embedded in our countries law.

>Carbon taxes
>Biodiversity corridors
>Apartment and zoning regulations

We need to assess every single aspect of this and destroy it systematically.

>U.N. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. It calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth. Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world. Only then, they say, will there be social justice which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21 plan.

>U.N. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. It calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth.

> It calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth.

>a redistribution of wealth


That's why Trump's hard stance on leaving he UN is so important. And the globalists will fight it tooth and nail. We must be prepared.

is the "lol you can't do fucking anything in national parks" bullshit part of that too?

thought I'd heard that somewhere before

UN is big on civilian disarmament too which is no doubt behind the cuckening of the non-seppo west


Why is sharing walls with people I don't know and hate because they're fucking loud such a desirable thing?

It is literally a Green Communist agenda, with a sprinkling of population control woven in.

And here, they're manipulating capitalists who want to make a profit.

They have infiltrated and structured regulations here so that it's more profitable to make high rise apartments in nearly every situation.

Google "big shiver as clampdown on wood" and read the comments.

In victoria, daniel andrews banned people from picking up fallen wood and sent hundreds of rangers out to fine people for it.

>Never heard of Agenda 21 before this thread

I'm currently scared.jpg

Don't be, you're not alone.

Even lefties are terrified of this, only the most radical greenies like it, or globalists.

We just need more people to look at the evidence. This is not a conspiracy hiding in the shadows, it's right out in the open.

People need only look at how they structured our legal systems to make this agenda a reality, the proof is in our laws and how our cities are becoming just like predicted.

>muh firewood
Read about that when it happened (guess where I live). Cunts seem to want the entire state to burn since they won't let locals provide free fuel reduction (by taking fallen trees and shit for firewood at home) and are fucking over the CFA with union bullshit

Also cunts trying to push this "great forest national park" to remove almost every state forest close to Melbourne so we have nowhere to hunt or anything

reeeeee never voted for these commie cunts

The return of serfdom.

I want the globalists to die.

hell here in australia we even have a big political party speaking out against it.

it was paid by loggers, the CFEMU (f stands for forestry) so people bought their wood

ironically it increases the risk of bushfires

Seriously cunts read this. I'm sure your country has similar policies installed.

Agenda 21 leaves no stone unturned and no person outside of its reach. In order to accomplish its goals of sustainable development and to make you into a so-called "steward of the environment," Agenda 21 seeks to control you and your life. Once implemented, Agenda 21 will affect you the following ways:

Eliminating your right to private ownership (property rights)
Forbidding you from entering woodland and wetland areas
Punishing you with higher prices at the store
Restricting your civil liberties
Restricting the number of children you can have
Restricting the amount of trash or waste you can dispose of
Restricting the amount of water you can use
Telling you how much to harvest on your farm or land
Forcing you to participate in community projects
Another arm of Agenda 21, is to privatise water. A farmer can only capture 10 % of the water in his dam, the rest must flow to the rivers and creeks, or be taxed. South Australia are just starting to feel the effects of Agenda 21, with the state government trialing low flow by-passes on dams, at an estimated cost of up to $30,000, this is to stop water running into dams. A water licence must be bought for irrigation from your own dam and also a right to take water levy, whether you use it or not, has been introduced by the government, and supported by the opposition.

>Bikes. What does that have to do with it? I like to ride my bike and so do you. So what? Bicycle advocacy groups are very powerful now. Advocacy. A fancy word for lobbying, influencing, and maybe strong-arming the public and politicians. What's the connection with bike groups? National groups such as Complete Streets, Thunderhead Alliance, and others, have training programs teaching their members how to pressure for redevelopment, and training candidates for office.

>It's not just about bike lanes, it's about remaking cities and rural areas to the 'sustainable model'. High density urban development without parking for cars is the goal. This means that whole towns need to be demolished and rebuilt in the image of sustainable development. Bike groups are being used as the 'shock troops' for this plan.

>What plan? We're losing our homes since this recession/depression began, and many of us could never afford those homes to begin with. We got cheap money, used whatever we had to squeak into those homes, and now some of us lost them.

>We were lured, indebted, and sunk. Whole neighborhoods are empty in some places. Some are being bulldozed. Cities cannot afford to extend services outside of their core areas. Slowly, people will not be able to afford single family homes. Will not be able to afford private cars. Will be more dependent. More restricted. More easily watched and monitored.

Let me draw Australian's attention to Section 100 of the Australian Constitution. It reads..."The Commonwealth shall not, by any law or regulation of trade or commerce, abridge the right of a State or of the residents therein to the reasonable use of the waters of rivers for conservation or irrigation."
This has not been challenged in the high court but we believe that Australians, under section 100 of the Constitution have the right to water. John Howard and his Liberal government, separated land and water in 2004 to make it a saleable commodity. This was not done for any reason other than for profit and the grubby business of multinationals and big business to make money.
Agenda 21 also calls for the fencing of rivers and creeks, at the expense of the land owner, to stop live stock from accessing the water, supposedly for environmental purposes. Water is our life’s blood, without it we will die.
No government or individual has the right to own or control another person’s use of water. In a drought stricken country such as Australia, we should be assisting farmers to put more dams on their properties, not shut them down with fines, taxes and meters, or limiting the size of a dam if it does not impact on other properties and their water supplies.
It’s the man on the land that is being targeted today, tomorrow it will be the cities that will be taxed for the rain water they capture in their tanks.
Other states will experience Agenda 21, it is only a matter of time. Always be wary when you hear the words sustainable development.

This is kind of old info, but this is why there's been a huge "smart" push. This s to monitor your life to calculate your carbon taxes.

Live in pods. Play Call of Virtual Duty. Reap the rewards of Basic Income.

Shah of Iran on Jewish control of the media

The plan is to restrict your choices, limit your funds, narrow your freedoms, and take away your voice. One of the ways is by using the Delphi Technique to 'manufacture consensus.'

Another is to infiltrate community groups or actually start neighborhood associations with hand-picked 'leaders'.

Another is to groom and train future candidates for local offices.

Another is to sponsor non-governmental groups that go into schools and train children.

Another is to offer federal and private grants and funding for city programs that further the agenda.

Another is to educate a new generation of land use planners to require New Urbanism.

Another is to convert factories to other uses, introduce energy measures that penalize manufacturing, and set energy consumption goals to pre-1985 levels.

>Another is to allow unregulated immigration in order to lower standards of living and drain local resources.

Well it all makes sense now.

Yep. We really were not joking, this agenda is insidious as fuck.

"Smart Cities" and "sustainable development"should be vocabulary that automatically sets off red flags.

No matter where you live, I'll bet that there have been hundreds of condos built in the center of your town recently. Over the last ten years there has been a 'planning revolution' across the US. Your commercial, industrial, and multi-residential land was rezoned to 'mixed use.' Nearly everything that got approvals for development was designed the same way: ground floor retail with two stories of residential above. Mixed use. Very hard to finance for construction, and very hard to manage since it has to have a high density of people in order to justify the retail. A lot of it is empty and most of the ground floor retail is empty too. High bankruptcy rate.

We need to meme reverse urbanization into reality.

I've not seen this anywhere.

Your pic needs sources.

this needs another thread
and then another

I have seen a lot of it in Salt Lake City.
Usually it's 4+ floors of living space, above some small retail areas and expensive as fuck.

We privatized the water a long time ago, and it's been hell since.

People steals water from full communities,cause the acces to water it's not included in the constitution, and it's not respected.

I think you are right with your complains, but it's hard to pinpoint where it's the agenda being implemented, or good old fashion incompetence plus greed.

Here is your source. Read up.

>Agenda 21


Too fucking true mate, thankyou all for keeping this thread alive among the sea of cuck threads and other clickbait.

This is the single most worrying thing, it's behind the immigration agenda bullshit, it's behind gun control and restriction of various freedoms.

We need to be pouring resources into destroying this, into educating people that it's a very real agenda.

Here, they're manipulating people's greed and using it to further the agenda, as i've stated in my above posts in regards to how the laws are structured to favor apartment construction.

They simply made it more profitable to build "smart sustainable" cities how they want and let the market do the rest.

Agenda 21 is the jews plans for a global communist state where the goyim are eternal slave to them

>One Nation
was just about to direct you lot to their website, glad you know about it.
Have a bump

Before you do, read up on the Protocol of the Elders of Zion

I live in a medium sized city and a couple huge high rises just went up, well, have been built over the past several years, and some rich developer wants to build a 6 or 7 story downtown but the town council won't let him build higher than 3. He says its not worth building if he can't go higher.

This rich developer must be one of your Agenda 21 guys. IIRC his plan was ground floor buisness and upper residential.

>Protocol of the Elders of Zion

>The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is an antisemitic fabricated text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination.

>antisemitic fabricated text

seems legit to me

Yea i'm amazed they had the balls to talk about it.

I don't think one nation's perfect but they're 100% better than labor/lib jewry.

this sounds exactly right. nice catch

Are you in every thread? How much does ctrl-V pay these days?

Most of your towns provided funding and/or infrastructure development for these private projects. They used Redevelopment Agency funds. Your money. Specifically, your property taxes. Notice how there's very little money in your General Funds now, and most of that is going to pay Police and Fire? Your street lights are off, your parks are shaggy, your roads are pot-holed, your hospitals are closing. The money that should be used for these things is diverted into the Redevelopment Agency. It's the only agency in government that can float a bond without a vote of the people. And they did that, and now you're paying off those bonds for the next 45 years with your property taxes. Did you know that? And by the way, even if Redevelopment is ended, as in California, they still have to pay off existing debt--for 30 to 45 years.

1 shekel per key pressed is my guess

Go to bed, Babyface Castro. You've got a big week of blowing Muslims ahead of you.

of course they did mate. Pauline Hanson loves this country.
nostalgic shitposting you fucking newfags. it's a reminder that CTR still operates here.

Keep mocking and spreading the truth about the anthropogenic global warming/climate change hoax. That will help.

I'm driving down a road today that used to have a turn lane, but the turn lane is now a bike lane. It's 20 degrees outside Fahrenheit . I'm coming up to my turn, I got my turn signal on, stopped at a red light. There is a guy in front going straight, so I'm waiting. Then it happens. A guy in a brand new Volvo comes flying down the bike lane, and turns right. I'm still waiting for the light to turn green in my old American made pick up-truck. Agenda 21 in a nutshell.

Agenda 21 is the real deal - establishment of global governance.

Look this guy up - Maurice strong.

I feel ya bro, it's gonna be a rough 8 years.

Then you have a bunch of Israeli media sites VERIFYING what Putin says...

>Yes go, Putin is right, Communism was started and brought to Russia by us Jews... But that damn anti-semetic forgery "The Protocols of Zion" that perpetrates Jews taking over the world is an lie you fucking goyim!

Its because the mods are all lefty globalists

The fucking website is run by our enemies. We really do need to make our own dedicated Sup Forumschan very soon if we are to truly fight this kind of thing

Bicycle advocacy groups are very powerful now. Advocacy. A fancy word for lobbying, influencing, and maybe strong-arming the public and politicians. What's the conection with bike groups? National groups such as Complete Streets, Thunderhead Alliance, and others, have training programs teaching their members how to pressure for redevelopment, and training candidates for office. It's not just about bike lanes, it's about remaking cities and rural areas to the 'sustainable model'. High density urban development without parking for cars is the goal. This means that whole towns need to be demolished and rebuilt in the image of sustainable development. Bike groups are being used as the 'shock troops' for this plan.

What plan? We're losing our homes since this recession/depression began, and many of us could never afford those homes to begin with. We got cheap money, used whatever we had to squeak into those homes, and now some of us lost them. We were lured, indebted, and sunk. Whole neighborhoods are empty in some places. Some are being bulldozed. Cities cannot afford to extend services outside of their core areas. Slowly, people will not be able to afford single family homes. Will not be able to afford private cars. Will be more dependent. More restricted. More easily watched and monitored.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Every post is a nostalgic shitpost in Strayla


We have the cyclist groups here and that article is true. They are aggressive as fuck.

I hear london has them too.

Is this happening here?

Didn't this originate from The Club of Rome in the 70's?

Yes. It's happening in 180 countries that all signed up for this.

And it's had 20 years to worm it's way into our laws.

National governments don't want you to have a house at all.

The UK government is currently dependent on a few swing-constituencies, all of which are dependent on house prices. As a result they're committed to an artificial bubble, holding down construction, ensuring council house construction for rent remains null, and so on.

Agenda 21 is nothing.
>non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan
>non-binding, voluntarily implemented

The word "housing" doesn't even appear in the article.

Mass immigration is policy to ensure labour-surpluses are permanent and hold down wages, and on occasion as a cynical ploy to try and get more voters for one party or another.

They're even getting people opposed to interurban rapid rail transit (something actually really useful in a big spread out place) and want instead a model where everyone lives within 5 minutes of everything (which in itself isn't that bad) but are heavily restricted from moving very far very fast

Holy fuck,

I've been having odd premonitions of this and it terrifies me to no end. I keep g erring images of a "perfect green future" where there is no freedom and you have been brainwashed into a dull worker unit, becoming just a number in ((their)) paradise.

It is a world without a soul. We MUST stop this.

someone gib me a rundown on the scariest stuff

All the Wikipedia article says is its a bunch of environmental stuff

No I mean the corridor thing I haven't been able to find a map of a setup like this here

Too fucking true mate. We need to start making infographics on the agenda to redpill people.

They need to be legible and factual, there's enough info out there to make people very scared.

scroll up and read the thread, there's plenty

it won't be named the same thing, but look for national park restricted zones, biodiversity areas, restricted land

Is this the reason housing is completely unaffordable everywhere here now?

This is the real reason behind the climate change agenda. Taxation from cradle to grave, alongside austerity for the entire civilized world. The last 3rd of it is total soviet hell.

>Why do you think they're pushing self-driving cars so hard.
self-driving cars are just as unsustainable as regular cars if they're fueled by petrol.

Now look at a map of current human use.
Most of those areas are already empty.

I'll keep bumping and yes we do need to keep spreading the word on this

If we have to spam this on the board and fight the faggot mods every step of the way then that's what well do. Get ready to evade hotpocket's bans

Yes. Same deal with my country too. And various other places around the world.

They're making a profit off it too. They restrict rural landrights so it's nearly impossible to live out of a city, then jack up prices in the city.

Thankfully they still don't have full control of the countryside just yet, but they are trying and as technology gets better they'll be able to enforce more.

I actually have personal experience with agenda 21. Several years ago, my fathers riverside property was nearly taken by the government so it could be used for a public walking trail that was officially associated with some kind of local version of agenda 21. It only stopped when the public got wind of the situation and complained to the city council, who then rerouted the project.

I secretly think the whole walking trail was a ploy to buy up properties that border fresh water, but I'm not sure.

Agenda 21 is a very real thing and is being carried out by local governments in many different countries, not just on the National or UN level.

Exactly what you said mate. Those "restricted" areas line right up with places that are "off the grid" and out of government control.

It's literally to control us and keep us in cities so they can control us easier.

Very fucking true mate, if you read the charter they actually talk about small community projects on a local level.

You did experience agenda 21 mate.

Well here it's decently easy to build in rural areas what keeps people from there is the fact there are ZERO new jobs and more and more are leaving. You basically have to be retired and already have enough money for the rest of your days

>t. Grew up in small town no jobs when I graduated and had to move still no jobs today

>It's literally to control us and keep us in cities so they can control us easier.
Yes, because we'd all be going innawoods otherwise.

It couldn't possible t be to stop them tearing up land for purely commercial purposes so we wind up like chinks

The end result would be the rich people get killed. Its happened all throughout history when people have tried these ideas.

Take your local paper. Read it. Up above we said that UN Agenda 21, communitarianism and sustainable development/SmartGrowth don't show up much in the paper, but they do, every day.

If you're paying attention and reading intelligently. Articles about redevelopment projects, bicycle boulevards, neighborhood summits, neighborhood elections, neighborhood revitalization projects, neighborhood stabilization projects, visioning, local boards, smart growth projects, low-income housing subsidies, transportation grants, green building retrofit programs, well monitoring, SMART electric and gas meters, Common Core, and the people who object to them come out every day. Connect with those people.