Best Alt-right Forums

What's the best place for alt-right discussion?


Supposedly here but a full 2/3 of the entire catalog is DRUMPF BTFO HOW WILL HE EVER RECOVER so I am beginning to feel as though I was lied to about the nature of this place.

Sup Forums here and on 8 chan, forums, daily stormer, r/altright, MPC

TRS forums shoah'd with Mike's doxxing (hence pic)

That's because shills know this is the closest thing to unfiltered truth.

Sorry officer, I've never heard of this "alt-right".

and you'll never get in


i heard they're back

any word on the TRS goys coming back? Are they doing any other shows? Are there any archives of the podcast?

Can some nice lad tell me if this link will destroy my pc??

TDS is still happening but FTN is completely gone and McFeels and Halberstram are MIA. Looks like forums might be back up but I wasn't extremely vetted and looks like my account got wiped, probably along with all the other new ones.


Sup Forums seems like 75% satire and the rest is left/right arguing and clawing at each other

Not here. Now go away. Shoo.

/r/altright is gay as hell but it's probably the best place. Civic Nationalism is way cooler than your degenerate racist philosophy tho desu

Shill thread.

I cannot understand why you folk here on Sup Forums dislike stormfront. They are genuinely decent people. They hold more serious discussions, thats for sure.

Shill for what lol?

>Civic Nationalism is way cooler

Too bad the world revolves around what works and not what is cool.

>e for alt-right discussion?
alt right is over desu, just accept it.


For a tangy new perspective

Most people on Sup Forums are shitskins who are memeing about being a stormfag.

I mean, those guys who crashed that Shia thing were chinks and dotheads

sam hyde's twitter

also tim heideckers


It was originally a private torrent tracker for some sort of chink music game. It has a reputation for being one of the most bizarrely difficult trackers to get into harder than most top-level scene trackers. They literally don't let anyone in unless there's a really good reason... and what constitutes a really good reason is one of the mysteries of the ages.

Its forums house what could be described as the main seat of power for the alt-right's online presence. A lot of decisions are made there, and a lot of very big people show up there. I won't name names because 1. Rules and 2. You wouldn't believe me for a second.

>>>"""alt-right"""" is a false category, a derogatory term concocted as a PR attempt to group Trump voters and supporters into an easily attacked and silenced group. It failed but the term caught on in popularity after the election.

>>Don't fall for identity politics. MSM and libcucks use identity politics as a form of warfare. Identify as something and you become something tangible they can attack.