Japan's national history is about 10 times as long as America's

Japan's national history is about 10 times as long as America's
so America is a leftist country and conservative American people
are fake conservative, aren't they?

Yeah but japan is a degenerate shit hole

Japan is a country? I thought we wiped you out in WWII?

what the fuck are you talking about you zipperhead

? Trump was born in America
he is not illegal
the analogy makes no sense

Anime overdose. Many such cases!



That sounds really retarded, and i dont understand what ur trying to say.

Also, indians need to stfu because theyd be fighting someone else of it wasnt us. That argument needs to die already, ot doesnt hold water bc everyone in the US knows they wouldnt be here without us.

Nip bastard REKT

>10 times as long as
Be honest, Hirohito, you own everything to Portugal, so stop playing tough.

We conquered our land.

I swear to god, I bet 1 out of 5 Japanese on here are just Marines shitposting.

Only time you see a native's picture is when a faggot liberal is exploiting them for their agendas.

fuckin a i only came here to post this

See this is typical Jeb. Low energy. Just awful. Really terrible, it really really is.

what are you even on about? also the japanese we know to day are not the native people of japan

sorry m8

>implying US citizens are illegals because they colonised America while indigenous tribes were still living there
Might is right.

If Trump and supporters are conservative why don't they respect native American people
who have the longest history as residents in America?
Are there only fake conservatives in America?

Why don't you respect the Ainu, Akira? Fuck. Off.

There was never a point in history where Japanese culture was an good at all. It was always sucky. People just killing theirselves left and right, and you know what OP?!?!! You should do the same! You fucking cock

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>you don't like illegal immigration?

Who told liberals this was a good idea?

Japanese "culture" is a joke.
>best warriors were literally just there to cut through unarmed peasants and were shit soldiers
>katana's are literally a meme sword that were less effective than european swords that predated them by centuries
>the only reason the steel was folded so many times is because Japan has some of the shittest metal on earth
>Miyamoto Musashi was a bitch, and a shit philosopher
>the only reason you lasted so long in WWII was cause of your numbers.
>post-WWII Japan becomes obsessed with American culture
>combines the US culture they were cucked by in with complete and total degeneracy

Settlers and pilgrims aren't illegal immigrants.
They made civilisation out of wilderness

Japan also left the MIddle Age prtty late in the game when compared to Western civilization... So... uh... What does anything have to do with anything, again?

hes a fucking wop!

Why do people think this is an argument against immigration? The unregulated and unchecked migration of whites to America led to the complete conquering of the indigenous land and destruction of the local people and their way of life.

It's the best argument ever against immigration.

>Argue in favour of illegal immigration by proving that the indigenous population will inevitably be overwhelmed and replaced by the immigrants, therefore proving your opponent correct

Currently, there's a rule of birthright citizenship where even if your parents were here illegally, if you were born in the US you are a citizen. These are sometimes called "anchor babies"
A lot of Trumpets (especailly on Sup Forums) want to get rid of this policy so even if you are born in America, you are still illegal if your parents were


>90% of natives wiped out by disease

Eurotrash that spread their filth is more like it.

Why does Trump remove the correct regulation of national parks?
Do Trump supporters think American people don't have to protect the longest history of the nature of America
instead of their short history?
Is it a conservative thought?



>a fucking English teacher

Sup Forums is that way, you weebshit vermin.

Fucking this.
I AM native and I am ancap as hell.
Pisses me off the way commies use us to push the agenda...
Meanwhile they fuck our communities over, and spend a gorillion dollars on foreigners.
Fucking awful Liberal opportunists.

>I AM native

Shouldn't you be out drunkenly harassing a liquor store clerk to let you buy more firewater with your government money?

Wow that imjim really oodled my noodle

Nah. My dad left the rez to join the armed forces. I'm a software engineer and married to a white gal.
It's reservation culture that fucks us up. Corrupt elders running the bands into the ground and pocketing 90% of the funding supposedly going to the band.
We got out of that shit because you have to take care of yourself in this world.

Still have some REAL degenerate cousins though. Like, drunk at 1100h and squeezing out brats for gibsmedats kind of people. I see them once a year and that's too much.

Nonsense bait.

On another thought. Pre-Perry Japan was in some ways if the ideal state of which Sup Forumslacks seem to preach a return for: strong patriarchy, rich cultural history (though arguably heavily appropriated from other Asiastic origins, but then again America was once British), masculine codes of conduct and a deep sense of nationalism. I would make a case that the nation did not advance in industry and growth because it lacked the natural resources to accumulate any subsidy for leisure in science and free thought, as well as that its long, unresolved feudal eras made efforts towards the former impossible. Once it was fully unified and endowed with industrial advances, we see a sudden rush in its individual and national capabilities, though it seems it preferred outward expansion into its neighboring continents. After WW2 we see Japan is entirely broken both physically and mentally, and though it quickly recovered there was a greater inclination (with some exceptions, no doubt) to appropriate its creativity and identity from other nations (primarily America) while also mass marketing the remains of its heritage; it certainly adapted and mimicked globalist ideals better than other nations, though it appears it people suffered a greater spiritual crisis of identity and purpose as it members employed its old, cultured ethics into the modern world. In some ways (arguments of anime degeneracy aside) the current youth of Japan might be rebelling to this way of life, in that there no sense of progress or purpose in embracing it, and those who are to be its future will will only progress until they have been reaffirmed a strong identity of self, gender, role, and nationality.