How to destroy the Liberal movement

Hi pol,

Ive been fucking with the left for awhile now and Ive come to the conclusion that the best way to discredit the liberal movement is through false flags. Im asking you all to help me in my false flag effort across social media.

Through my false flagging Ive learned that white people (especially men) are eager to jump the Liberal ship once they learn that they are viewed as the "enemy" and that the left wants them to "lose" and that they're not on the same side.

Im proposing that we infiltrate Liberal social media movements throughout the West with fake accounts and destroy their movement from within. We will do this by making fake accounts (Facebook, Twitter even reddit) while posing as minorities and then by making comments such as "its all white peoples fault" which may seem minor but are actually very effective. Get these white people(that make up the bulk of the Liberal movement) feeling aliened and we can destroy them.

Comments that Ive been using or some similar form of:
"The Democratic party doesnt represent me theres way too many white people(men) in positions of power"
"Yeah like Im going to listen to a white person, youre the reason were discriminated against"
"At my job at HR I always look over white peoples(mens) resumes and give them to my own kind"
"I wont be happy till white people(men) feel the same suffering and discrimination that Ive felt"
"White people(men) wont matter for votes in 20 years when the Mexicans outnumber them"

The memes are funny and all but my this is actually a real effective movement that can do some damage, join me pol and save Western Civilization

The truth will destroy them. No need to false flag.

Nice try ShareBlue.

The left uses these same tactics

Remember that Trump barely won, if we stay the course it may be too late(look at birth rates) If we dont take drastic measures were done for


Memes and draft your daughters was just the beginning we could be so much more.

I prefer having the moral high ground.

Meming the hypocrisy of actual liberals is the preferred medicine, senpai.


Shareblue, by posting on a public place and getting people to agree with that you are trying to create a false consensus that you can then exploit. You always...go back to your masters, and tell them you failed. Hopefully they will kill you and cannibalize you quickly before they begin their pedophile blood orgy.
Fucking hell...Share Blue? Sad. Sad name. Sad movement.


we don't need false flags we only need the truth.

Because truth when we'll explained is the most powerful propaganda ever.

Guys Im a Trump guy. What do you think the Quebec shooting was? It was a false flag. My countries about to be destroyed by immigrants there no more time for moral high ground bull shit the Left is beating us because theyre better at manipulating and propaganda. Im doing this if you guys dont wanna help then go back to posting pepes or some shit.


sage their trash threads

we'll help you rid your country of the cultists once we have shit under control here.
maintain the high ground at all costs. you're nowhere near the point of desperation yet.

the left is bat shit crazy anyways, just continue to drop redpills in a respectable manner and watch the chaos unfold when leftists lose their shit. Normal people will see you as the rational one.
Already converted several former liberal friends this way.

Exactly the left is fucking crazy, Im not really false flagging Im just telling people what the crazy liberal really think

Hide your power level.

We dont have free speech here in leafland like they do in the US. You can get fired, or even charged for a thought crime.

>I have such a weak constitution that I cannot bear the thought of people having different opinions than me.


The left has the entire mainstream media at their disposable, they have CTR they have Hollywood. The moral high ground will lead us to ruin, think of the future all these children growing up who are being brainwashed by the public school system and are going to vote left in 10 years. I guess you guys can brag about your clean conscience once youre a minority in your own country.

Checked. Kek says do it.

Ive been doing it and it works

>implying right leaning agents don't already infiltrate leftist circles
what is project Veritas.
We do. We're just not faggots about it spamming copy paste bot posts. Try again shareblue

Fine just thought I would let people know what to do if they want to help, my bad.