What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Abraham Lincoln? "redpill" me faggots

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Abraham Lincoln? "redpill" me faggots

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Not gonna Iie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Greatest president imo
>American nationalist
>pro worker
>great orator

Get woke son


One of our several gay presidents

what about that whole civil war thing

kinda violates NAP

conclusively proved an awesome beard is no defence against bullets.

Fuck off, Molyneux.
Not an argument.

in all seriousness, Lincoln massively increased the abusiveness of the federal government

did the South not have every right to Secede?

>in all seriousness, Lincoln massively increased the abusiveness of the federal government
In order to preserve it.
>did the South not have every right to Secede?
idk, I'm not well read on the early constitution. I do know that Robert E Lee didn't think so.

Was a ridiculously brilliant politician who basically played Congress and his cabinet like a fucking fiddle (while literally everyone thought he was a dumb country-bumbkin pawn) but couldn't into warfare at all. Also pulled some insanely anti-Constitutional bullshit.

His meddling and attempts at playing commander in chief held the Union war effort back by like 2-3 years. The war could have been over in 1863 if he hadn't been so fucking dumb in his handling of the military.

He also would likely have deported the Afro-Americans after the war was over, and reconstruction would have gone much better, but faggot ass Southrons had to go and shoot him.

Overall an above-average President who is overrated because of how he died.

> if he hadn't been so fucking dumb in his handling of the military.

what did he fuck up there?

I didn't realize an (((actor))) from Maryland was a Southerner

He appointed some fuck up generals before finally choosing Grant and Sherman.

The south was technologically inferior, had no industry, was smaller in number and the only advantage they at first had was some cavalry, that got quickly spent in the conflict.

The zerg rush tactics of the union were idiotic to the extreme at first, and were the only reason south wasnt simply crushed on the getgo

this actually well supported, he burned through a few assholes who wouldn't do their jobs and as a result the south had a good start in the war. until he finally hired grant and sherman.

>Routinely changed Generals in command for political reasons
>Changed army leadership positions because they physically could not carry out his orders
>Required ~60k troops to remain in Washington at all times
>Garrisoned every square inch of the North with 200k plus recruits
>Counter-maned orders and obstructed Generals in the field

Basically, he tried to play war like a game of checkers while the Confederates were playing fucking chess.

Maryland was considered a Southern state in 1861. Slavery was legal (although almost non-exsistent), the culture was Southern, and they actually would probably have Seceded with Virginia if the Fed hadn't marched into their State congress and told them they couldn't.

Also Booth had spent a lot of time in the Deep South prior to the war and sympathized with the Confederate cause.

Grant was slightly above average and Sherman lost against every real opponent he faced.

Many of the early Generals like McClellan and Rosecrans were fairly decent.

Burnside, Hooker, and Pope, were all colossal fuckups though.

Manipulator who didn't actually give a fuck about black people.
Still pretty good. Too bad we never got Sherman as a president. He was the most badass motherfucker who ever lived.

I know this is hentai I needs sauce

He was an actor that played both leaders in the Civil War, and faked his assassination, in a theatre..

Why is it good for someone to "give a shit about black people." But if someone "gives a shit about white people" It's wrong and racist?

Because liberals.

Kind of the difference between preserving wildlife and preserving the dominant culture.

One is helping the inferior, and one is helping those who dont really need help

>while the Confederates were playing fucking chess.

With half as many pieces as normal and without understanding that the game was, in fact, checkers the entire time. And with them only even getting off the ground because the previous President just passed his final few turns without doing anything.

Buchanan was the worst President. So far...

Anyway, that quote by Rett from "Gone with the Wind" about the utter lack of ability for the South to win the war isn't far wrong from the actual logistical situation. The Rebs were never going to win. The money isn't there, the resources aren't there, the population isn't there, the factories aren't there, the rail lines aren't there...Hell, the food wasn't even there. Most food in America was grown in the North, not the South.

You can't win a war when you're starving.

The South still had a land area equal to that of European Russia, most of which is inhosipitable swamps, mountains, and water systems.

They still had one of the most populated countries on Earth by 1860 standards.

The South had more railway than almost any European nation at the time, second only to the North really (in fact Southern rail production actually surpassed Northern in the years before the war).

They were probably the 4th or 5th most industrialized country on the planet at their inception (the meme that the South didn't have industry is totally wrong, they just couldn't compare to the North in any appreciable way).

And to top it all off, they were almost the sole producers of the very stuff driving industrialization, King Cotton.

I'm not saying that the South wasn't outgunned, outproduced, and outnumbered, but they still had some seriously strong points in their favor, hence why the war lasted so long with such disparity of odds.

I think it was closer than anyone realizes too. The Trent affair came within an inch of drawing Europe into the war, and a victory at either Antietam or Gettysburg (a definitive victory, mind you) would likely have brought the British and French in on the South's side.

And the South would still have managed to secede even if Buchanan had tried to stop it. The army numbered about 10k troops total in 1860, and most of them were either out West or Southern.

“Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation, we began by declaring that 'all men are created equal.' We now practically read it, 'all men are created equal, except negroes.' When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read, 'all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics.' When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty—to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.”

― Abraham Lincoln, Speeches and Writings, 1832-1858

I'm a racist that's pro-states' rights. Neo-Confederates don't understand that Lincoln MAGA

>Unified nation
>Got rid of slaves which drive labor costs down and hld back industrialization
>Nationwide infrastructure and rail
>Westward expansion

His only problem was not deporting them. Maybe he would have if JWB didn't chimp out.

>did the South not have every right to Secede?

Maybe. There was no guarantee that upon entering the union, it could be severable, or it was permanent (save for congressional approval).

SCOTUS ruled the latter.
The US military enforced the latter.