Does Sup Forums read?

Does Sup Forums read?
Post great books that express your ideals. Im partial to political sci-fi. Just finished pic related.

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so you don't mind sharing your wife with many men?

Fuck off cuck

>from kentucky
>manny gets arrested here
>top kek

Polygamist little lunatic bastard.

Only one book for the virtuous faithful.

You read Friday, or Stranger?

Heinlein had a weird fascination with polyamory, but everything else was pretty good.

this desu


Larry Niven

A lot of his "known world's" scifi are all about what it is like to live in the future where common interest rules over common sense. Then add different aliens and some tech. Not red pill. But still good scifi without all the dystopian.

I'm trying to grind my way through To Sail Beyond the Sunset right now and it's very difficult despite all the proper indoctrination about how a woman should behave for her husband, outside of the "she should be free to fuck around like a whore so long as she doesn't get caught" crap

>t. bleeding-heart libertarian cuck

based libertarians read based Celine and based Conrad not sci-fi shit. Altought The moon is a harsh mistress is a good book, bro.

Workbig on:

The Iliad (Lattimore)
White Identity

If you are into sci-fi, I recommend GRR Memetin's short stories. Dreamsongs is a solid collection.

Evola - Ride the Tiger
Evola - Revolt Against the Modern World
Thoreau - Walden, or the life in the woods
Thoreau - Civil Disobedience
Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Palahniuk, when looking for something easy. Would suggest Shantaram, ultra liberal but still a nice walk of life.

Write fascist war novels
Never actually been in a war

I bet you HP Lovecraft has never been in space either

>I approve of your taste in literature, fuck you anyway though

For what purpose

Only Sup Forums approved book

I was an avid fantasy reader back in my teens and been thinking about getting back in that game. Is there any modern fantasy literature worth checking out?

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is fantastic and probably the best book that Heinlein's written. If you're interested in another Heinlein book, I'd recommend Starship Troopers.

This isn't sci-fi, but I've just finished this book and I'd highly recommend it. It's called Bad Samaritans, and it's about all the negative aspects of free trade that are either ignored or purposefully hidden

>Evola - Revolt Against the Modern World
i started this and it's dense and a bit hard to read. does it get a little easier to read as you get further in?

Just started reading Starship Troopers, how do the rest of Heinlein's books compare?

I liked fantasy as a kid as well, but it's difficult to get back into it as an adult. The prose in the vast majority of fantasy novels is just awful. It feels like reading a young adult novel.

That being said, I'd recommend looking over the books voted for by the Sad Puppies. The Sad Puppies is a Hugo Award voting bloc that was created to counteract the progressive political books winning all the awards.

Alright, thanks.

I suggest you to read Flashback by Dan Simmons...set in a dystopic future where Europe is conquered by Muslims and Israel was nuked

most of them are great
keep on readin
what the fuck are you wasting time here for

Waiting for this to arrive, and have to finish Neuromancer. The language is a bit too ghetto for me, so I can't get lost in it and finish it in an afternoon.



It's a mixed bag, since Heinlein has so many different ideas about the world. If just read Starship Troopers, you might think he's a hardcore patriot. But if you read Strangers in a Strange Land first, you'd think he's a hippie. And if you read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress first, you would have him pegged as a libertarian.

He also always has a (not)Heinlein character in all his works that just lectures the reader with all his ideas. It's Dubois in Starship Troopers, it's Jubal in Stranger in a Strange Land, and it's Professor la Paz in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

My childhood hero Karl May, who wrote about romanticized cowboys and indians and the wild west, also never was in America I think.
Doesn't matter, its probably better this way. His version of America is likely more interesting than the real thing.

Sounds interesting, thanks

Anyone read The Forever War or the Hooded Swan (sometimes called Star Pilot Grainger) series?

>no mention of caesar's de bello gallico or Cicero or Marcus Aurelius
Truly pleb tier

RA heinlein is breddy gud,but try Egan,Noon, Simak, Gibson, MacAuley and that mad cunt who wrote Brazil if you want to keep you scifi list abit less gay

my nigga. I think i've read 90% of Karl May's work. Amazing shit. He even wrote about Old Shatterhand being in Balkans fighting Albanians

>He even wrote about Old Shatterhand being in Balkans fighting Albanians

Premium 100% pulp no added sugar kek.
I should look that one up.



This; have you read the condominium series by him and jerry pournelle? Honestly surprised that no one on Sup Forums has ever mentioned it

2030 by Albert Brooks

Imagine if cancer were cured and at the same time a drug was developed to let Baby Boomers live 3 times as long.

Then the Big One hits California

If you are into sci-fi and haven't read pic related, do yourself a favour and grab a copy.

Yes, it's quite hard and full of references you should be aware of, before reading it.

Clearly not a book you read before going to bed, you should have a didactic approach.
Stop reading when you don't understand the references and go check them online, underline, take notes, etc.

A friend of mine was studying philosophy at the time and helped me out understanding it.

I suggest you to start with Ride the Tiger.


I started with the Greeks, and l'm Resuming with the Romans. Right now l'm reading The Meditations.

>I'm partial to sci-fi

End yourself.

An American man who doesn't read Cormac McCarthy is neither American nor a man.


aything in the culture series by banks, anything by reynolds

fuck these other faggots. they dont know shit



for a full head twist,

Been wanting to get more into philosophy. Been reading a bit about Socrates and he seems to have held a lot of the views I do now. Can anyone recommend a good introductory book?

My recomendé red pill book would be the anabasis it was this book and the story it told that opened the europeans to millenia of conquering,this book inspired Alexander and many others afterwards,and taught the white man that regardless of numbers as London as he kept his cool and fought with his fellow europeans he could make it back

> Been reading a bit about Socrates and he seems to have held a lot of the views I do now

You also hate books?

As long as he kept... (autocorrect)

>homosexuality has become officially encouraged by many of the world's nations
>man has established several colonies of old-style, heterosexual humans
>one of these colonies is called "Middle Finger"
>wrote in 1974

That's what I call avant-garde. Will read it, thank you user.

I'm currently reading a book on the holographic model of the universe.
Given how this is probably our next physics model one has to wonder what kind of delusion you have to be under to declare yourself a fedora and claim scientific validity.

Forgot to mention I'm talking about "The Forever War"

It's been a while since I have read it, probably 5+ years, but as well as being a genuinely well written but compact book it touched on an awful lot of political and social themes.

I've read the Forever War (just the book, not the whole series)

It'd recommend it. I think he did a good job showing what future shock was like for Vietnam vets

A pic for ants

Great book.

>Guy goes away to fight for his homeland
>Comes home and everybody has turned gay

books for ants

oh sorry, just thought you hadn't read it and were asking for recommendations. Yeah, I really enjoyed it

I do read, but only weird horror. Lovecraft, Poe, etc.

It made it so much easier to swallow the gray pill. Nothing anyone every does will or could ever carry any meaning. Even meaning itself in an entirely human concept. If a meteor killed every living thing on this piece of dirt, it wouldnt even make the tiniest bit of a difference.

he was US Navy during WW2 fucktard

So many Based moments but

>the AI telling MorningLightMountain to go fuck himself

was awesome.

All good :)

I must get around to reading the others in the series at some time. My dad gifted me his old paperback after he bought a reprint. A graphic novel of all things.

Ah yes, Lovecraft
>read lovecraft at tender age
>horrible things lurk and mankind is utterly fucked and will be horribly raped forever in any afterlife
>go to bed
>wake in the middle of the night
>notice 2 glowing red eyes looking at me, the evil and hatred they emanate can be felt all over the room

Evola was a fraud.
He came back to Italy after some years in Germany because in Italy there was fewer people who knew about occultism and he could keep on spouting his stale memea while in Germany there was a strong occultist culture and everybody noticed how much of a fraud he was lel.
Also, he surrounded himself with idiots so he could stand as the old wise man.
It doesn't surprise me that he's been rediscovered by amerilards in recent years

What does Sup Forums think of Iain M Banks' 'Culture' novels?

im rather a fan
Morwen skel is Sup Forums fopr sure

>If a meteor killed every living thing on this piece of dirt, it wouldnt even make the tiniest bit of a difference.

I like (you), if you ever want to enhance that misanthropic smell, check the books I mentioned above. Just to diverge from weird horror readings.

also: today OP wasn't a faggot

>he surrounded himself with idiots

Bravo! Try again.

Don't know if you ever read Evola (or if you have the ability to do so), maybe he was a fraud, but he still was human-repository of knowledge.

you dont know shit.
I read Evola, I read his hilarious translations from deutsch, I read the history of his "inner circle" in Rome after the war, which was part tumblr part neonazi terrorists.
He wanted to be the wiseman so he was afraid to talk with someone with equal/higher knowledge than him. he needed young boys to, well.. teach them how to ve a fuckhead.
his childish need to be the best around is shown by his relationship with Tzara and Surrealists.
he was an average occultis though

You don't write dozens of volumes "just because" or by frauding people. You can't just make it through the critics (nowhere in time) if you are.

Maybe you are talking of his choices as a citizen, but as a writer and luminary I think it's you that don't know shit.

The Sea Wolf by Jack London

It's a slow novel to start, and the vocabulary will require some cautious reading and analysis, but it will tell you how to harden the fuck up. Might is right, awhether you choose to be benevolent or malevolent with it.

London was a man who believed in men protecting the disadvantaged, not ham-stringing them for the notion of equality. Strength is merit, preferably if used competently and justly.

The Sea Wolf illustrates this extremely well.

>maybe he was a fraud
The guy who claimed Atlantis was an ancient kingdom of white wizards living in the north, and they lost their magic after having sex with brown southerners, and thus their island sank? The guy who said if you only have sex with white people you will regain your magic power and be able to float the island up again?

Maybe. Maybe he was a fraud. It is possible.