Can we genocide everyone here and start over?

Can we genocide everyone here and start over?

I uploaded your image to the Genocide 5000 but it says the resolution was too small to launch the war.

Also says we can't try again until it's done doing its maintenance cycle, 49 years 364 days 23 hours 50 minutes remaining.

Good going, user you broke it

Only aggressive ORCS live south from Vojvodina.

Ah you think genocide is your ally? You merely adopted the genocide.we were born in it, molded by it. We didn't see the peace until We were countrys, by then it was nothing but a lie!



You forgot romania hungary and Ukraine.

Still no

The only places we should genocide are Middle East and Africa.

You forgot "only gypsies"

I actually have to say yes, it's for the best.
We've had our chances to fix our shit, didn't happen, never will.

Pro tip: Use chemical weapons only, and only on populated areas. One thing I can say about this region is that it's geography and nature are beautiful, it would be a shame to destroy it.

you can't kill us ork bois ,ya git!

A minority gets wiped out and you think that of me?


I am the one who genocides.

>tfw they kept us islanders out of their random definition for once
Thank God, someone must have half a braincell over there to comprehend that peninsula =/= island

nope, those fuckers are reining in the turks.

you can't genocide one without the other

fuck off fag.
Pozarevljani master race!

When President Trump bans you too youl have to go back to roachland

nisi promenio ime od juceranjeg mike pence thread-a na koji vidim da ni naseo LOL

I think you're from Turkey

>includes all the Turk Rape babies
>doesn't include the Turk

stupid americans. just free the shit out of us, like you are doing everywhere else and use as sex slaves and summer resort

yes genocide us all
that way we don't have to listen to our mouthbreathing diaspora fighting

Rigthfull romanian clay, they'll stop the moslems

now thats one self hating gypsy for sure.

We have no oil. Fuck off.

Unironically this.