Marion BTFOs pro-choice and feminists

Is she...

Other urls found in this thread:

Since I'm not a woman I don't give a shit. Abortion is not my business...
Besides, given the overpopulation on earth, a dead human is a good human.

>given the overpopulation on earth,
You fucking retard.

Yeah sure, the overpopulation is mainly from white people

fucking retard

i want to cum inside marion while she screams in joy

I want to black her

Marion 2022

French women sound so sexy, she could be babbling Communist gibberish and I'd still be nodding and smiling.

Then you agree that abortion could be useful for some population...

My friend said the same thing. (Not Quebecois French, French itself) Said French chicks gave him boners when they talked. He's Polish-Canadian though, not American. Really must be the accent or something.

She's based but I wish she'd get along better with her sister, they make a truly ideal couple that could actually make France great again if they worked together towards their common goals.

Marine Le Pen has no intention of going back on abortion laws or gay marriage
What is that focus on Marion?
Only spergs like her?

bump since I can't speak French and love Wine.

cute voice

fucking retard

Actually niggers, arabs, and spics are the biggest users of abortion in western countries !

The more you know

Shes a coalburner

Top kek. Niggers are the problem


And into the trash it goes.

Frankfurt school eh? You can only get circumcised once in case you were wondering.

Considering that she's practically a socialist she has also BTFO of common sense, logic, and the desire to earn enough money to feed yourself and your family.
Vote for Filon or whoever might replace him in the case of him backing out because of some stupid controversy.
>she could be babbling Communist gibberish
It's funny because that's what the two Pens do most of the time.

Can a French National redpill me on Marion Le Pen?
Is she really the right candidate to lead you through the long night?

>Then you agree that abortion could be useful for some population...

Same argument could be applied to using nerve gas by government on their own civilians.

What's you point?

>Since I'm not a woman I don't give a shit. Abortion is not my business...
>Besides, given the overpopulation on earth, a dead human is a good human.

kill yourself then.

She's not running for presidency

Why the sudden interest by Sup Forums?

She's their new political waifu

she's a pretty blonde that hates niggers. what's not to like?

The indifference of good men is all it takes for evil to flourish. It's murder most foul, targetting the most helpless and innocent humans. In very rare cases is it justified, to save the mother's life or if she was raped, especially by a family member. But this is not the case for most abortions and we have let the most terrible things happen because people don't want to be responsible for their actions. It's disgusting. Maybe this world should just be purged in holy fire.

My point is you can't claim being pro-life /anti abortion AND complain that some population breed too much. Something like "get your shits together" you know.

Motherfucking what??

inb4 the fake photos are posted

Post rare Marions

Anyone have this meme but for Marion?

what fake pics?

Allowing them to run from their responsibilities only continues in manufacturing more niggers.

If spics and niggers were forced to take responsibility and raise their kids then we'd have less niggers not more, you cringe edgelord.

Search nordpress with keywords marion le pen
She's tong kissing a nigget

I guess she wants those young arab bulls to fuck her senseless in her old age with their BBC

user, I

Explain yourself frenchie

>It's disgusting
Absolutely true, and I agree with your whole comment, but humans are not fundamentally good, they're vicious and dangerous and that's why they're on the top of the food chain. Condemning the abortion and agreeing the war is highly dishonest to say the least.

easy, it's literally fake news

blue eyed, pierced eared coalburner pix
Fake, meant to discredit this brown eyed maiden.

citation needed

But then why'd she get divorced

Lol, you're ignoring genetic difference principles, these people are inferior and behind us genetically, you're fucking retarded my friend.

Same reason i did, id rather be out kicking ass and taking names by working 14hrs a day than be at home.
Married to the Job

Fuck she's hot

She is a degenerate whore single mother,

m8. I've told you before.

Have you ever been in couple? It's boring as hell, like eating the same meal over and over. Raising your children should be the only duty.

Hike up your skirt.
You are feminine enough.


go away

10/10 would bang in wheat fiels

>You are feminine enough.
Because I'm pro-war?

Citation needed.
Where is evidence.
Also why are those people aren't removed.

> muslims use abortion.

Birth rates?

Shit tier slav

>Anyone have this meme but for Marion?

no but where there's a kek, there's a way. praise him.

no its prety mamy


French women speaking french

I just hope the user who makes it doesnt forget to add the cum to her lips


Because you got no sense and respect towards your ancestors, culture and heritage.
And you are also weak enough not to give a shit about laws in your country.

Don't you have some kikes to suck up to Nigel?

To each their own, she reminds me too much of salad fingers.

ur taht ausie from befor yes

yeah m8

you realize that you are 99% classical liberals and opposing progressivist retards will awaken radical traditionalists like me again and you're fucked either way, right?

i lik taht pic of mum its rely cute :)

All nations are overpopulated is a fact.
It's not just about how many people you can fit to a squaremeter, wild animals, plants, farms need space too.

All pictures of Mummy are beautiful.

This is called being racist. Sup Forums is racist. All people are in fact.

My ancestors performed abortion and baby killing en masse, notably behind the walls of the convents, and the war was their daily routine.
And the laws of my country are clear: abortion is legal (and I still don't give a shit).


I wasted a chance to post Mummy. Please forgive me.


why tense mummy

Sounded like she wanted to get rid of islam and the liberals that enable it. Which should be your number one priority.

Holy fuck that was one hell of a verbal curb-stomping. There's nothing more satisfying than the look on the face of a fuming leftist with no rebuttal.

Why not tense mummy? And feeling tense from not posting enough Mummy. At this slow rate she will never see me.

French and war.
good one mate.

>FN outlaws abortion
>within 20 years the white population of France drops to 40%

WTF is that? That isn't what I posted.

its ok mum lovs u lots stil

French women like English men

Anything for Mums love

>here we have Marion channeling cosmic energy in order to defeat the mudslimes

do u lik mum in or out of uniform

Here we have Marion not looking anywhere near as good as Mummy.

I like Mum doing Mummy things.

aw tahts nise

Sometimes when two people post at the exact same millisecond Sup Forums will switch the picture files. But the filename will be retained.


Before the 19th century the war was a daily routine for everyone, even for your irrelevant ancestors (who certainly performed tons of abortions like the others).

As long as it was enough of a disturbance to move us into the Empress Mummy timeline, then we good.

she just looks like a woman, and not a girl. very attractive, deshita.

One day I will move to france ,marry marion and adopt her kids


You have issues m8

And the whole point of this thread is that Marion dropped some red pills about feminist hypocrisy, mudlsime rape and so on.

It's not a beauty pageant you mongrel

Anyways, I guess that's the downside of being an irrelevant colonial dumping station of a country

You don't have your own qt politicians to look up too, and even if you did have some, nobody would give a single fuck about it.