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Well basically we shitpost a bunch, and sometimes discuss politics



That is France.

Your teeth get freshened.

Taxdodging special unique snowflake Dutchboos who think high of themselves

tfw they washed our flag too often.

Nexit and PVV winning the elections in march.

You can sell them your used ones = profit.

That's Luxemburg in case you fags don't know. Dark blue is the Netherlands


And it says fuckin Luxembourg.

Same aquafresh, same country.

Porvarit porvailee

Tax Evasion mostly.


Sucking French dick. My ancestors left Luxembourg during the middle of the 12th centry for Transylvania because they and others there because they were invited by the King of Hungary to protect the border and because they were good at mining. Back then they/we were still considered as ethnic Germans, had German first names and didn't give a shit about French people (although a few of the settlers were French as well). Then over the years they started to pander to France and gave all their kids French names.

next to no blacks, kebabs, or Asians. We are mostly white.
nah, my family fought in the resistance in ww II.
this is true.
gee i wonder why, could it be that you fucks started 2 world wars ? invaded us twice ?

WAIT? WAIT? There are people who WANT TO BE FRENCH?

my family was in Transylvania until 1990, m8, and my parents still speak their Moselle Franconian dialect at home
also the two world wars thing is a bit debately
additionally, Germany killed less Luxemburgers in history than France did

Oy vey!
N-nothing i-it's just a peaceful little country goyim

its not about how many ppl were killed, but the terror reign during ww II turned public opinion against German for decades.

France was top shit back in the days. So was Sweden too, strangely enough.

Norwegians were mostly relevant during the viking age, before having a united country.
WE WUZ indeed KANGZ. But KANGZ of barren rock and dried fish can't do much.
Perhaps we should use our oil money to colonize other planets?


I must've visited a different Luxembourgh then

Enamel strengthening

>I must've visited a different Luxembourgh then
yeah maybe you visited a dutch city, Luxembourg is one of the whitest countries in Europe.

"Luxembourgh is the greatest country in the world"

t. Luxemburger

ok mate

>"Luxembourgh is the greatest country in the world"

Nobody said that. Literally. Stop lying. Dont be Hillary.

i never claimed that, but im sure aqua fresh is.

Sup, Dracula?

>Bosnia and Hezegovina

literally who

Lel we tried to sell them to the French at one point


nice try slomo