Add to my reading list Sup Forums

Add to my reading list Sup Forums

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Not gonna lie the nuclear codes.

Brave new world

Fahrenheit 451

Beat me to it

catch 22
slaughterhouse 5
the prince
the mars trilogy (red mars, green mars, blue mars)
starship troopers
anything by phillip k dick (ubik, androids dream of sheep, maze of death...) ubik is my favourite though

Strange Parallels: Southeast Asia in Global Context c. 800-1830


Atlas Shrugged
The Fountainhead

Read just the first volume of Solzhenitsyn's the Gulag Archipelago.

Franklin scandal
Family of secrets
The secret team

Mother fucking VALIS

Mein Kampf
Zweites Buch

The Prince. You can read it in an hour or two.

Ride the tiger

I've gotten 3/4 of the way through Atlas Shrugged twice now. Idk if I wanna invest my time into starting again.


Mein Kampf and Second book by Adolf Hitler

Why nations fall. Reading it atm.

skip meditations, read bachelor pad economics - aaron clarey

libido dominandi
if you want a book with so many truth pills packed together

Foundation (First 3 at least) by Asimov

gulag archipelago
everything by jung and nietzche

theyre both good..ive read both fountainhead is an easier read plus the plot is good...only read atlas shrugged if you liked fountainhead and can stick with it more

Don't forget his most underrated novel: Confessions of a Crap Artist. All about how even "normal" have their abnormalities.

Guns Germs and Steel

>All of that pleb-tier shit.

The Discourses to accompany Meditations, but fuck Seneca.
every major religious book at least once
Further philosophy according to your tastes, but skip anything by nihilists, existentialists or post modernists.
Also, if you were German I'd recommend Goethe's Faust.

World Order Kissinger

Infinite Jest
The Fofth Head of Cerberus
Lord of Light
Stand on Zanzibar
Star Maker

Just about anything off

oh my kek

Jewish Supremacy -David Duke

crime and punishment

a fucking leaf

(((The Stranger))) yes murder is good goys don't read the 10 commandments because Noah is a fraud

>Infinite Jest
David Foster Wallace meme is such faggotry.

Reminds me that I have a copy of Last and First Men that's been sitting on my bookshelf unread.

All the dune books. It may be a challenge but it's worth it.

Crime and Punishment
Anna Karenina
Doctor Zhivago

Russian classics are pretty based desu

My heritage is primarily celtic, but I have some german in me, but not much.

No one has mentioned The Gulag Archipelago? Peterson would be ashamed.

Read the communist manifesto and then mein kampf

It's a good book. So is gravity's rainbow. And Dhalgren. All took me multiple tries to get through but id read them all again. The rest of Pynchon's oeuvre can fuck right off though.



If anyones interested in a PO Box book swap I would have no issue sending this to someone.

Just read stuff that has value, not shit fantasy and detective series

Sup Forums here

Race, evolution and behaviour by Philippe Rushton

Which is Sup Forums's favorite book out of the We trilogy? I personally think Kangz was a Great culmination, but Wuz didn't feel like a worthy successor to the first book.

der Wille zur Macht

Whats wrong with Seneca? His treatise on anger helped me control my rage.

/prog/ here.

Just got this off audiobookbay. Read it as a kid but now it has so much more meaning.
Also quick book related blogpost.
>talk to brainwashed gf (wants usa to be socialist/communist) about trump ask why she hates him etc etc
>muh evil white males.jpg
>but minorities get preferential treatment applying for uni and scholarships
>white men built this country so it is automatically rigged to benefit them only you will never understand because you are one. "all animals are equal but some are more equal than others"
>have you read animal farm?
>so you know it's about communist Russia?
>that wasn't TRUE COMMUNISM(tm) that was stalinism
>so what's an example of successful true communism?
She just found out one of her super gay friends voted for trump and is so confused.

Well, the subject matter is good enough on its own, but I'm unsure if there are any translations that do it justice. The thing that makes it essential reading for German speakers though is the language used, because a lot of our best idioms and saying are directly derived from it.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Consciousness Explained by Daniel Dennett

fantasy/fiction helps immensely on developing your empathy and creativity. it's not "useless", you should read both fiction and non-fiction

>reading beletry

you might as well watch tv shows all day

The Rundown

Don't listen to the leafbro. Never skip Meditations. Fucking ever. You fucking shit bird.

Brave new world

im having trouble understanding some parts of this book.

I get the theme, the mutual exclusivity of tradition and modernity, but he has some fairly obscure references. Should I read sartre first then come back? or just plow through.

The Genealogy of Morals -- Nietzsche
Public Opinion -- Walter Lippmann

Well, I cant say truthfully I speak any german atm, but I eventually want to learn so maybe once I do

>Greatest stoic text in last 5 millenia
>PUAbro "save 10% of ur income" cuck text

suicide UUUU

Beat me to it.

Also "A People's History of the United States" and "The Politician"

I was basing my recommendation on him reading Meditations. While Seneca - or the texts attributed to him - have valid points and can be considered as pertaining to Stoicism, I could never bring myself to like the historical person himself. He was, the thing with his forced suicide aside, a jew's jew, jewing whereever he went.

Fahrenheit 451
Turner Diaries

Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard

Science Set Free followed by Presence of the Past

Fuck thats some weapons grade autism you got there mate

Starship trooper


Clash of civilizations by huntington.

>>PUAbro "save 10% of ur income" cuck text

If that is what
>bachelor pad economics - aaron clarey
this is, then fuck that book and read the original. The Richest Man in Babylon.

It's a classic they all crib from.

Much of Kurt Vonnegut's works are worth reading
All of Joseph Heller's other works are not.

>pynchon, wallace, nabokov top 10
>cervantes, kafka, dante, tolstoy not make the top 10
>shakespeare btfo

Holy fucking shit.

I didn't mean don't read fiction, I meant stay the fuck away from John Grisham novels and other such trash. Reading is a major time investment so don't go wasting time on trash.

It's /lit/, m8. Nobody on /lit/ actually reads books.

The Tragedy of Great Power Politics - John Mearsheimer

Some entertainment is allowed, right?

>Reading is a major time investment

I am sorry you find reading slow going.

Ulysses is a leather-bound headache and you know it.
>so many novels
>so few historical/political treatises
>not even Angel in the Whirlwind
Does /lit/ actually read after high school's over?

Platos state

Was getting caught part of your plan?

Yes. Ulysses be in #1 is a great indicator that a bunch of pseuds compiled it.

consideration on France by Joseph de Maistre

Storm of Steel, Ernst Jünger's WWI memoirs.

The Divine Comedy

Meme tier.
Is C babby's first? T᠎bh I'd probably only ever make vidya cheating scripts
Turner diaries was fun to think about considering lefties (or even isis) are probably using it as a playbook
Ashamed it hasn't been mentioned already:
Lord of the Flies
The Art of War

>read great classics
>"can I still read twilight series for fun"

Really gets the ovens going


The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall.


Plato's Republic
Anything by Aristotle
Anything by Rene Guenon


Thomas Paine's Common Sense.

>muh magickckkchk is real

/k/ here by the way

Sure, man.
I read whatever catches my eye. Trashy fantasy, hard sci-fi, thrillers, fuck, even warhammer 40k fluff books. But I make a point to read something *important* in between.

Those autists telling you to only read /lit/ approved shit are like the guys giving you lifting advice on /fit/.

the machinery of freedom
economics in one lesson
road to serfdom
