>6 immigrants attacked a 17 year old kid this morning.
>They cut him throughout his body
>he somehow got away and started calling for help in the nearby blocks
>some indian family helped him
>after that his aunt came to get him
>he was in surgery for 2 whole hours
>some of the wounds were very deep.
>he was attacked in a place known to have a huge immigrant population

sauce, but you need google translate or something to translate it.

Other urls found in this thread:

what happend next?

Nothing yet. He and his mom just went to the police.

Nothing will come out of this.

Funny thing i can actually understand half the words

A skeleton popped out

Also if you go on and read the comment section you will see people arguing about refugees. Some are defending them others are not. It would be entertaining if this wasn't about my country

Why don't they just deport mussies to Serb majority areas?I mean it would be like niggers fighting niggers than to you,no?

Welcome to the club

Tweet Melania.

Also from what i understand the leftists are actually trying to blame the kid in for being outside at 4 in the morning,instead of the immigrants.

With 1.7 million people in Belgrade this is our future in 20 years.Sad!

if a guy from quebec can do something y cant u

His mom probably converted to Islam.

Indians and Muslims in Slovenia wtf slavs? You're supposed to be the last home for the white man

Slovenians are the self righteous cucks among Europeans. You cannot fathom how fucked up this nation is. You really have no idea how brainwashed and selfloathing this nation is.

The government is trying to eradicate the domestic population for decades, but no one wants to come here because we're too poor.

the last bastion of western civilization is north spain, north uk, north italy and based hungary.

Slolvenia is too cucked and too full of lefty tards who are perfectly fine with their daily dosage of cnn.

Most of our politicians can be bought for around 10k.

>His mom was probably racist and this is why it happened.
~ 70% of Slovenian population

>takes an American to deal with sand dogs

Yuuuuuuuuuuup. This is why we're #1

Serbs here are cool. It's the albanians that you have to worry about

Because that doesn't help at all. You do realise this, right? Jesus, the fucking amount of dumb cunts on this site.

If Pahor can't survive with 3333€ per month how can I with 899€? :^)

>is north spain, north uk, north italy and based hungary.
You forgot based Poland.

>North spain
If by North Spain you mean Al Islamiiya Al Bilad Al Catalunya

Then you're wrong m8

The leftists wont allow this. They WANT to see our nation slaughtered and our daughters raped.

Also Serbs are becoming more and more civilized and no one minds them.

Nice commie blocks Slovenija

Ask and we help.

>It's the albanians that you have to worry about
Albanians are also ok, mind you.

>some indian family helped him
WHY? They'd never have done that here in India. Fucking Indians suddenly become good samaritans once they leave India. I hate this double standard. Shameful.

How come so many Slovenians are so leftist?

For fuck's sake
How did you end as such cucks, Janez ?
You are Southern Slavs, have some pride like your Croatian and Serb bros and stump the heads of this goddamn Mujos
Literally 6'2 ft manly Yugoslav against some bunch of islamized nigger manlets

i dont get it is slovenia based or not

just last week they amended aliens act

what the fuck is an "immigrant" and why are your "immigrants" Slashing up people?

Muh tito
We wuz partisans n shiet

Partizans were alpha as fuck, though ?

On one hand there is the brainwash in schools in Yugoslavia and also, the fact we didn't destroy the commies after the independence. The commies have been controlling the government and the media the entire time.

On the other hand, the only opposition to them is a politician who is rather unpopular, but he doesn't want to step down. He keeps on barely losing ellections but he wont step down. No alternative to the continuity of leftists rulers can emerge here.

fuck off larper retard
you dont know shit about communism

well fuck and i have been learning slovene and planning to move to slovenia...

no other country is as comfy or beautiful REEEEEEEEEe

Police decided there was no attack.

>»Zaradi nasprotujočih si navedb v prijavi, večkrat spremenjene izjave mladostnika in drugih okoliščin obravnavanega primera, policija nadaljuje z intenzivnim preverjanjem okoliščin. Prva zbrana obvestila kažejo na to, da do napada več oseb ni prišlo. V noči na 1. februar tudi ni bilo podane nobene podobne prijave, na podlagi katere bi lahko sklepali, da se je na tem območju zadrževala skupina, ki bi sodelovala pri takšnem dejanju.« so še sporočili.

>Od kod globoke vreznine, ni jasno.

>i have been learning slovene
no you haven't

I hate socialism, Hrvat
But we have to agree that the old generation was alpha and authoritarian


This is unacceptable.

Does anyone know the name of the kid that got stabbed?

sorry what?

not all refugees
refugees welcome

We are literally Sweden of East Europe
Only difference being noone wants to stay here no matter how much we want them to

>mfw i wasted half a year learning slovene and planning on moving to slovenia

welp fuck my shit up senpai guess i gotta change plans

maybe pooland

Why would you want them to stay?

you need to kill ur muzzies

fuck off we are full

>he was attacked in a place known to have a huge immigrant population
how many?

Sorry to burst your bubble
I recommend you try Slovakia or Czech Republic. Slovakia is a bit more poor, but they have nazis is the parliament.

I don't know. I mean we have a lot of support for refugees for some reason, probably because people here are retarded lefties and our government is run by retarded lefties

Now that I think about it probably the same reason you Swedes like refugees so much.

czech republic is too liberal and prague will eventually cuck the whole nation

and slovakia is fucking poor as fuck

Yeah, you are probably right.
Although Czechs have a pretty based president, they might not be as cucked as they seem.

Well shit it coming this way finnaly, but I'm not worried Croatia is always atleast 5 years late in everything

>17 years old
>outside at 4 am during the week
>no mention of his father

Rapefugees should be gassed but I smell bullshit here

my question too is where is his mom and dad? why his aunt coming to pick him up?

Janez you know teens party like crazy here , don't deny it

>tfw your country is so shitty not even refugees want to come in even though 50% of the population is mudslime

Go fuck yourself diaspora

because she was the closest relative near him at the time

rapefugees are islamizing europe, they don't need to islamize bosniaks

Wait you have migrants in Slovenia? Visited your capital this summer, saw ONE black guy in total.

no it wasnt
they were staunch feminists who gave women voting rights
purposefully destroyed the village, forced living in the cities
ruined nature
stole everything and lived 50 years on debt

albanian diaspora

Indians saved that boy,cuck.

nobody is going to cuck shit here. Liberals may be very loud, but they are certainly minority here. And only brown people are tourists, university students or gypsies.

Weekends are for partying and getting wasted.

School-age kids outside at night during the week are probably losers and cefuriji (same thing)

albanians fucking stab kids in the streets wtf??

if you kill your enemies they win

Send all them to Germanic regions already.

desu girls who go out drunk in 4 am deserve it

I feel sorry for the kid now, he was touched by pajeets making him an untouchable.

Where does it say refugees? Literally nowhere. It might as well be refugee who was attacked. But Maribor being such Jesus town, i am not surprised, the mayor even has a private clairvoyant who he paid a lot of money and even got her free apartment. Maribor 2017 = religious politicians, nu age Serbs with their hocus pocus & lots of drunk people, since literally nothing gets build/re-newed in Maribor any longer, almost no jobs.



OP doesn't knows that going to dentist in USA can take 8 hours. We have different system of medical care, where you come many times for little times, not all at once like in USA.

>Moja sestra je potem odšla po njega, saj dela v mestu, sta prišla po mene in smo skupaj šli v bolnišnico. Otrok je v takem šoku, da sploh ne dojema kaj se je zgodilo. Ne bom trdila kdo ga je napadel, a v bližini naj bi bili doma migranti.

So Serbians attacked him? That's literally daily occurrence in Croatia. Maybe it could have been gypsies, since we cut all restrictions on them for democracy sake.

Thanks, Indians.

>some indian family helped him
#not all browns #let them in #refugees welcome

Because Indians are honoured brown aryans
Indians help white people is nothing strange. They belong to each other and are pretty much the same

>are the self righteous cucks among Europeans. You cannot fathom how fucked up this nation is. You really have no idea how brainwashed and selfloathing this nation is.
>The government is trying to eradicate the domestic population for decades
Sounds familiar.

>sounds familiar
Yeah, it's the entire EU lol


Is this why they protested the opening of migrant center before it even opened:
You know if Africans or something like that will happen, that they attack people, Slovenia is small, it will go around fast.


so do you disagree? are slovenes based?

i ask because,

refer to my post here and hereand here everyone in this thread is saying slovenia is cucked but that wasn't my impression

Yeah and thats why lots of people glorify them and the left in general.

Add a few decades of sfrj and voila.

Slovenians were the most stable and successful of the former Yugoslavs.

One of our top cucks even tried a campaign to spam mails of politicians with multiculty propaganda to get our new immigration law repealed (they are deciding about it right now). You can contact him at: [email protected]

Picture related says they are based, but only if they aren't Christian cucks. Partisans were based, not so those superstitious people in Maribor. They had a chance to remove them, if you remember when they protested. Now Maribor is mecca for religious nu age nonsense. People go to Maribor to experience all kinds of spiritual enlightenment and those people all believe in good foreigners, since all their yoga gurus are from India, so basically gypsies. We should close those clairvoyant schools, those yoga schools, those rich Serbian people's Mother Mary schools and you would literally have no refugees. We need to go back to Communistic strength and not this Jesus weakling mentality.

You know what multiculti is? It's when gypsies go to own school and white people to own school and Serbians aren't in politics, because they are in Serbia. That's multiculturalism, how it was in Yugoslavia.

Its not what the term is used for.

You must live at student's homes in Ljubljana, because I have a completely different opinion about our nation, like 99% people that I know are against immigrants and support Trump.

Ob 4 zjutri zunaj, zjutri pa šola...

Tole zelo smrdi vse skupaj.


That's because Americans fuck up every term in book to force international capitalism on us. If people complained for something before we got independent before EU, they were complaining about Serbian influences, why is it then now that we have more Serbians in politics than when we were with Serbians in own Yugoslavian country? That's because people should learn what terms mean. Merkel doesn't promotes multiculti, she promotes integration.

That's what you get for having centrist liberal cucks in govt Slovenia.

He was a čefur, so probably he got in a fight over drugs or something.

Tell me, what's the excuse for not voting for slovenska nacionalna stranka or slovenska ljudska stranka?


I'm against immigrants as much as the next guy, but this story is strange from the start.

EU is liberal. How is Macedonia any better if you want to migrate to Slovenia? You forgotten you were a refugee now? Macedonia isn't strong like it was in 70ies.

They were in coalitions, they were in power, they are all thieves. That's because they dropped financial punishment for every rich guy all across EU. If they fear no prosecution, they steal, it's that simple.