Does anyone else's school have this?

Is my school low key red pilled? Or is this a ruse?

They obviously keep track of who checks it out.

It's bait, if you check it out of the library they'll mark down your name and contact you 3 weeks later.

Are you looking in the Restricted Section, Harry?

These guys are right, in the 10th grade I had the required Canadian History course and for some reason we spent a whole month on Hitler. It was literally called the Hitler unit. Our teacher kept talking about Mein Kampf so much that I decided to check it out. Librarian had to pull it from storage when I couldn't find it on the shelves. It wasn't an old copy either, it was printed in '08. No reason to be in storage.
She had me write down a list of 3 things I needed it for, so I lied and said I needed it for history essay research.

After I returned it a couple of weeks later, I think they removed it entirely.

Mine had it.
I did a report on in for AP European history.
Hitler din do nuffin.
The shit you can get away with when you ain't white

>She had me write down a list of 3 things I needed it for
jesus christ, how did it ever come to this?

i hope you wrote down something like "compressible flow research"


Honestly I think it's because they're worried of kids becoming Nazis. The sheer amount of lessons you have in Southern Ontario schools on Germany through WWI through WWII is enough for some kids to start questioning.

As a rule of thumb, there are no grade 9 nazis. By the 11th grade you'll have a good chunk.
Who can really blame them (I'm included) for going down that path? Our history courses say "Canadian" on the front, but in practice they're basically German History in the 20th century

I do remember kids chanting 'white power' at my high school, but some of them were black so they probably weren't real nazis. Communism was the cool edgy ideology to get into.

went to a french lycée we had at least two copies. Maybe it got pulled now.

My high school used to have a copy in the library. Back in 2003.

>old fag
>I just want to go back


that kid would be great if he was a girl.

my history teacher had a hebrew copy, passed it around the class during one class

Is it actually worth the read?

haha pretty much the same here.

>jesus christ, how did it ever come to this?
you mean "when did it ever change from this?"
and the answer is never. the people in power write the history books and decide the narrative that is told in history class. there are no nazies in acedemia to "correct the record", if you will.

yes, please check it out.

>people keep calling me Hitler
>teacher keeps calling me a nazi
>my mother's son keep calling me a nazi

