A group of male antifa kick and beat a 18 yo girl because she was an evil nazi

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Yeah, showing any type of outfit with our national flag can cause you trouble in big cities if you are in a territory populated by autistic antifas because they only like to see the commie version of our flag or full blown Soviet regalia.

You were so lucky that we invaded you and not the english.

He wouldn't exist if we did.

Give a proper context.

Do you miss him spain?

Teenage girl gets beaten by gang of antifas because they saw her wearing a wristband with the Spanish national colors. They don't like them because they deem them to be fascist. The commie flag they identify with is pic related.


Go to sleep in the villas you indio scum.

known "neo-nazi" girl is outside the a bar, a group of commies pass and recognize her, beat her and then run.

>guy just stands back and watches

Bullshit. This is the equivalent of a teenager walking around with an American flag on their jacket and getting jumped by 6 other people. What the actual fuck is wrong with you Antifa shitheads? We should not have tried to make your buildings more safe, should have just burned them down with you monsters inside.

>She obviously deserved it. Look at what she was wearing!

I don't get it? Why are these numale poofs so brazen and allowed to get away with this?

If I saw these faggots here, I'd deliberatly piss them off just to kick their heads in.

Why are the attackers' faces blurred out but the victim's is not?

Kek. Top bantz from the leafbro.


2 of them were arrested

How do these Antifa tards feel about Carlism?

One of the things I hate most about these punks is their hit-and-run method. They gank, sucker punch, kick while down, and run away like pussies. If you're going to act tough and revolutionary, finish the fucking job and fight to the death against "fascist" police. They look like a literal circle jerk of anarchy.

Gorilla warfare.

They probably don't even know what is it. They are mostly edgy teenagers.

Spanish Commies are fucking retarded, man.

I watched a documentary a while back on them and they were talking all nostalgically about their little commune and how they started issuing their own currency...

It's not, though. They don't finish the damn job. They just make you feel a little pain which makes you hate them even more. If you don't think their ideology belongs in your society to the point of violence, finish the job.

How is the Antifa situation in Spain?

Does this shit happen in Mexico too?

I didn't say guerrilla, I said gorilla. It's where you act like a stupid fucking animal and then pretend you're morally superior.

Find out who is funding them.

Antifa cancer are pawns of globalists and are used to complement police.
They are not anarchists. They are aids.


the english did it right


Sounds like those cool dudes just beat up FEMALE HITLER. Aren't you glad antifa were there to kick the shit out of A FUCKING FASCIST?

They fucked the country economy, executed and jailed political prisoners, commited a lot of war crimes, and gave all the gold reserves to the USSR.
And somewhat today they feel morally superior and think they were the good guys.

Why do Antifa only fight in groups? They're like niggers.

They're nothing more than "Useful idiots".

>literally adopting mudslime tactics
I fucking I'd meet some of these pieces of shit

My bad, assumed it was unintentional. But that is definitely an apt description

Your alright for a leaf. Don't go to the mosque tomorrow

It would be funny if communists issued their own cryptocurrency. Then it would actually be an antithesis of how real cryptocurrencies work, they would need a bureaucratic council approving each transaction, only the communist party would be allowed to mine since miners are means of production.

My man.

heard trump was evil nazi soooooo can they stop in the US next real quick
>beat a fag world tour

Spain is a cucked nation thats why. What kind of nation would let the UK keep an outpost literally swimming distance from your mainland. Fucking half saracen Spanish cucklords

>The United Cuckdom of Great Cucktain and Northern Cuckland
>calling other nations cucked


In the age of cameras, this is their own defeat.....

Gorilla welfare*


Birmingham alone has more Muslims than Spain in all of its history and we kicked them out. You can keep those rock monkeys.

Lol, you think they'd target YOU? That doesn't fit their MO. They'd just trash your house while you're not there.

From Birmingham. Can confirm.

The Antifa girl was a memeber of a dangerous neonazi band, which has a history of beating up gays, poor and indigent people and anyone that tries to protect their hate targets.

Lucy, the girl in question, was a bully that tried to use her status as member of the band to scare and abuse people who tried to stand up against her. She was actually nicked "the Untouchable" because of her connections.

The wristband thing is a lie that her gramps in a important Spanish new site tried to extend.

She is nothing but a coward that protected herself with a "cool" nick, and im quite glad she got pawned in the end.

Arent you guys suppose to be against frigging fake news trying to cover up histories? Neonazi gangs in Spain are never covered up by the corrupt and franquist media

>by the corrupt and franquist media

Learn English before posting. And weak bait.

Learn to not blow the dick of a mass murderer

that's ridiculous. Why there are so many communist in Spain? Because it wasn't ever tried there?

like all the pajeets whom we can see every day, lad?

more like wearing a confederation flag a in detroit, you know real nations are split not by race but mainly by class and political views

gorillas are peaceful creatures, do your biology classes, leaf

be argenigro, be cucked by cucks

Go and make your commie general you fucking cuck.

Because reds here fetishise an alternate present where commies won the Civil War. They feel validated by the big media and tv since most television channels here are openly leftist/progressive-oriented.

The tall guy in there really had some leverage, he must have been at least 5'6"

why are antifa such scum? It's like they are subhuman

fuck, I'm glad our nationalists kick their asses on regular. Communism is the most dangerous ideology ever invented.

It's a play on words, dude. Calm your mammaries.