Finland is the best country ever

Finland is the best country ever.

You can't prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

Greater Finland would be better

I can't.

What's so great about it?

>shit gunlaws


Nothing, it's garbage. You don't need to consider coming here, there's no gibs anymore


T. someone with finnish gamer friends.

1.) You have one of the smallest penis size averages in Europe.

2.) You live in a frozen wasteland.

3.) Your women prefer foreign men (probably because they have bigger dicks.)

Pic related: Finnish girl living in America and is getting fucked by a big French cock.

We are pretty cucked by EU.

>You can't prove me wrong.

Pros: spurdo, dolan

Cons: getting your assblasted in the winter war and claiming you won it.

Some patriotic young finns giving their soldier's oath.

Most Finns here know that they lost. They did a great job all things considered.

I want to get a job at a Finnish university.

Don't come here, we don't want Amerikanski to ruin our country.

>Finland is bad food. Epic banana pie what the fuck?
I agree.

Isn't there education the best in the world?

Why? The pay is awful.

It's also completely free for every citizen.
In fact, the government pays you a little for studying. Not that much, but enough to live on until you graduate.

Definitely not their university education. Ours is the best.

We have more guns per capita than you.

I'm applying for professorships anyway and I just have a fetish for Finland. After a few years I would move on once I deplete all the reserves in the country of soda and big macs.

>Shit climate
>Very far away from every other country, except...
>No resources
>Never had a colonial empire
>Helped the Germans in WW2
>No economic, political or military power
>Has to pay money to Greece otherwise Germany will shit on your face
>No legal weed
>High taxes
>Not even really blonde and nordic like Swe/Nor/Den

Nah thanks.

>Isn't there education the best in the world?

nah. they don't know shit like the difference between their, there, and they're.

>pic related: some random slut

I'm also sure you have sources for everything else.

>Helped the Germans in WW2

You're saying like this is a bad thing?

It was better 10 years ago.

Now every club is full of black people trying to sell you drugs.

Finland is the boringest country I have ever been to.

You can't prove me wrong.

The Finnish attitude is the thing that causes this boredom.

>>pic related: some random slut

speaking of pics, this girl is one of my favorites of all time. she looks intelligent and playful.

>sell you drugs
As if availability of drugs was a bad thing.

>>Not even really blonde and nordic like Swe/Nor/Den
That's true. We're more blonde. Not Nordic, but definitely blonde.

In the normal world outside of Sup Forums, yes this reflects poorly on your country.

However I think only 10% of all people in my country even know that Finland was with the nazis so it's nothing to worry about.


Please don't come in here.



na it's true. Finns have the smallest dicks in europe with the exception of the irish

Finnish women love getting fucked hard by big foreign cocks


Yes, but now you can always buy a tasty kebab. Thank you immigration!

You are right, I don't know anything about it, or anything that ever came from it.

lol stupid little small finnies rofl little tiny finnyweenies dumpy lumpy teehee wittle fannywanny haha

Go away, Tyrone. Sup Forums is whites only.

She's looks any other slut.

>>Helped the Germans in WW2
You don't get it. It was Germans who helped Finland. We had some German auxiliaries under the Finnish high command.

Fuck Koreans, seriously.

>have nothing else to offer
Oh yeah, I forgot that you're a black country these days.

I believe this faggot has travelled to every country in Europe and measured a nice sample of local dicks with his butthole.




Your high taxes on cigarettes suck

Actually I'd agree except one thing the weather is kinda trash. Most Finns I've met are somewhat depressed because of the weather. Some more sunny days would be nice.

>10 year economic decline
>Low salaries
>World's highest tax burden
>Incompetent communist government
>Desperate to imitate Sweden in importing subhumans
>World's worst food
>Ugly autistic inhabitants
>Complete lack of interesting culture
>World's worst climate
>Massive state propaganda machine Yle


>>Finnish women love getting fucked hard by big foreign cocks
Untrue. I once got laid by claiming I have the smallest dick in the world.

Doesn't a pack of cigarettes cost $35 in Australia?

those hair cuts.
0/5 would give hair trimmer

FIDF here. History has been faked! Finns are the real aryans.

Finland > God.


>>World's worst food
This is untrue. Finnish food is mostly edible, which can't be said for most countries.
>>Complete lack of interesting culture
This is also untrue. Our cultrue might be autistic, but it definitely exists and it's not uninteresting. Lack of culture would be a culture itself, so that's actually impossible.
>>Ugly autistic inhabitants
And some Finns are incredibly beautiful. The most beautiful girl I've ever known is Finnish. She's almost as autistic as me, but god damn is she beautiful.

Do not forget the Finno-Korean war. I work in the South-Korean embassy in Helsinki.

go suck uncle sam's dick, you traitor!

I'm actually a Finnish-American girl and I can confirm the Finnish dicks I've tried were really small.

Non-Finnish guys have way bigger dicks in my experience.

A cheap pack in the suburbs is like $19 in the city about $22

Turvallisuus, yhteiskunta

1.Suomi on maailman vakain valtio.
Lähde:The Fund for Peace, Fragile States Index 2016

2.Suomi on maailman turvallisin maa.
World Economic Forum, Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015: Finland

3.Suomessa on maailman paras hallinto.
Legatum Institute, The Legatum Prosperity Index 2016: Finland

4.Suomessa on maailman vähiten järjestäytynyttä rikollisuutta.
World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2016–2017: Organized crime

5.Suomessa on maailman riippumattomin oikeuslaitos.
World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2016–2017: Judicial independence

6.Suomalaiset äänestävät tanskalaisten ohella vapaimmissa ja luotettavimmissa vaaleissa.
University of Sydney ja Harvard University, The Electoral Integrity Project, The year in elections 2015

7.Suomessa on maailman toiseksi vähiten korruptiota.
Transparency International, Corruption Perceptions Index 2015

8.Suomessa on maailman paras lehdistönvapaus.
Reporters Without Borders, 2016 World Press Freedom Index

9.Suomi on maailman neljänneksi paras sosiaalisen kehityksen maa.
The Social Progress Imperatice, Social Progress Index: Finland

I miss our old GRAND WIZARD so much


Tyytyväisyys ja luottamus

10.Suomi on maailman viidenneksi onnellisin maa.
World Economic Forum, The world's happiest countries in 2016

11.Suomalaiset ovat eurooppalaisista toisiksi tyytyväisimpiä elämäänsä.
Eurostat, Percentage of the population rating their satisfaction as high, medium or low

12.Suomalaisten luottamus poliisiin on suurinta, poliittiseen järjestelmään toiseksi suurinta ja oikeusjärjestelmään kolmanneksi suurinta Euroopassa.
Eurostat, Average rating of trust

13.Suomalaisten luottamus muihin ihmisiin on toiseksi suurinta Euroopassa.
Eurostat, Average rating of trust

14.Suomessa kuluttajien luottamus talouteen on Euroopan vahvinta.
European Commission, Business and consumer survey results


Why would anyone cosplay a degenerate roastie? You're really messed up, Tyrone.

15.Suomi on maailman toiseksi tasa-arvoisin maa.
World Economic Forum, Global Gender Gap Index 2016

16.Suomessa on EU-maiden pienin ero naisten ja miesten työllisyysasteessa.
Eurofound, The gender employment gap: Challenges and solutions

17.Suomessa on OECD-maista eniten naisministereitä ja toiseksi eniten naisia parlamentin jäseninä.
OECD, Government at a Glance 2015: Women in politics

18.Suomessa on OECD-maiden neljänneksi alhaisin köyhyysaste
OECD, Society at a Glance 2016: Poverty

19.Suomessa on OECD-maiden viidenneksi pienimmät tuloerot.
OECD, Society at a Glance 2016: Income inequality

Ympäristön tila

20.Suomi pärjää maailman parhaiten ympäristön kehitystä ja tilaa kuvaavassa vertailussa.
Yale University, Environmental performance index

21.Suomalaisten veden kulutus suhteessa uusiutuviin vesivaroihin on maailman viidenneksi pienintä.
C. Kroll: Sustainable Development Goals: Are the rich countries ready? (Bertelmann Stiftung 2015)

En tiedä muista mutta
>7.Suomessa on maailman toiseksi vähiten korruptiota.
on vanhaa tietoa, Suomi on nykyään kolmanneksi vähiten korruptoitunut

well this thread sure went to hell quickly.

22.Suomessa on eniten maailmassa inhimillistä pääomaa.
World Economic Forum, The Human Capital Report: Human Capital Index 2016

23.Suomen peruskoulutus on maailman parasta.
World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017: Primary Education

24.Suomi on OECD-maiden kärkimaa koulutuksessa.
OECD, Better Life Index: Education

25.Suomi on maailman lukutaitoisin maa.
J. W. Miller ja M. C. McKenna, World Literacy: How Countries Rank and Why It Matters (Routledge 2016)

26.Suomi on innovaatiovertailussa maailman kolmas.
World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017: Innovation

Spurdo is something I honestly could live without.
Like if I had a gf I'd be fulfilled in life, but if she told me to delete my spurdo images I'd dump her right then and there.


27.Suomi on maailman toiseksi oikeudenmukaisin maa lapsille.
Unicef, UNICEFin tutkimus: Tanska oikeudenmukaisin maa lapsille

28.Suomi on maailman toiseksi paras maa olla tyttö.
Save the Children, Every last girl: Girl’s opportunity index

29.Suomalaiset nuoret (11-15-vuotiaat) ovat hyvinvointivaltioiden nuorista neljänneksi tyytyväisimpiä elämäänsä.
Unicef, Child Well-being in Rich Countries: A comparative overview

30.Suomalaisten neljäsluokkalaisten luonnontieteiden osaaminen on OECD-maiden toiseksi parasta.
Jyväskylän yliopiston Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos ja The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, TIMSS-tutkimus

There's only forests and boredom in Finland.

Suomi on paska maa ja maailman kolmanneksi korruptein

Legal automatics, you can shoulder pistols, no permits for suppressors, state will pay for your hunting permits, no import or export bans, no ATF to shoot your doggo.

I'm a Finnish girl and I love big foreign cocks.

Finnish men have small dicks.

31.Suomessa on maailman 20 kärkimaan joukossa vastasyntyneiden elinajanodotteessa. Erot kärjen joukossa ovat pieniä.
WHO, Life expectancy

32.Suomessa äitien ja lasten hyvinvointi on maailman toiseksi parasta.
Save the Children, State of the World´s Mothers 2015, 16th annual report

33.Suomessa on maailman kolmanneksi pienin imeväiskuolleisuus (alle vuoden ikäisenä kuolleet).
UN, SDG Indicators, Infant mortality rate

34.Suomessa on OECD-maiden kolmanneksi alhaisin kokonaiskuolleisuusluku syöpään.
OECD, Health at a glance 2015. Mortality from cancer

He was creator of magic yoga pose "Saunasolmu"

couldn't live without *

Stop this you autist

stop speaking mongolian, this is an english speaking board

Stop it.

I'm a Finnish girl and I visited South Africa not long ago.

South African men have huge cocks. Way bigger than what Finnish men have.

35.Suomessa on maailman vakaimmat pankit.
World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017: Soundness of banks

36.Suomessa eniten metsiä Euroopassa.
FAO, Global Forest Resources Assessment

37.Suomessa on kolmanneksi eniten tilaa ihmistä kohden Euroopassa.
Eurostat, Population density, persons per km2

38.Suomalaiset ovat Euroopan toiseksi ahkerimpia kirjaston käyttäjiä.
The European Bureau of Library, Public Libraries – Statistics


If you like to live in cold darkness

oh fuck off jamal
nobody likes you pakies anyway

We were almost there. Then the Korean nation attacked.

39.Suomessa on OECD-maista eniten langattomia laajakaistaliittymiä sataa henkeä kohti.
OECD, Wireless mobile broadband subscriptions

40.Suomalaiset juovat henkeä kohti eniten kahvia maailmassa.
International Coffee Organization, Coffee Trade Statistics

41.Suomalaisten aikuisten englannin kielen taito on 72 maan vertailussa viidenneksi paras.
Education First (EF), The world's largest ranking of countries by English skills

42.Suomi on maailman kolmanneksi paras matkakohde vuonna 2017.
Lonely Planet, Best in Travel 2017: Top Countries

>If you like to live in cold darkness
literally your ''''''''''''''''country''''''''''''''''''''

>Indices created by foreigners that have never been to Finland rate Finland well based on 2003 PISA results and being 5th best in "gender equality" in 2006
>In completely subjective self-perception surveys Finns report that Finland is great

Meanwhile unemployment continues to increase, the former trade surplus has turned into a permanent trade deficit, the incompetent government(s) do nothing, and the GDP is smaller than it was in 2008.

Do you think of the white Afrikaaners or the BBCs? The dutch is the tallest people in the world, so it makes sense.

Second dead great wizard of finland is this dude
he was member of Vril

This is the same fucker who spammed "Trump wins (state)" during the elections for hours. His autism has reached levels I didn't think were possible.

Despite migrants i cant say alot of bad about suomi, my finnish friends have been there for me for years. truely bro tier people.

they should go easy on trying to assimilate me against my will though. (also some of them are so autistic and introvert holy shit.)

Nah but for real Suomi olet mahtava

Aryans are slaves.

>The dutch is the tallest people in the world
not true