If you're learning Italian. Stop

If you're learning Italian. Stop.

If you're planning on living in Italy. Don't.

If you have investments in Italy. Take 'em out.

If you have friends or family in Italy. Contact them and tell them to come home.

If you're thinking of doing business in Italy. Don't.

You guys have no fucking idea how close Italy is to collapse. Trump has already seen it. Putin has already seen it. Italy is done for. Trust me. Italy will start breaking apart THIS VERY YEAR as soon as Trump starts putting some pressure on them. And by 2018, ITA will be no more.ITA will implode. Italy will collapse. Italy will be balkanized. Italy will be a chaotic wasteland where a huge chunk of the population will starve to death. Italy is finished. If you live on the West Coast, you can expect a huge flood of Italian refugees in the coming years. Italy is RIP. Mark my words.

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I wish good fortune to you too

Italy here
I dunno, doesn't look that bleak over here

The phonecalls that couldnt save Italy.


Thanks. But these are reality bro.

You have no idea the things are bad.

Italy here, don't trust the roach everything is fine here.

You have pretty girlfriend.

You are probably right m7

Luxembourg here, Italy will collapse and Sardinia-Piedmont will be great again.

Speaking of italy, how about them skiing lessons?

Of course everything is good for you. You will pay for the wall.

Mfw a roach tries to talk shit about the best country in the world.

"Ce lo chiede l'Europa"

You need survival lessons though.


Now Italy gets the pasta.

How can Greece even compete?!

>the West Coast
One job, you dumb roach.

>you can expect a huge flood of Italian refugees
>huge flood of refugees
>flood of refugees

Italian language sounds great.


No, see, you're not even keeping up
a bunch of immigrants got skiing lessons paid for by european funds and lega nord is all up in arms about it

>not living to make germany wealthy
my friendo :---)

i sure do hope some of those italians come here. their women are the qt-est of meds

No way.



Couldn't he wait to make the other phonecall?

Italian language is the craft of the people behind humanism and renaissence. Too bad our identity will be lost under the European heel.


That's all your mistake.


>mfw the regime's media seems to have taken getting out of the EU in serious consideration


Could be worse
We could have a 5 Stalle government in the future

So is the "mafia" about to finally get btfo'd?
Are normal people going to finally take control of governments there?

It's not an aut aut tho

You mean it was all the crime families' mistakes.
They were in control, even when it seemed that they weren't.


Mafia is going to be replaced by EU beurocrats. People will never take back the government in Italy.

Hey look! it's a roach being an insufferable faggot on the internet! more news at 11.

DAY OF THE ROPE for bogposters

>mfw we will side with our Greek bros and Italy will have the whole South Western Anatolian coastline in the next decades, just as they promised us after WWI

The real mafia is the church.

So what you're trying to say is

It wasn't just crime families, we literally had freemasons exposed.


Turkey and Italy... the worst two countries...
just kill eachother or yourselves... either way, just die.. you are scum

Nah, it ended up evolving in smaller more fragmented cells of organized crime that don't fuck with eachother much and ended up taking their own piece of the big cake in their own specific field. Families are the same, they're just smaller in manpower since most of them kept being locked up in the years
Except in the south, ahah, good luck with that fucking mess.

Nice pasta

>Norway thinks its opinion matters

>a fucking roach

>implying M5S really want to get out of Euro

Grillo is controlled opposition, everything he says are just campaign promises that he will never respect.

Seriously though, is Italian worth learning? As in, can I get anything out of it in America or elsewhere? Perhaps government jobs or jobs where you travel, etc?

I'm of Italian heritage but never learned it fluently, which is something I want to change.

20 yo, in college btw

Italy is kill bro.

>Italy will be balkanized
Yeah, it would be a dream. This country was made wrong from the beginning, it should have been a god-damn federation. Anyway it isn't collapsing, but why do you think so, roach?

dude shut the fuck up LARPing homo you're not even italian

Only if you want to live in Switzerland or are studying art between 1400-1900. Otherwise Spanish would be more useful.

italians will always be WELCOMED in spain, but if we were able to save our country when we had 26% of unemployment rate, they will manage to sort out things too

Oh and if you want to become Pope. Gotta learn Italian to live in Vatican City.

Do you remember the PD cucks in 2011 on talkshows when they whined that if only we were decent enough to make the REFORMS then the eu would help us rather than buttfucking us with sand?

Turks are eyeing up Italy like they were eying up Greece and the Bulkans years ago.

>Dat Mediterranean Peninsula

It is not yours, roach, shooo, shoo.

I still blame M5S, since they entered politic they blocked one third of the parliament making us hostages of EU.

I'll admit I dont know anything about Italian politics. Explain further.

Padanian independence

Useful if you want learning Spanish to be easier. Of course, you could just learn Spanish instead and save yourself a lot of trouble. Or learn neither language and speak English like a fucking civilized person.

If that happens then they can just join the rest of us greasy wop dagos here in Boston and New Jersey even though they're about 100 years late

neither are you kek

>inb4 muh heritage

Just because a roach is telling me to not do this I am going to do all of this

Now what is the best way to learn italian?

>Huge amounts of Italian refugees

mama mia

Says the Turk whose country has a civil war and a coup in their backyard

Hopefully never, the party is an american televangelist tier kind of scam.

>Collapse of Italian State
>Reversal of Lateran Treaty
>Kingdom of God led by the Holy Father

One can dream

Stop being a bully smaller Sweden

Italian language is the reason we got 1 million plus romanian migrants also the eu.

More divide and conquer would be a disaster in this historic moment.

>the north goes to Germany
>the south get annexed by Islamic State.

They were good contenders for the cuck award last year.


What do you mean the EU?

We need another Vatican Council so we can call a Crusade and get it over with.

Or maybe we just need another pope

daily reminder that t*rkish """men""" are emasculated fuck boys and that roach women yearn for the BIG WHITE COCK

>What do you mean the EU?

Wasn't romania entering the EU that gave them visa free travel to italy? Same with poles in uk.
Seriously eastern policy was a mistake, we get the migrants , the factories offshore to employ the low wage workers in east europe, we support them through european budget as well as free trade deals and we get involved in eastern european politics like sanctioning russia and putting troops on the baltic.

It's awful.

>If you're planning on living in Italy. Don't.

Says fucking Turkey lel

>The real mafia is the church.

>turkey flag
nice try ayatollah

if italy falls, vatican's miserable clay is getting reannexed immediately

Nice ad hominem.


Good job, belgian idiot, domme kanker belg

lel if Italy falls

Poland would have brought us to war with Putin if Hillary was elected.

It's fucking insane.


How is protests going in Romania.

So Italy is fucked?
I wonder how this happened....
(Pic very related)

>implying muslims aren't made of the same kind of shit everywhere

Berlusc0nz will save us dw

If another big recession hit, we are done. Same with greece.

If EU does not allow us to stop niggers, we are done either way, we are fucking full.

>implying your land is not part of the netherlands

belg roach plz go

I wonder how much the mp40 at vatican's museum may go at christie's auctions.

Bullshit. Berlsuconi served his own interest but in the meanwhile he brought Italy out of the aggressive speculation against Lira in 1992 (done by Soros).

He held immigrants hordes back with Gheddafi.

He opened a dialogue between Bush and Putin.

And most importantly he called Schultz a concentration camp guard and Merkel an unfuckable fatass.

I'm not even belgian, just here for the sweet euros








$0 as they are not illegible or purchase by civilians. Only guns within the registry prior to 1986 (~250k) are legal to own. That's why they're worth a retarded amount.

the receiver and barrel would have to be cut, with a torch, multiple times for importation as a parts kit. Once here it can never be a Mg again as far as civilians go.

250k is the # registered. and MP49 would be worth something like $18k USD but it's been many years since I looked. Probably more now.

Italians gave the world the radio. Turks gave the world lamb covered in dirt spinning around a stick.

Why are Spaniards so cucked towards Italy ? You and the Gayreeks always suck their dicks on Sup Forums


Because mediterreans stand togheter. It's something you krauts wouldn't unxerstand.