I honestly can't believe you people favor a free wall (it's not) over free education

I honestly can't believe you people favor a free wall (it's not) over free education.

You Drumpftards make me sick.

The border wall can lead to free education. If education is free before the wall goes up, then your children will have to compete with illegals in order to receive their free education. If it happens after the wall, then they will be able to go to a free college campus without having to compete with an excess amount of foreigners.

College isn't free if the government pays for it because it comes from your taxes retard. The wall is since Mexico is paying.

We fully expect the wall to be paid for.

By Mexicans.

If they had a sign that said Mexicans should pay for my college the argument would be different.

Who says I don't support free college? Fucking generalists like you sicken me, just because I agreed with Trump on more issues than the other options doesn't mean I agree with him on everything.

>Leftists not realizing free college would cost 10 trillion dollars a year
Basic economics hurts the shill

There are 20 million college students. The average in-state public college tuition price is ten thousand dollars a year. So just covering the tuition costs for college students, not considering the cost of out of state tuition or private college tuition, would cost the federal government 200 million per year. This yearly cost is over thirty times greater than the one time cost of the wall, which mexico will be footing anyway. At least if they don't want their economy to collapse.

Excuse me 200 billion

How about you grow a pair and pay for your own college like everyone else.
When you pay for something you value it much more.

Pic unrelated.


>using Pokémon for shilling

I could accept Hillary's cronies being child-rapists and murderers but this crosses the line.

Free Education is a meme, maybe if you were smarter or blacker you could have gotten better scholarships

>The average in-state public college tuition price is ten thousand dollars a year.
Try $30,000 a year. It hasn't been $10,000 a year for over a decade.

By building a 20 billion dollar wall, you keep out 1 trillion dollars a year of welfare leeching by low IQ inferior Hispanics.

Free college would cost trillions of tax payer dollars a year and the college education is communist indoctrination, which destroys America's very soul. Not a good investment by any stretch of the imagination.

tl;dr You're an idiot.

Next shill in line, please step up, tyvm!

Free College isn't free, but can you put a price tag on raising the amount of educated citizens in a world of automation and a disappearing unskilled labor and manufacturing jobs? Or should we wait for the bottom to fall out and we're left with record unemployment and recession?

>I want the government to pay for my college
>The Mexican government will pay for the border wall between us because they have failed to control their citizens, who continue flowing over our border and bringing crime with them
>these are comparable proposals

The world isn't made of sunshine, not everyone has the ability to become educated, and the economy could not function properly if everyone in the country had a college education

> free wall isn't free
> free education is free

Pick one

>increase in taxes so everyone can get a women's studies degree that won't get them any jobs
I can't see how this could possibly go wrong.


Not to fail to mention, when college education becomes free, it sets back poverous families and singles a fuck ton. College degrees will become the new high school diploma. People already working to live 40+ hours a week will be unable to obtain the education due to a lack of time. College educations will be primary pickings and all you're doing is making the poor poorer.

It's not that I don't support the ability for anyone to continue furthering their education, we absolutely should attempt to preserve that privilege in this country.

The problem is that 'guaranteed' tuition in the form of federally-backed loans has caused America's educational system to become one of the most corrupt institutions on the planet, and it needs to be stopped. The reason tuition rates are so fucking ridiculous is precisely because the kikes running these places KNOW they'll get the money from Uncle Sam. There is absolutely no competition and virtually no surveillance, and then we turn out people with degrees in fucking 'women's studies.'

NO, FUCK PAYING FOR THAT. We need businessmen, scientists, engineers, doctors, linguists, developers, people who actually DO something for society once they're out of there that required getting a tertiary education at a university in the first place. "Women are at a disadvantage and men need to pay for it" - congratulations, you now have a M.A. in women's studies. This shit is about the most effective bait I can think of, god damn it I can just feel my teeth about to fly out of my skull.


Mexico is gonna pay for the wall, you retard.

>mexico is paying


>Mexico is paying.

Wow... still believing that bullshit aren't you?

10 trillion
200 million

WOOOAH. Nice one there.
Either way, If College is free, doesn't that just make it even more worthless if EVERYONE has a degree?

Cut FAFSA and university will be cheap
a wall costs 20 billion, free college costs much much more.

Not like you care, you made one post and ran away.
No one offered free education to me. I'll take the wall because when I get out of college, jobs will exist for Americans.
No one is stopping you from leaving, you could go to Mexico, and a university degree is virtually free.

Not if you start making colleges with tax paid tuition more exclusive (ie. like every other fucking country that has tax paid tuition colleges).

>illegal immigrants in alaska and hawaii
How did they get there


yeah man, all those European degrees must be worthless

by car boat and plane
Sanctuary cities too

If you sell widgets to people in my country for $100 each and I want you to pay for a wall, lets say I put a 20% tax on you, alright?

Now, instead of $100, you sell me the widgets for $120.

Then when people in my country buy your widgets, I take $20 for the wall. You get $100.

Who is paying for the wall?

I already graduated.

Skate or die. Oldfag Shit there

Fuck your (((education))). It is all a crock of shit, I took a GED and social engineered my way to 80k/year. There is nothing stopping a determined white man from doing whatever the fuck they want in America.

Free college for certain majors. Sorry kiddo, not going to allow you to spend 6 years pursuing a BA in gender studies or coffee brewing.


I just finished paying off my student loans. It is possible.

If you make college free, will I get a refund? After all, it's hardly fair otherwise, is it?

She lost.
Fuck off.

>Falling for the college jew.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes in the information age. In the 4 years of (((higher education))) that you wasted your life on you could have started an entry level tech support job while studying technology certifications and rising up the ranks of a corporation.

A welfare state can not support mass immigration

>entry level tech support job
>technology certifications

There is literally nothing that you can't learn from a college that you can't learn from the internet.

"Free college" funds mostly liberal arts kids with worthless and unproductive degrees.

Building the wall will employ countless number of people, stop illegal immigration and will protect our borders for decades to come.

The wall pays for itself.

In the future yes. People will need to work with their brains over their brawns in all fields.



so no source then? dumb trumptards think that the POTUS has control over other countries.. stupid fucks

omg wtf, delet

lol, no Mexicans still receive $100 per widget. so you the US guy pays the 20%
for it to work a $100 widget they sell you youd have to pay him $80 and keep $20 of his back,which wont work as pablo would suffer so trade stps or he goes bankrupt

The difference is college gives you a social structure as a motivator.

damn, so im guesing you just ripped it off to avoid goiing to the doctor for that ingrown toe nail. thats relieving

>still caring about college and not becoming a skilled tradesman
Friendly reminder that all college students are failures so don't be one

Carlos Slim is going to come out and reveal it to the Mexicants that they'll be paying for it.

He won't lose his billions, and will ultimately be the one to concede since he has more power in that rathole nation than its actual elected leaders.

Federal government is authorized to secure the border by the Constitution.
They aren't authorized by the Constitution to play any role period in education.
You're almost as stupid as leftist.
American either pay for more expensive goods or Americans pay for a tariff.
Either way everyone loses except the select few people selling things to all Americans for a ridiculous markup taking capital away from more productive sectors of the economy and even leading to stagnation in development due to the slowing of capital savings

People want free degrees, not free education. If they wanted free education they can find damn near anything on the internet.

And the problem with the free degrees is that they want them in stupid useless shit like gender studies.

I am sure many people wouldn't have issue with some sort of subsidised college system for actually useful fields provided the qualification criteria was strict.

Shit I remember that skateshop guy in the game. Nostalgia.

I saged but this is actually really good bait, well done.

Now fuck off commie

Mike Rowe seems like a pretty cool guy.

$10 billion runs the Federal govt. for ONE day!

Just build it. It's $30 per person.

>implying people getting free gender studies degrees will make us more prosperous
get out

being a plumber provides more to society and requires no college

Neither are free, and Mexico is paying for the wall. Also the resources saved by keeping illegals out pays for itself.
Fuck off shill.

The force is Trumpfag asses.

Liberty Prime would kill both

Financial Aid just needs to be fixed. There's no reason why one student majoring in communications, taking 12 college units, and has a 2.2 GPA should receive THE SAME AMOUNT OF AID as a student majoring in chemistry, taking 15+ college units, and has a 3.5+ GPA.

I really like Mike Rowe. He doesn't get too political and he really just preaches the value of hard work. I've never read anything written by him that I disagree with.

You are, because instead of buying Mexican widgets for $100, we buy American widgets for $110.

The American producer then pays the normal taxes on his income, with some of that income being money which would have been paid to Mexico, and thus taxed by the Mexican government, otherwise.

So the tariff causes us to gain revune at your expense, even if no direct transaction takes place.

we're making the spics pay for it retard

A guy domestically produces widget for 110 bucks and the mexican is forced to sell at reduced profit.
beat me to it.

Really makes my neurons change voltage by the flow of ions

Free college would cost around a trillion dollars per year.


>someone calls him a gun-nut for associating with some
>absolutely btfos the soccermom

Wall: Prevents worthless fuckface democrat voters from spreading here
College: Creates worthless fuckface democrat voters

Build wall - cancel college.

>your children can compete
>muh safespace

In your heart you know you're a cuck and I'm the bull.

I hope we do make you sick and since you're an unemployable bernout I hope you can't pay for it and you die destitute and forgotten, a perpetual reminder of the inefficacy of the pull-out method.

because the wall creates jobs retard, free education increases taxes

I can't believe you think they cost the same and don't understand basic economics.

Lol, jk, I believe it.

>the tariff made US companies earn more money from the people (who now paid 10% more for their stuff) and then we spent our money that we earned in a wall ahaha

The good thing about hardcore Trump fanboys is that you're not so mart.

We can get free education going once the wall keeps more illegals coming in and drying up resources that should be going to American citizen children

Get more federal grants dumb fuck!

I can't believe you guys support welfare over decriminalizing drug use and forcing urban poor into the work force.

I can't believe you guys are so for refugee rights when you don't care that they're refugees because we bomb their countries or arm terrorists to overthrow their governments for our proxy wars.

I can't believe you guys care so much about other people rights when you don't care about mine because you disagree with me.

I can't believe you guys care so much about illegal immigrants, when I take vacation I never want to leave but I fucking have to because they won't let me stay live off tax dollars.

I can't believe you.

I don't understand how some retarded burgers don't get it.

Build wall.
Kick out illegals.
Keep illegals out.

After that holy shit you spent money but you're spending less after that point since whatever you spend on the wall is less than you'd spend on all the Mexican "Americans".

How fucking retarded is this argument? Why would I want already shitty public education and college made even worse?

Also, you retards want "free" education and don't even want to get serious about immigration. I seriously feel like you have to be missing part of your brain for me to even type this out to you. We can have better welfare but we have to be strict on immigration, or we can be loose on immigration and get rid of welfare. You can't have both you fucking piece of shit.


That logic would be sound if manufacturing costs between the US and Mexico were competitive, but generally they're not. I work for a company that outsources some of it's labor to Mexico (and China). Here in the US our plant workers make between $10-14 per hour. In Mexico the labor is only a bit more than a dollar per hour. There are some other costs we have to account for when doing things in Mexico, but those don't bring us anywhere close to a 10% margin.

What is the benefit to providing free post secondary education? And by that I mean why is it a net benefit to civilization as a whole to have all or nearly all of the population receive this experience?

gotta keep poor people poor so I can stay rich

It would be $600 billion per year in that case. Compare to the $20 billion wall. 'Free' college just isn't economically feasible.

>then your children will have to compete with illegals in order to receive their free education
If they're kids, they're hardly foreigners.

Hell, the dreamers are Americans in every sense of the word except for the law; you couldn't tell them from any other American.

I'm sorry the Mexicunt that can barely speak English is NOT an American in any sense of the word.

Are you some kind of ESL immigrant? Did you not comprehend the meaning of my words?

You can't tell them apart from any one else. Some of them don't even speak Spanish (or any other foreign language).