Creationist: entropy clearly proves evolution is false...

>creationist: entropy clearly proves evolution is false, we are all slowly degrading due to the accumulation of gene mutations
>evolutionist: b-but the earth isn't a closed system! we get energy from the sun!
>creationist: ok, why don't you go stand out in the sun and see if it makes you evolve faster?
>evolutionist: ok
>goes and stands in the sun
>gets skin cancer and dies

really fires my neurons

Creationism is just common sense, in literally the first sentence of the bible it says God created everything

>creationist pretends to understand science beyond basic layman ideas
>scientists baffled at how someone can be so retarded

>creationist: entropy clearly proves evolution is false, we are all slowly degrading due to the accumulation of gene mutations
>evolutionist: b-but the earth isn't a closed system!

It isn't though

>fips ledora

This is so fucking retarded. You realize people have stood out in the sun for most of human history right?

You also realize that without the sun we couldn't grow food? We can literally turn sunlight into energy and store it in batteries.

I know this is b8 but I can't not respond to it

How can you believe evolution if its only a theory?
(a geuss)


The bible is accepted as fact by a billion people around the world, nobody accepts evolution as a fact only a theory

Nigga gravity is a theory too, but I don't see anyone doubting that heavy things fall towards earth

How does entropy clearly prove evolution false?

The perfect definition of circlejerk

Kys Jesus fag. You literally worship a mother goose tier fairytale book.

shhh, let him play. He'll tire himself out soon.

because he learned about entropy from faggots like ken ham

OP is so heavy he's never gotten high enough to fall back down, so he wouldn't know.

>I don't understand evolution, therefore it is wrong

Gravity isn't a theory, we know God invented it

Man you guys are so lucky that everyone you debate against has a stuttering problem.

Not an argument

Creationism is retarded because using the bible literally is like playing telephone with millions of writers and editors over thousands of years. It's probably partially true, but corrupted, which is why if it's inspired by something true ancient aliens is the most likely explanation. Earth is still billions of years old, and evolution also could only go so far which is why even though it's real it needed a hand from an external, most likely extra terrestrial force

God gave his word, it's the true word of God why would you ignore God?

>We can literally turn sunlight into energy and store it in batteries.

This is literally not true. Sunlight already is energy. We don't "turn it into" energy.

>Nigga gravity is a theory too, but I don't see anyone doubting that heavy things fall towards earth

>gravity is determined by weight

Fucking A, Sup Forums. Come on. COME ON!!

The only thing I hate about people saying "evolution is true" is that evolution is a large amalgamation of concepts, and it is still incomplete and therefore it is impossible for it to be "true". So when people go to actually criticize or ruminate on aspects of evolution, retards regurgitate that retardation that it's true without actually discussing it or understanding anything.

Entropy according to creationist thinking:
>According to...whichever law of thermo (I'm drunk, fuck off), useful energy (kinetic energy in the process of cell transcription, life in general, etc) will always degrade into unusuable energy (waste heat, friction, etc). Therefore, after so long, all the energy ion earth would be turned to unrecoverable waste heat, and life would end. The fact that life has persisted for so long proves that there is a creator

They would be right, if earth was a closed system, and did not receive any energy input from an otuside source (pro-tip: the yellow thing does this).

am drunk, someone else can clearify if i wasnt clear

Giant metal birds are gods to island niggers. What's so hard to believe about ayylmaos seeming to be gods to neanderthals

>mother goose tier fairytale book.
lmfao. you dont know shit about philosophy.

Aliens never visited earth

Your mom never swallowed.

Energy entering Earth from the sun. Aka not a closed system

Your mom is a closed system. I also like how your post had absolutely fucking nothing to do with what I said. Also, nice digits. Gaylord.

>ITT Strawmen

She's a harlot I don't care if you make fun of her

>if evolution is real then why do niggers and apes still exist?

How can you believe in electrodynamics if it's only a theory? (a gauss)

Don't talk about your mother that way, asshole. She sucked my dick. Show some respect. And go to your room.


>creationist: entropy clearly proves evolution is false, we are all slowly degrading due to the accumulation of gene mutations
Which natural selection corrects by killing off the more negatively mutated organisms and preserving positively mutated ones

>creationist: ok, why don't you go stand out in the sun and see if it makes you evolve faster?
>evolutionist: ok
>goes and stands in the sun
>gets skin cancer and dies
This is technically what happened. The sun caused his skin cells to evolve faster and break free of their growth limiting factors.

No I don't talk to her at all

really makes me fink

Wanna talk about it champ? What happened? Seriously, I'll listen. Why is your mom a harlot? Let's have a blog session in this dead thread. Lay it on me, Canada man. I'm ready to play therapist.

You do realize most of the world's top physicists believe in some sort of god. The physicist that came up with field string theory even does. The only scientist your speaking for are the fake ass woman's studies and climate expert "scientists".

And yet most physicists also accept the theory of evolution and aren't young-earth creationists

Because she's a whore, she's a drunkard, an atheist I told her she's a degenerate and she got mad at me because I became a Christian.

Most physicists are wrong then
Maybe evolution is real to them because they hope one day they'll have the intelligence of an ape

Because according to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), a scientific theory is "a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses." No amount of validation changes a scientific theory into a scientific law, which is a descriptive generalization about nature. So when scientists talk about the theory of evolution or the atomic theory or the theory of relativity, for that matter they are not expressing reservations about its truth.

Also the theory of evolution, meaning the idea of descent with modification, one may also speak of the fact of evolution. The NAS defines a fact as "an observation that has been repeatedly confirmed and for all practical purposes is accepted as 'true.'" The fossil record and abundant other evidence testify that organisms have evolved through time. Even though no one observed those transformations, the indirect evidence is clear.

It's not even worth getting an opinion from a Euro homo because 90% of your countries are atheist countries
Only Malta and Poland are half decent but unfortunately they're both Catholic

I know this is b8 but on the off chance that people believe it - even thought you have more chemical reactions in you than a star , and more mechanical processes, you're still a lower energy state than a star.

Think of entropy as a graph that generally trends right ward and downwards. There may be local peaks and valleys, but the trend remains the same.


My argument is the bible, you don't have an argument just mindless ramblings shat out by dumbo left wing atheists

Shit tier bait, leaf

The same atheists that if asked to explain the process of evolution would either not know or have such little understanding of it, explaining it would make them look completely retarded.

I never bait
The only explanation needed for evolution is that it's a lie

The Bible makes precisely 0 arguments against evolution. If you want to argue against darwinist retardation you need to use probability theory.

>Its a creationist gets confused about language again episode

It says everything God made was good, if it needs to eveolve that would imply it wasn't good. Scientists agree some creatures like the ceolocanth were good and didn't have to evolve.
It makes zero sense, think of it like this atheists see a crocodile fossil they think "wow this 20 foot crocodile evolved to the smaller 6 foot one we have today" okay makes sense I guess, but oh gee wiz we have Indian elephants and African ones and the African ones are bigger. Could it be the bigger crocodile species were just a bigger one that went extinct?

I mean a separate species that went extinct.

>not worshiping the Morning Star.

What does Sup Forums think of the Omphalos hypothesis?

It's stupid, lacks evidence, and violates Occam's razor.

What happened to the crocodile was that it was more beneficial to be small so over time, smaller crocodiles survived to have more children. And so on and so on. Eventually, The mutation that initially caused a slighltly smaller crocodile causes a new group of separate, tiny crocodiles that survive while the remaining large ones die out. The difference between the elephants is because it was more advantageous to be slightly larger in Africa than India. These African elephants were pressured to be larger than they were before (assuming they came from India. It could be the reverse is true but i haven't studied Elephant history)

This. Nothing shows evidence that things were created to look old. God had no obvious reason to make things look old. Therefore, it is unreasonable to assume that is the case when nothing, not even biblical texts, mentions it.