Political Compass thread

My brother calls me "super republican" and racist. LUL

Idk why I ended up here. I'm a paleoconservative.

/thread faggots

my I side with

Kill yourself you faggot commie.

Not quite a snek, but not quite a helicopter pilot.

>Centrist, with left libertarian leanings
>Literally equally close in belief to Communism as NatSoc

Took the 100 questions on spekr and was called a libertarian capitalist. I'm okay with this.

Get on my level, faggots. Even if you beat the gas chamber you will without question go to gulag

There should have been a section on privacy
It's my biggest concern

someone roast me

you are super gay dude, I don't need to roast you after your pig roast last night

>training license

If this past year has taught me anything, it's that people are too stupid to know how to use assault weapons safely and won't take the time to learn before they accidentally commit mass murder.

nice i just took one

>accidentally commit mass murder
When has anyone "accidentally" caused MASS MURDER?

What even is that? What do you believe? My closest point of reference is An caps.

link to that?

What is this mean?

Does this make me a centrist

My Full Chart. I consider myself an Economic Centrist and Social National Libertarian.
My favorite economic theories are syndicalism, national socialism, and the US's Welfare capitalism AKA Low taxes and free shit from your job.

That's more or less what most of Sup Forums claims to believe
Government stays out of the economy except to prevent trusts, monopolies, and the degradation of labor by multinationals

Government steps in for pro-family and traditional values social control.


Who /purple/ here?


Somewhere between hitler and thatcher



>Be Hitler, grand opening of Auschwitz, your juice bottle company
>"Hanz! Glass of juice!"
>Meanwhile, jews are shot on sight for a good half hour, workers decline
>"Oh, glass of juice? I thought you said "Gad the Jews"! Haha!"


Pro-Gun, limited immigration, white males are the best people on earth.

My downfall is I don't give a shit if gays or people who want to identify as toasters want to get married, and legalize recreational drugs.

>legal drugs
>ruin society



also this

Authoritarian Left, Unite!
Down with the Democracy!


seems about right, some questions are left with what if scenarios that should be no opinion.
Like a lot of liberarians I get caught up on if there should be regulation on business harmful to the environment, and I want there to be, but government is corny capitalist there needs to be a more independent approach

Bump up your authoritarian score and you're NatSoc.

>legislated equality
>gays sent to re-education camps

mfw unironically fashy

I believe in personal liberty, hate authority and distrust corporations. But I'm not a stoner hippie moron. Wat do?

forced labour or 1 bullet

just did it ayy lmao


Beats a cucked prison colony.