So apparently Trump just shouted at him in the phone call and tore him to shreds and hung up after 25 minutes of what...

So apparently Trump just shouted at him in the phone call and tore him to shreds and hung up after 25 minutes of what was supposed to be an hour long phone call.

How the fuck do you schedule the length of a phone call fuck that shit AMERICA FUCK YEAH

did they kill everyone with sense at Jewgle?

You're welcome

He's going to bully Turnbull into bringing Tony Abbot back.

Good. You're lucky the God-Emperor was gracious to even give you that much. Now fuck off, fucking strayas.

How many more countries to go before this bumbling retard completely alienates America?

>Source required

why are libs such limpwristed weak cunts?

>We should let the foreign hordes overrun our country in the hopes they will like us

how did that work for Obummer, cuck?

>If you lose, you win: Here's why.

Turnbull is a preening gaylord.

America First!

Fucking perfect. Hope trump continues to rip this cuck a new asshole over the next 2 years

They have a list of things they want to talk about and make time in their schedules. The president is supposed to be very busy, but I have to think that it has more to do with when Hannity comes on.

If the U.S. turned into North Korea, the difference would be that we would still be winning while the rest of the world struggles to keep up.

>Turnkike deserved to get ass blasted...did he really expect Trump to take illegal mudscum.

Top Kek!

You fucking cocky Australians got yours. :)

Literally who?

Lol, so much for Australians being a bunch of "tough" outbackers.

lol, Australia PM attempts to shitpost IRL and gets his ass beat by god emperor.

I love that people are trying to defend turncuck on here. What a tosser.

Nah, hes a jew so we dont count him

how do you think they get their positions?

Americans confirmed for GOAT shitposters


This all stems from one Washington post article.

why can't aussies take the bantz?
I thought they weren't a bunch of cunting cry babies

We didn't elect this faggot, he's Jewish and him and his cronies overthrew Toned Abs

Turncuck doesnt count. He is the trudeau of australia.

dont think anyone in australia would cry if the intire parliament was found suicided with their arms tired behind their heads.

What's wrong with all these former British colonies? Do they have some deep seeded desire to be ruled by a queen again?

Queen is cool mate. She is a relic of the old days who refuses to be cucked unlike the rest of the UK government