The Truth

This is the Truth and the path to destroying the social marxists.

If the brothers are awakened it is deathblow to them.

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Honestly, you're right.

This is exactly what they fear. I know a few redpilled blacks.

BUT... Niggers will never see past race. It's a nice dream but it will NEVER happen.

This is why they keep race baiting.

>le racemixing is redpilled meme
>le based niggers meme

seems kind of one sided what do blacks bring to the table?
>inb4 peanut butter

I would be open to a treaty that proposes three separate boundaries for colors. An all white territory, an all black territory, and a multicultural territory,

The rest of the races can figure it out.

We could turn them on the leftists, who would be paralyzed and not know how to react until it was too late.

So would I. But I would also be open to allowing liberals to create their perfect "multicultural perfect society". Then we'd go to war and defeat them.

Yeah, there's a reason why media outlets like CNN keep pushing for race wars.

Niggers won't help, and they are not needed.
Kill niggers and marxists.

Geographically well placed votes?

The south and rust belt would be unbreachable.

This is true. They fear unhyphenated America.

Most blacks dislike it as much as whites.

right. That's why establishment media like sitcoms, movies, etc prominently features and positively portrays multiracial 'diverse' groups as evil and nasty. Like how the multiratial crew on 'the fast and the furious' is always portrayed as evil.

Plus haven't you seen how the all-white empire is portrayed as the good guys in all star-wars films?

It's like there's a conspiracy at the highest levels of society that idolizes monoracial groups as being the desirable norm.

Oh wait...

>not white

Realistically it won't happen, the last black person capable of actually doing something meaningful and getting other black people to do so was Malcolm X. You'd need an extremely intelligent and charismatic black who was redpilled on the JQ to get something like this to happen, and the political Left and Jews in America have essentially destroyed that possibility by making blacks completely dependent on the government, removing what little agency they had, and destroying their communities via stuff like drug distribution while at the same time giving them gibs so they don't build their communities but are dependent on the government still for their financial existence despite not being able to use the money the get for free to do anything meaningful. At this point the destruction of black societal institutions and capital plus they're low overall average genetic capital and ability makes this pretty much impossible.

With no guns, the average citizen living in poverty because 'muh equality', and no set leader that doesn't cuck the whole nation?
That's called slaughter.
Or, better yet, genocide.

Let them make their perfect society with no borders, no guns, race mixing, and free market bs. SJW haven of safe spaces.
I want them to make their own and feel proud of their accomplishments.
I want them to live through this slowly watching their income drop to pennies because there's too fucking many with no regulation and everyone just flocks there because freedom and social justice.
I hope this happens. I hope they get their section of the world and when they realize their mistake, when they realize their utopia will crumble because that's just how humans are, when they are overrun with niggers and shitskins because they want to bow down to those who have 'earned it' or 'deserve it', they will try to come to the land of redpilled fucks they wished to kill and shun and banish - but they can't, because we have borders and regulation and individual requirements in order to be a part of that population. I just fucking hope.

I want to see them implode on themselves when they see what their ideal society will produce .

Same, but it will never happen because they need us conservatives to leech off of otherwise they'd starve to death in a week.

that's controlled opposition, trying to keep the lower classes complacent with empty hopes and gestures

Kikes wake up in a cold sweat thinking of this

Doh! should have known that mainstream media would ironically be the controlled opposition!


Ethno-nationalism is fucking retarded, and anytime Sup Forums talks about "cleansing" a certain race, all I can think is that they're over-eager morons willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater.


The establishment wants the unification of all races to create the fabled "6th rootrace"

White Genocide


This. The left sets us up to fight each other because they can only win when we are distracted.

I'll accept anyone that's willing to help me throw leftists (who aren't really human beans but even if they were they would violate the NAP by breathing my fucking air) out of helicopters.

What did Antiracists/Antifa mean by this?

>Nazi saying: "non-Aryan whites get the bullet too"

Same thing.

Literally no "Nazis" say that.

Hitler did, which is why his primary opponents were from the predominantly white nations of US, France, UK, Russia.

What do you mean by this

You're a fucking retard. Hitler literally told England their blood was too valuable to spill, and he tried to make alliances with them a ton of times.

That's #FakeNews

Hitler's military fought the UK to the death you moron. Nice try picking out only one of those countries I listed.

Who exactly do you think was at war with Nazi Germany's military, you moron? The boogeyman?

Why do you think they forcefully import shit skins into our countries? Its so people argue with each other instead of being a homogenous society. Divide and conquer. This is why Jews race bait.

Ayo hol' up... so you be sayin'

UK, USA, France attack Germany = Hitler hated non-German whites and wanted to kill them all?


I'm saying he did kill them. That's what World War 2 was, you jackass.
>Nazi saying non-Aryan whites can get the bullet too

Not all the whites from those countries fighting Nazi Germany were Aryan whites. You reptiles are so fucking stupid.


Whites and blacks make a good team