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She should have been dating an alpha male commie killer like me. See how her boyfriend cowers in fear. Pathetic.

Heh heh

You do realize that scenes like that will only solidify Trump's support and justify a violent crackdown on antifags, right?


You cucks talked about this years ago

>"if if if if y-you k-keep going we w-will retalitate

Nothing will happen. Screencap this. We will take over and you will kneel and suck, homeboy

I don't have to do siht, because in my country police deals with your shitty antifa comrades like it's suppused to:

And now Americans have state on their side after 8 years of king nigger's rule.

Really made me want to get raped by a migrant

>We will take over
Then do it faggot.
California is hardly taking over and the military hasn't even come for you. We'll kill you if you do anything more than riot.
Go ahead and hit a real target pussy.

>that webm
Holy shit niggers are effeminate pussies.

You live in Germany pussy. Come to usa so i can blast your brains all over the curb antifa faggot.

>implying she didnt try to fit in with them for the BBC
>implying she didnt pay the toll

Are these niggers all retarded? There are like 20 of them and they can't bring one girl down...

>Assaulting a woman

Why am I not surprised.

If they could think that far ahead they wouldn't be antifags.
and now you have control over 0 branches of government, yeah those riots really helped Hillary win over middle America didn't they?



--- Important ---

DO NOT take actions into your own hands! Allow the brave men and women of law enforcement to handle the situation.

To assist local and federal law enforcement in identifying and apprehending illegal immigrants and dangerous criminals please feel free to contact ICE and/or the FBI via the links listed below.

Link to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


Link to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.



The problem is that the local law enforcement isn't dealing with this situation.

Is it possible to petition so that legal action can be taken against the police for not doing their job? Part of me wishes Trump could deal with them personally.

>One white girl
>dozens of black people

What's the context here? Surely she said something to upset them, like she must have said "nigger" or called one of them a nigger. Either that or she said a racist remark, I just don't understand how you can upset dozens of black people like that.

Drumpfkins are little coward shits, they hide behind there computers and talk shit but in person they get there shit kicked in. A drumpfkin couldn't even defend one girl at the protest today and let her get sprayed, pathetic group of "men"

It's been 10 days and we're already winning.

Let's see how they like it when we start going after their families.


Give the political terrorists enough rope to hang themselves with

Knock it off user

I know you're mad, we all are. Attacking women is beyond the pale.

Go to bed you are drunk


We operate within the framework of the legal system

Who would have figured the day of the rope would start with them bringing their own?

No, I'm not nearly drunk enough. You clearly aren't mad enough or having been paying attention.

When is enough going to be enough? The police aren't going to do their jobs, I guess someone else will have to.

Save me your moral bullshit, that didn't stop communists from doing half the shit they pulled tonight and in the past. You have to be willing to be more rutheless than your enemy.

civic nationalism: the webm





This, where's the line? When do we start our own protests and shoot the fuckers if they try to get violent. There has to be a stuck, true, solid line that can never be crossed or we do something. Until that line is drawn they're right and we're impotent cucks.


It's always in California or Chicago or some other liberal shithole. I dare those fuckers to try something like this in Texas.

how does it feel to be on the losing side of history, Sup Forums?

Both faggots can't fight for shit,

>Physically assaulting women is now considered progressive

these are confusing times to live in

If you come to the south, you might get away with your pointless protests in places like Atlanta, Knoxville and Miami, but you won't make it too far in some smaller cities. Trust me they won't take your crybaby shit for long

Beating up women is ALPHA!




Find an attorney and sue. Easy

The fuck? Would've thought they'd have been the highest in the South

We told you the lefties were nuts.

We aren't so crazy now huh?

It's probably because Texas has such a large population, so the percentage of gun owners is lower.

If you're going to an event like this and you know Antifa will be there, bring a gun.

You have the right to defend yourselves. These people will kill you before the police arrive and there's little chance they will get caught and face punishment.

If you don't own a gun, buy some powerful pepper spray and a tazer.

You have the right to defend yourself. The police can't help you.

Arm up!!

G-d damn this is scary. The white race is so fucking cucked. Disappointing to be honest, what happened to conservatives beating the shit out of liberals?

You don't have to do anything. Just being white and existing in a place that blacks perceive as 'theirs' is enough.

.45acp knocks niggers out cold everytime.

> 20 people can't even KO a girl

even Kek is laughing with your post

>What's the context here?

>y-you w-wouldn't try it in the south

Why should we? We take over your cities and you will beg for money.

You know how the economy works, right?

Nice bait larper

> Sup Forums is in the White House (Bannon)
> antifas suckerpunching little girls
> antifas think they are winning

Hilarious if you weren't so mentally impaired

someone want to send backup if shit hits the fan?

An armed group in texas protested a mosqu, the clockbiy mosque to be precise. Armed niggers showed up and started a fight, police made the white group leave, were attacked by the niggers, then the fbi busted the group because some liberal got wind of it and infiltrated, made a number of false recordings and released them to the (((((media))))).


I guarantee you all of the retarded liberals in East Baton Rouge are responsible for being under 50% because pretty much every other person I know owns a gun.

At least the flag checks out.

>nothing will happen

Literally nationalism in the USA, eu collapsing and populism rolling across Europe

> nothing is happening

Top kek

>majority of US gun owners are Republicans

Really makes one to ponder

>Civil Nationalism

Not b8. It just seems that there's a lot more betas on the right wing spectrum now. Back in Nixon days you hard the "Hard hats" and they went to liberal rallies just to beat the shit out of them.

lemme bust in that cute little penetrable cracker booty hoe

>You know how the economy works, right?
do you? commie antifa faggots aren't the ones generating GDP retard

stop larping

>I live in an all white area the post

Mexicans and felons cant own guns.

>thugs running around burning down their own towns


>our guys literally control every level of the United States government

You lost

Too goddamned bad, we're either going to have to risk jobs and livelihood or let them win. Not just yet but we cant fucking let them escalate any further.

Whenever you antifags are ready

I wish a antifaggot would

>"if if if if y-you k-keep going we w-will retalitate

Well we took over control of the entire branch of the American government, so yeah, we did.

>police did nothing
>police retreated and let the protesters do whatever they want

lol yeah WE lost

We need to start shooting these commie faggots.

Are they hitting her based on the color of her skin?

It's crazy that someone would do that!

What rank are you in call of duty?

The fuck are you talking about. The military will be on our side, you cuck.

Poland is nazi-russias backyard. You will be no match anyway, cuck.

I'm in Texas, so no we wouldn't have to rely on anyone outside of here to keep the economy afloat because if Texas were it's own country it'd be the 14th ranked economy in the world. Pussy liberals only do shit like this in places like California, because if they did it in a red state they'd get blown the fuck out.

True alphas have no inclination to prove anything to anybody.

It's actually the betas that's always looking to pipe up or start a fight.

Same reason why manlets always want to fight.

There was also the stone mountain protest where the whites were forced away by police. Police again were attacked by niggers. Whats it matter to them? They can boss around white people and get payed for their injuries by the rioting apes, everytime.

>m-muh gun in a fist fight

Have fun taking black cock in jail Cletus.

Right next door in PA with thousands of rounds to donate to Kek

Stop larping

What if I just wanna beat up antifags for shits and giggles and contradict the situation right now?


>The military will be on our side, you cuck.
You commies are really delusional.

>Past surveys have shown senior military officers to generally be conservative and identify with the Republican Party, a trend which has solidified with the advent and professionalism of the all-volunteer force,” Urben wrote in her 2010 dissertation.

>Senior military officers who described themselves as liberal fell from 16% in 1976 to 3% in 1996

>What rank are you in call of duty?

Assraper extraordinaire.


They break our bones, we broke their grand idea.
And they said Sup Forums was easy to bait.

Do you get a rise out of a women being assaulted. You are the literal definition of a Degenerate and disgrace here on Pol we laugh at a lot of things but not an upstanding women being assaulted you filth.

9mm works good too.

Meanwhile American cops are to fat, stupid and lazy to even talk harshly about antifa
Fuck man.

Hmmm, antifa attacking a woman, nothing surprising about that. About as strong as their ideology.


again, the retarded faggots in the streets are NOT the ones generating the GDP

congrats on residing in the same state i guess?

More like the cities will starve after being blockaded by right-wing cops and veterans; as well as right-wing truckers who stop delivering to leftist cities, and right-wing farmers who divert all their crops to the right-wing faction instead. Most leftists are Tumblr whales with no guns, and the urbanite niggers would eventually see you as just another "whitey" target once the starvation and lack of electricity gets them all uppity. You'd be trapped in a hell hole with rampaging niggers, and anybody who attempts to escape would get sniped by Jimbo, or end-up locked in his tool shed as a living rape doll.

Pic related, what would actually happen in a new US civil war, according to ex-CIA.

I mean, you could, and it would feel amazing.

But in the grand scheme of things, that's a regressive move.

Daily reminder that all Antifa are SHOOT ON SIGHT

A hahahaha no it won't fuckface


We start infiltrating you with hidden cameras and also report a few more of your shitty art spaces, that really fucked you off last time.

That's the type of shit you keep saved on your computer? must be a sad life, gay boy

Antifa is a hypocritical (((organization))) they claim to be against facism while using violence to silence opposing viewpoints. I thoroughly enjoy when these faggots get BTFO'd

I would rather die by the cops and take as many out as I can before they drone bomb me.

Unlike french candians I will not surrender. Just not in my blood.

>"Do you get a rise out of a women being assaulted?"

Ummm look at his flag.