Hey Sup Forums, black guy here

I know you cunts love calling us low IQ niggers all day, but guess what fucker? We're your best ally. Listen up.

In the upcoming and inevitable American civil war between the Leftist Neocon and the Right wing patriots for Western civilization, all white males are going to be treated with automatic suspicion because Leftists hate and distrust white males.

This is where us Black, and indeed, non-white people come into play.

Leftists tend to have such a low opinion on Black and Brown people, that they automatically assume we will all join their side.

This is the part where I pretend to be a Leftist and infiltrate. I will wait until I have a weapon, and the PERFECT moment to strike.

When I get the perfect moment, I will kill as many Leftists as humanly possible before I die a glorious death defending the lands of the free


How about you treat us with some respect for a change, huh?

Left doesn't trust white people
Right doesn't trust niggers and shitskins

Nah, we'll kill your lot off along with them.

suck a bag of dicks nigger.

Also, it won't even be a war. The left are a bunch of snowflakes who don't know what to do with guns.

What? Why can't we just kill ALL the lefties though? Why do we need help?

I think there are more guns on my block than in the entire city of SF.

If you don't remember your people were calling for our genocide not three months ago, now you want to be friends? Yeah no thanks nigger.

"need" a nigger. lolwatdufuck

>t. white guy

go to bed nigel

We'll use you until you're no longer useful, then you get the rope like the rest


No thanks nigger.

How do we know we can trust you?

Also, if you were really our agent, you would be more valuable to us by keeping your cover and feeding us information.

Then we could ambush the enemy when we know they will be moving their troops.


Pick one, subhuman, you are a blight on the face of this beautiful earth.

You do realize Pol is mostly brown people

>and indeed, non-white people come into play.
Honerary aryan spic here. FUCK NIGGERS! I fight with the whites.

Niggers, slanties, terrorists, spics, and cumskins. United we fight the liberal monster who wants to divide and conquor. I see the kike puppet master strings attached on you. I am woke and my vision pure as Adolf Hitler.

You will not fool us.

Honestly, why wait? Outwardly signal your support. Associating black skin with low IQ / cognitive deficiency is over generalization, more of an initial hurdle towards trust. I'd be happy to fight beside you to protect our rights as US Citizens. #MAGA

*smacks lips*

Didn't read.

See ya, chimp.



I'm on your side based black guy

you might just be alright, nigger, you might just be

Don't kill them, became extremely outspoken, like Milo Yiannopoulos

Non straight, non-white males are the only ones allowed to speak up and be taken seriously, due to, ironically, bigotry and prejudice