You know, Comfort woman war criminal is the Holocaust of Asia done by japs to Korean people

You know, Comfort woman war criminal is the Holocaust of Asia done by japs to Korean people.
It's Most saddest and gross war criminals.
eight hundred thousand Korean ladys are massacred after raped by Jap army. Jap army used them as a sex slave and massacred them all.
This is worse than Holocaust.
jap Osaka mayor of touru hashimoto is a nazis.
He deny the jap war criminal comfort woman sex slave and say this.
There is no evidence that people called comfort women were taken away by force or threat by the Japanese military. If three is such evidence, South Korea should provide it.
What a evil jap monkey. Pls check this page.

Jap must compensate and pay money to each victims and family of jap war criminal. As soon as possible. Why jap never compensate to each of victim of war crime comfort woman sex slave.
rape of Nanking,massacre by unit731 and rape of comfort woman jap army kidnaped more than thousand milion of Korean lady and used them as a sex slave until they die.
how many asian girls were killed and raped by jap army? and they never face this clear reality. japs are world most evil race why not god punish and destroy jap.

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How was the flight from Seoul? Enjoying your stay in Japan?


You asians sure know how to go full Mengele when it comes to war.

And I will never forgive China for eating dogs.

I'm pure Japanese who hate jap war criminal and hate netuyo so much.
Japan your worse than Hitler and the Nazis.war crimes are not just limited to massacre. Special units of the Japanese military carried out experiments on Chinese POWs and civilians in the early 1940s. The Unit 731 led by Shirō Ishii subjected these Chinese people to experiments of amputations, vivisection and biological weapon testing. Chinese prisoners were let to freeze outside with their arms exposed and occasionally soaked in water to freeze to a solid state. The arms were amputated while the doctors repeated the procedures on the upper part of the arm connecting to the shoulder and later removed the legs finally leaving a chest and the head, which caused 3000 deaths. The Imperial Japanese Army collectively killed 580,000 people.What I want is just japs to apologies all over the Asia what Japanese did and accept the own crime of raping Korean woman and massacre which done by jap army in whole Asia. and just applogise from the heart. this is the first step of establish a true relationship of asia. without it, offcouse whole asia would blame jap untill jap accept it. even jap applogised its war crime its not the meaning jap would be forgiven. never.
but a first step. just jap must accept own war crime and educate it in school forever and apologise from the heart.
And pay money to each victims of jap war criminal.
its what jap needed to do right now.

When jap did a comfort woman war criminal at ww2.
When comfort woman against to have rape by ugly jap army
They cut off the head of comfort woman and made a human head soup and let other comfort woman to force to drink it as a penalties
This is recorded as a official document.
Are you even a human? Why japs are such a barbarian??
This is well known true story
World people must know what is the barbarian jap was doing to innocent Korean comfort woman

They were simple prostitutes, proxyfag. Every army had them since Sumerians. Japanese government has already paid for them.

I am fighting against jap nationalist who make a evil propaganda and never face the reality.
Jap nationalist is like a robot who has no even human heart to care about others such as victim of Japanese war criminal who suffering the feeling even now...
Japan should apologies from the heart and take care them until they can forget the horrible night that jap army raped them until die.... As a comfort woman.
Comfort woman has even human rights to live without suffering the memory that was raped by jap ugly monkey army. Japan must support them. This is a true human heart and apologize from the heart who attacked someone else victims. Even now they destroy the feeling of victim.
Abe the nationalist monkey Japanese.
This is what we call a second rape and second war criminal by japs to asia

i don't what to say, thank you for being honest
it's not your shame to carry but all of humanity's

Weeb like you is a worse than nazis war criminal warshiper.
Read this. And ask your heart.
I never forgive you though. Lier weeb.

Ok i read it. What happened about the thing with Choi Tae-min.

Yes. Japs are worse than nazis.
I really feel sorry for Germany,
Because even though japs are more evil than nazis, jap never accept the reality how jap rape and massacred comfort woman. And jap never compensate and apologies as like Germany did.
Jap attitude is disrespect for Germany as well.
That's why I hate jap monkey who never face the own sin of war criminal.

History is written by the winners...

Shut the fuck up Japan

heres my cash, thanks for the porno and snacks.

fuck off now

>Japs are worse than nazis.
You think this is some kind of revelation? But just like germany, what happened happened. Germany is cucked beyond belief cause they still feel so sorry for the holohoax. Just like dutch politicians that want to pay Indonesia money as a sorry. They dont even want the money. They just wanna move on.

>You know, Comfort woman war criminal is the Holocaust of Asia done by japs to Korean people.

I Agree.

I wish the holocaust happened

Japs are off couse worse. Japs did Invading other country, rape and massacred innocent Korean woman .jap raped eve 8years old girl as a sex slave comfort woman

I kinda respect the rabid animal like sociopathic tendencies of Chinese Japanese and Koreans.

clearly it worked int he past and has been apart of their genetics with the trauma has been passed down genetically through each generation

Why haven't the countries who's women were massacred done more to get recognition?
sometimes I spread info on U731 but don't want to bring back pain for the victims who were raped out of respect.

Comfort woman was massacred as well.
Why you don't know that. eight hundred thousand Korean ladys are massacred after raped by Jap army.

It's your culture bro. I don't judge

Fuck off netuyo.know your shame jap monkey

fullforce proxyfags

>refers to himself as jap in first person

>thiks we dont know whos really writing the (((GUILT PROPAGANDA)))


>You know, Comfort woman war criminal is the Holocaust of Asia done by japs to Korean people.

both are such terrible lies

Choose one.

Nice map

I know that, I just don't want to lose my shit thinking about it
they got nuked twice for it
what can I do about people who will just make fun of the massacre if I start posting their bodies.

>You know, Comfort woman war criminal is the Holocaust of Asia done by japs to Korean people.
Except that it actually happened and that you never apologized for it.

I believe they moved jews to camps to get rid of them but I do not believe in the systematic killing of them.

Shut up faggot. Japan publically denies this crap even on NHK.

Jap monkey must say thank you so much to Korea you know why???
Before sexy kpop Korean culture wave hit the whole world(mean to say Kpop waves)
Before that whole Asia was seen as a most ugly savegical people as well as the same level of ugly Japanese.
But Kpop wave totally changed view of Asia for the world
Now Asian is seen as beauty people by the effort and Kpop wave of Korea beautiful people!!
Before that Asia was seen as ugly as jap monkey and everyone kidding Asian as a ugly jap face.
But now Asia is seen as a most beautiful people as like a Korean beauy Kpop stars.
This is clearly a effort of beauty South Koreans and Kpop culture revolution!
Now it's a time for japs to say thank you for Korea about this and accept The fact Japs are so ugly race compere Korea


Die in hell fire netuyo
Why japan are so lier monkey? Jap are nazis add isis

It's only in one area though.Its illegal for animal cruelty anywhere else in China


fwiw, i hope trump and abe can make many great deals together

Lies, you're either using a proxy or are an expat pretending to be one.

True. Do you think german holocaust was bad?

Fucking japs are evil!

During World War II as many as thousand million women, commonly called comfort women, were forced into prostitution, brutally beaten and raped, and held prisoner throughout Asia under the direct control of the Japanese military. Comfort stations, or state-sanctioned, supported and operated brothels, existed in Japan, the Philippines, China, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Thailand, and elsewhere. By the early years of World War II, there were comfort stations and comfort women nearly everywhere there were Japanese troops, from major military posts to the battlefield. The comfort women confined and forced to work in these brothels came from Korea, Japan, Indonesia, China, the Philippines and the Netherlands.

The stories of the comfort women remained untold in much of the world through most of the 20th century, until the 1980 and 1990s when, with great courage, these now elderly Korean women began speaking out about their experiences during the war. Most had spent their lives keeping their experiences secret, sometimes even from their own families. Once a few came forward, many more were willing to share their own experiences, sometimes anonymously. The former comfort women from Asia and elsewhere shared their stories with the world, leading to a new recognition of their plight from the international community.

Oh hi there burger welfare queen in okinawa

>1 billion women were raped
This is impossible,unless Japan raped the whole of Asia

Why does the middle pic look like a shoop?

Nice essey english teacher desu.

Daily reminder that Koreans used to eat their own shit before they were colonized.

I guess old habits die hard. LOL

they did with their shit anime

Whos up for some tight Korean pussy?

Koreans and Chinese aren't Merchants.

Japan doesn't need to apologise because Korea and China don't control Japanese politics.

It's an absolutely terrible thing, but it honestly may be good for the Chinese and Korean people to not celebrate victimhood. One of the advantages China has is that they're mad as hell because the rest of the world has humiliated them for the past 200 years.

It happened 70 years ago. Let it go. As a Korean, I'm really annoyed this keeps going in circles. War is war. There will always be civilian casualties.



1 全ての戦争犯罪を認め、心から謝罪し、二度と韓国を侵略しないと、反省し、その姿勢を常に保て。
戦犯旗と日の丸は全国民の前で八つ裂きにし、二度と使うな。 日帝戦犯歌である君が代も同様である。国歌と国旗を変更しろ。戦争犯罪の記憶を呼び起こすような戦犯旗”日の丸”と戦犯歌”君が代”を二度と使う事を許可しない。

2 古代の日本がいかに朝鮮半島の優れた文化の丸写しであるか、いかに何も自分で発明できない知恵遅れ民族であるか、歴史を認識して、兄の国である朝鮮半島を敬え。古代日本は古代朝鮮半島の植民地でしかないと言える事実を認識しろ。

3 弟国日本は、兄の国韓国から奪った文化財や金塊類は全て返却しろ。


世界常識では日本は戦犯国家、戦犯旗はナチス以下。東海は日本海では無い。独島は韓国領。それが現実。 ネトウヨは世界を知れ。世界常識はこうだ。

Herro Chink-American Marine.

Comfort woman was massacred as well.
eight hundred thousand Korean ladys are massacred after raped by Jap army.

nice pasta, proxy fag

it was 70 years ago nip let it go

you dont want to be like niggers that complain
about slavery 200 years after it happened

unit 731
Unit 731 was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War of World War II. Wikipedia


I remember the real Japan from my timeline. Ruthless killers one and all. I remember. Undefeated. Destroyers of China. I prognosicize they will become emergent again.
